The top ten consequences of Prayerless Churches and Prayer-less Christians.
So what are the consequences of prayerless churches?  Consider these:
1. No power to convert souls.
2. Little joy in our churches and in our lives. We are not happy in God.
3. No outpourings of the Holy Spirit.
4. Little favor with those on the outside of the church
5. No experience of brokenness, repentance and humility in the life of the church.
6. No revival.
7. No burden to win souls.
8. Sterile spirits, griping and complaining at home and in the church—no contentment in God.
9. Reliance on the flesh in ministry, with a prideful focus on human accomplishments.
10. Little evidence of brokenhearted, willing service.
In my view, a fresh encounter with the presence of the living God is a cure for what ails us. I began to meet with God deeply and regularly over twenty five years ago and I know the difference it can make in the life of the Christian. It has been my joy to convince many others of our desperate need of God, of His presence in the dimensions of the prayer life, and I have seen their lives changed. From pride to brokenness. From sterility to joy and life. From self-centeredness and fear to the burden of God and the love of souls. And so on.
If you have ruled out a committed life of prayer and excluded prayer meetings from your normal routine, will you rethink that? Will you ask God how He wants you to live? Will you be willing to try again?
Prayer is not an option, prayer is necessary for survival.
Reuben A. Torrey, one-time President of Moody Bible Institute, had this to say in his little book, “The Power of Prayer,” “We do not live in a praying age. We live in an age of hustle and bustle, of man’s efforts and man’s determination, of man’s confidence in himself and in his own power to achieve things, an age of human organization and human machinery, and human push, and human scheming, and human achievement; which in the things of God means no real achievement at all…. What we need is not so much some new organization, some new wheel but the Spirit of the living creature in the wheels we already possess.”.
So what are the consequences of prayerless churches?  Consider these:
1. No power to convert souls.
2. Little joy in our churches and in our lives. We are not happy in God.
3. No outpourings of the Holy Spirit.
4. Little favor with those on the outside of the church
5. No experience of brokenness, repentance and humility in the life of the church.
6. No revival.
7. No burden to win souls.
8. Sterile spirits, griping and complaining at home and in the church—no contentment in God.
9. Reliance on the flesh in ministry, with a prideful focus on human accomplishments.
10. Little evidence of brokenhearted, willing service.
In my view, a fresh encounter with the presence of the living God is a cure for what ails us. I began to meet with God deeply and regularly over twenty five years ago and I know the difference it can make in the life of the Christian. It has been my joy to convince many others of our desperate need of God, of His presence in the dimensions of the prayer life, and I have seen their lives changed. From pride to brokenness. From sterility to joy and life. From self-centeredness and fear to the burden of God and the love of souls. And so on.
If you have ruled out a committed life of prayer and excluded prayer meetings from your normal routine, will you rethink that? Will you ask God how He wants you to live? Will you be willing to try again?
Prayer is not an option, prayer is necessary for survival.
Reuben A. Torrey, one-time President of Moody Bible Institute, had this to say in his little book, “The Power of Prayer,” “We do not live in a praying age. We live in an age of hustle and bustle, of man’s efforts and man’s determination, of man’s confidence in himself and in his own power to achieve things, an age of human organization and human machinery, and human push, and human scheming, and human achievement; which in the things of God means no real achievement at all…. What we need is not so much some new organization, some new wheel but the Spirit of the living creature in the wheels we already possess.”

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