And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full. And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish? And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith? And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another, What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him (Mark 4:37-41)?

What manner of man is this? At that time there had been no Crucifixion, no Resurrection, no concrete victory over sin. Seeing Jesus in action only at times, the disciples were unaware of being bound by a lack of faith. When Jesus calmed the storm with such a great display of His mighty power, they were shocked. It seemed unreal. In their wildest dreams they had never imagined what they were about to see. In fact, Jesus was so calm in the face of disaster that they asked, Master, carest thou not that we perish? This should teach you something. Just because the Lord is quiet, just because He does not always make Himself known, it does not mean He is not on board your ship or that He does not care. He is there, and He does care. He is ready to help you do that which you cannot do for yourself—but He waits for your call.

The storms of life can be just as ferocious for you in this final hour as they were for the disciples. Like the disciples, you need help. Make sure Jesus is on board your ship; make sure you really believe in Him and what He has said. Every word He speaks contains all might, all strength, all courage, all power to defeat whatever adversity that may come against you daily.

Jesus, the One foretold by the prophets, the One holy men of old longed to see, came into bondage that we might be delivered from bondage, that the captives might be set free.

Many do not realize they are bound. They, like the disciples on the stormy sea, fail to consider that lack of faith is a bondage. Recognize your bondage and know that through the promises of God you have liberation. No power can defeat you when you claim His promises. Jesus has only to say, “Peace, be still,” and deliverance comes. Again and again, the Lord has brought those words to me: Peace, peace be still. All safety, all deliverance is in those words. Peace, be still.

Great conflicts in the mind can rage as the devil battles against what God has promised, what He has said He would do; but Jesus said, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you (Matthew 7:7). When you seek, ask and knock for faith in His words, “Peace, be still,” He is always there to help you.

Peace is the undisturbed state of mind that we need for the Word of God to take over and bring mighty results. Peace is an absence of mental conflict.

To be calm is to have harmony within, quietness, tranquility, freedom from petty disagreements and quarrels. When you allow Jesus to speak those words of peace and calm to you, you are in harmony with Him and the peace of God, in one mind and one accord with Jesus.

On the Day of Pentecost, all in the Upper Room were in one mind and one accord. They had come into that place that the Master could at any time speak the words, “Peace, be still.” No longer did they fear the storms of life, the prisons, the whipping post, the Roman lash. Jesus had conquered death. What was left to fear? Jesus triumphed with peace, be still. Now it’s ringing in their hearts: Peace, be still! That victorious voice of the Lord sounded in their minds, in their spirits; and they found great strength, great courage. No power could stop them now; no power could defeat them. It was victory in Jesus. We sing “Victory in Jesus,” but all too often we don’t act it out because we don’t really accept it in our hearts.

Do You Put Yourself in Bondage?

Some of your bondages have been of your own creation, your own doing, your own thinking. Are you causing the storm yourself? Is the storm in your imagination? Do you imagine people do not like you, that God doesn’t really care for you as much as He cares for others? Do you really count yourself in with God? Insecurity can cause raging storms. Whenever you look to man for acceptance and approval rather than God, you will be insecure. Let God control you so that the love of God can flow out through your spirit until you are secure in Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God. If you are not secure in Him, you will have no real security in this final hour, saith the Lord. Find your place in Jesus Christ, for your insecurities of the past must be melted away through the pure love of God.

Are you your own trouble, your own despair, your own doubt and fear? Are you your own frustration? I see self-bondage so many times, and I want to cry to the person, “You are your own destruction! You are your own despair, your own doubt, your own fear, your own disobedience! You are your own trouble! The devil has convinced you that you cannot be free.” The indulged whine of self always drowns out the “Peace, be still” of Jesus.

The enemy is lying to you who are in mind bondage, telling you that you cannot think straight, that it is impossible to be all God wants you to be. You trust things you should not; you doubt that which you should be trusting—and you feel you cannot change. That’s what the devil wants—bondage, bondage, bondage. Mind bondage is a terrible thing. You can think yourself into bondage and then decide trying to come out of it is useless. In your heart you believe that the Scriptures are not really for you, that God’s promises will never work in your life; and you’re cast down instead of being elevated into the greatness of God. Your own tongue, your own mind can put you into bondage; but that same tongue, that same mind can be used to liberate you and to keep you liberated when you reach out for Peace Be Still.

What kind of mind do you have; what do you think about? The Bible tells us that as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind (I Peter 4:1). Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus (Philippians 2:5). But we have the mind of Christ (I Corinthians 2:16). The Lord has made it possible for His children to have the mind of Jesus, but using the mind of Jesus is a part-time thing for many.

You will never find peace with others until you have peace on the inside. You will never have that mind you need until you take on the mind of Jesus. The self-mind that puffs up, that always pouts and feels hurt about something is caught up in a destructive bondage. Have you ever used hurt feelings to punish or manipulate another? You don’t really want to let go of those hurt feelings because they can be such a handy tool to control someone. Of course, if that someone doesn’t want to play the game, you can always try anger. It’s bondage all the way, destructive to yourself and to others.

