In the midst of excruciating pain, Jesus of Nazareth willingly hung to wooden posts. Below Him, onlookers mocked, while others wept. What a gruesome sight it must have been for those faithful few as they watched the Messiah ("anointed king") die.

We can't presume to truly understand what went through Christ's mind as he hung dying. His spoken words as recorded in the Bible do, however, give believers a glimpse.

Let This Pass from Me

Jesus' conversation with God while praying in the Garden in Gethsemane shows His reluctance, and strength as He does the will of the Father.

"Abba, Father," he cried out, "everything is possible for you. Please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine." Mark 14:36 (NLT)

In complete obedience, Jesus committed himself to suffering. As rusty nails held Jesus' warped body to the Cross between two criminals, the Son of God cried out.

Jesus prayed, "Father, forgive them; they don't know what they're doing." Luke 23:34 (The Message)

The Father Turned His Face Away

Jesus' greatest pain was not physical. He did not scream in agony thinking only of His pain in the natural. The Son of God took on the sins of every human being present and future, yours and mine included. The darkness of that sin blocked grace, even God, His Father, couldn't look at Him.

He personally carried our sins in his body on the Cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. I Peter 2:24a (NLT)

Before His death, Jesus faced the sins of us all, even the murderers, adulterers, thieves, liars, religious hypocrites and unbelievers. He felt the weight of the brutality during the Crusades and the atrocities Hitler committed against God's Chosen People. On the Cross, He saw the pain in the Sudan caused by ruthless fighters and the mercilousness human traffickers inflict on their slaves. He also saw the child being beaten by his intoxicated father, the young girl cutting herself and the teen bullied into wanting to end his life. He saw the depth of our evil, was filled with compassion and held His arms wide open allowing His body to be broken.

In that moment, Jesus became the atonement for mankind. No longer do we have to work for grace or forgiveness or spiritual fulfillment. Through Jesus' death and resurrection, life is given freely to us. He hung on the Cross with unmentionable sins and rose again blameless.

The Good News

Jesus' death was temporary. Three days after his burial.. He came back to life hallelujah!

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