The Voice of the Blood
From the beginning blood has been regarded by God as a most precious thing. In Genesis we read where God spoke to Cain, “The voice of thy brother’s blood crieth unto me from the ground” (4:10). Note these three things from this first mention about blood.
  • Blood has a voice.


Fasting propels your spirit into the glory zone  much like the rocket boosters and the enormous powers that propel a space shuttle into orbit. Once in that realm you tend to hear God better, the power and presence of God increases upon you, and your faith deepens if you are spending that time in prayer, praise, and the word. Your spirit is totally focused on the spirit realm, and the distractions tend to lose their grip. That is why Jesus, the Apostles, Moses, Elijah, and most of the patriarchs had a life of fasting and prayer with such Phenomenal  results that they shook nations and saw impossibilities became possible realities........ I strongly recommend  MAHESH CHAVDA'S book, " the hidden power of prayer and fasting" it will take you deeper in this subject! HALLELUJAH !!


Another special edition of our INTERDINOMINATIONAL night of Grace is here again. Friday 12/4/19 by 9pm @ GOD'S CITY Rukuba Road after Trailer garage before jenny fuel station.
Be our guest please

HAPPY NEW MONTH. Welcome to April

                               Welcome to April.
April is the fourth month of the year in our modern day Gregorian calendar.

Naming April - Aphrodite’s Month
April is the fourth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar and its predecessor, the Julian calendar.  Its name is derived from the latin word aperit, which means to open. It is considered that April is the month of the growing season and when trees and flowers begin to “open”. It is also believed that the month’s name is named after the Greek goddess, Aphrodite (Aphros).

Old English - April or Aprilis
Latin name - Aprilis or Aperit - to open
Greek - Aphro - short for Aphrodite
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History of April
April was originally the second month of the year in early versions of the Roman calendar and consisted of 30 days. It became the fourth month consisting of only 29 days when January was designated the first month of the year around 450 BCE. The month became 30 days long again when Julius Caesar reformed the calendar.

Fourth Month
April is the fourth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar and consists of 30 days. It is commonly associated with the season of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and fall (autumn) in the Southern hemisphere.

April starts on the same day of the week as July and ends on the same day of the week as December in common years. During leap years, April starts on the same day of the week as January.

Birth Flower and Stone
April’s birth flower is the daisy and sweet pea.

The birthstone for April is the diamond which symbolizes innocence.