In this final hour we must stand like soldiers to be counted for the Kingdom of God. That means we must be delivered from the bondages of self.

Do you sink into self and then reach out for that same old mind that operated when you were in bondage? The mind of self goes into depression, despair, resentment, envy, insecurity. When you operate in self, you may feel as though people are against you, that they are talking about you, planning to exclude you. Everything bothers you, everything causes stress, pressure. Self does not want the Word of God to free your mind nor to allow Jesus to exchange your burden for His. The love of God is blocked from you because self has taken over your thinking. You want vengeance for every slight, real or imagined. The devil loves it.

Deny Self

Self seeks to be in charge instead of God. Come out of self; bury self. Some of you have buried self many times, but then you insisted on resurrecting him. You fell back into your old self-patterns of fussing and fighting with others. Self needs to be buried with no resurrection possible.

Jesus said, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me (Luke 9:23). Now is the time to take up your cross; now is the time to deny self. Some feel that denying self and taking up a cross is unreasonable, but we must do it in this final hour. Grow up in the Lord.

Think like the Lord thinks. How can you do that? By fixing your mind on the promises of God and thinking through them. Use His promises as you accept the anointing of God’s power daily. You must have all of God. It’s time to take on all His strength, all His calm. You need to hear Him say, “Peace, be still,” but you will never hear those words unless you are ready to accept them.

The disciples struggled with self until they finally realized they couldn’t handle the storm themselves. Then they turned to Jesus. Bring your burdens to me, Jesus cried. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light (Matthew 11:29,30). Yes, the yoke of Jesus is light; but the yoke of sin, the yoke of bondage is terrible.

God’s Ways Are Not Man’s Ways

Some people easily doubt God because they don’t really know Him. God is not a man; He does not think like a man. Unless you really yield to His Word and learn about Him, you tend to expect God to behave the way man behaves. God tells you about Himself in His Book.

Learn to know God in His great work—God who waited over one hundred years for a family to build an ark. Become aware of the patience and love of God. Learn to know a God who told Abraham to offer his son as a burnt sacrifice on Mount Moriah, a God who said, “Moses, here is a rod; take it and stand before Pharaoh, and you will see miracles.” When God was ready, He separated the waters of the Red Sea; and people walked through on dry ground. He didn’t build bridges; He didn’t provide ships. He performed a miracle.

No, God is not a man. Who would send birds to feed a human being the way God sent ravens to feed Elijah? Who would do such a thing? My God would. Who would send a man to the River Jordan to dip seven times to be cured of his leprosy? My God would do it. He has the ability; He has the power, and He can move any way He wants to perform miracles.

You cannot judge God by the strength of man; you cannot judge God by the wisdom of man, and you must not doubt God with the spirit of man. Trust Him with His Spirit which He freely gives to all who call on the name of His Son.

Will a man judge God? Will a man doubt his Maker? The God who sent a man into a den of lions—but who also sent an angel to protect him—is not a man. He is Lord God Almighty. You can trust Him; you can depend upon Him; but you must know your Lord and the power of His resurrection so that you will recognize when He is working, when He is on board your ship—even though it may seem to you that He is asleep. When you really need Him and call upon Him, He will be there saying, “Peace, be still”; and your bondage will be conquered through Him.

We cannot break the bondages of life in our own strength; but through Him there is power, strength to conquer. Through the sacrifice of Jesus on the Old Rugged Cross, provision for our deliverance from sin was made. No power can defeat this power—and we have it, we have it! It is available to all. He lives and dwells on the inside of His obedient ones; the great I-Am is ours to do battle, to love us, to care for us, to lead us into the secret place of the Most High.

The Peace of the Antichrist Will Destroy Many

Man is limited, but not God. The only limitation on God is man’s free will. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth when God takes things out of the hands of man and no longer includes man’s will! God will do it His way. God will bring judgment and destruction to planet Earth.

The Antichrist by peace shall destroy many (Daniel 8:25). In I Thessalonians 5:3 we read, For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. The Antichrist will present himself as a man of peace, but it will be a false peace. Jesus was the One who brought real peace to break our bondages, peace so powerful that no devil could stand before it.

Many of us do not really know the peace of the Lord nor the strength of that peace. We don’t comprehend the calm in it, the tranquility. We put everything into His hands that we can’t handle, but we have trouble keeping it there; and so His peace can only flow to us at times. Obedience, obedience…to obey brings Him who cries, “Peace, be still!” the One to do battle for you, the One to rescue you. Disobedience brings the storm.

The Hour of Fiery Trials

In this hour, this hour of perilous times, the battles of the mind will be severe, extreme for God’s people. We have arrived at a great battlefield, and the powers of hell are coming against all the children of God in this final hour. It may seem to you that you are in some strange, different world. All hell is boiling over; more demons than ever before have been sent to planet Earth. This war, this conflict of the final hour of the Gentiles is great indeed. The devil knows the hour we live in, that he does not have much time left to work; and he is coming against you to bind you in every way he possibly can.

Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you (I Peter 4:12). Fiery trials, trials like fire—hot—characterized by strong emotion are here today. We are fighting against the powers of the devil, and the devil knows he doesn’t have long to work. He is closing in on you, doing everything he can to rob you of the fellowship and the love that is yours from God.

The word “strange” means something not previously known or seen, heard or experienced—unusual, uncommon, unaccustomed. Our trials are unusual. Never have we heard or experienced what we are going through now; it’s a strange hour. The devil will try to use the fiery trials to destroy you; he will try to make you think you cannot overcome, that there is no need to pray, fast, no need to put your trust in God. He wants you to think the promises of God are weak, that they will not work for you, that you cannot be free.

The All-Conquering Christ Is on Board

Oh, Child of God, whatever storm you are in, you must know that Jesus is on board, prepared and ready to calm the waters. He is there for your benefit.

The very power that prevents the devil from taking over Heaven, from destroying the Throne of God, is here on Earth for God’s children to use. Jesus told the Father, “I’ll go down and conquer Lucifer; I’ll show people that I’m on board their ship of life. All they have to do is know that I am there, know me in the power of my Resurrection. I will conquer all—death, hell and the grave. I’ll conquer everything.” Why should you doubt? Why should you be afraid when you know you have the all-conquering Christ on board?

What is that something that binds you? Some of you have never been completely free to claim the liberties that are yours today. The peace of mind has been stolen from many; the calm, the Lord’s calm for the human spirit snatched away. Homes have been robbed of God’s peace and left with a fuss and a war. Families, supposedly Christian, live in waters raging because of their own doing. That family in an uproar, that couple who fuss and cannot live in peace with each other: it’s time to let the Lord say, “Peace, be still,” to the storm raging in that home, peace that eliminates fussing because Jesus lives there.

We must have love in the home. The walls, the floor, everything in the house is to be covered with His love. When Jesus says to the home, “Peace, be still,” the devils are rendered helpless in that moment.

If you’re having trouble in your marriage—no matter who you are—you can have help. Nothing is as terrible as a life about to drown in the raging sea, a life without the knowledge, the know-how to take care of the situation it finds itself in. So many people out in the storm don’t know what to do or which way to turn.

The disciples were disturbed about the material things, about their future. But they heard Jesus tell a certain man, Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head (Luke 9:58). The disciples wanted security. They did not realize Jesus WAS their security, their source of supply. Jesus pointed them to His heavenly Father and let them know that the Lord would look after them. He clothes the flowers so beautifully that Solomon in all his glory was never clothed like the flowers. He feeds the birds; He cares for the animals—why wouldn’t you trust Him with yourself? Why would you fear? Why be afraid that your needs won’t be supplied? Paul said it this way: But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19).

If You Know Jesus, You Will Hear His Cry

Peace, be still! That cry goes forth in many forms. It’s not always in the same exact words, but the calm is there. In so many, many ways, Jesus commands, “Peace, be still.” He asked, “Wilt thou be made whole?” He said, “Lazarus, come forth!” Yes, Jesus brought a calm, a tranquility. Peace, peace, be still.

If a man die, shall he live again? Peace Be Still brought the answer: I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live (John 11:25). The answers were right in front of the disciples, but what would they do with them? They had to learn Him, to really know Him. In this final hour, the ones who really know Jesus will hear His cry, “Peace, be still!”

The storm will rage, the lightning flash, the thunder roar all around your little craft; it will be tossed in every direction. If fear is your companion, you won’t have the calm, the serenity, the tranquility that comes with His peace.

You who didn’t learn who was really on board your ship built your own hedge around you. Job had a hedge, but it was of God’s making. All too many people, however, build their own hedge; they feel they must have this hedge exactly the way they want. Self is in charge all the way. But if you want the One who said, “Peace, be still,” to be your daily companion, to walk with you, to never leave nor forsake you, to always be with you, then you will have to change. Let Him tear down your hedge and replace it with His hedge of saving blood that spilled down for you on the cross at Calvary. Know the power in the blood of Jesus. When you sing, “There’s power, power, wonder-working power in the blood of the Lamb,” accept and believe those words to be true. Just speak His name and miracles are done—if you speak in faith believing. Peace, be still!

Jesus Brought Peace for Mind and Body

Your bondage may not only be self but another person or demonic powers; you may be under the control of a destructive influence. Bondage is bondage. Some people are bound with the past, some with the present, others with the future; but God’s power, the truth about God can liberate you. Hear His voice of authority and know that He is the same who stood on that boat so long ago to say, “Peace, be still,” and bondage was broken. Peace Be Still can break your bondage, too.

Jesus brought peace to the body as well as the soul when He was here on Earth. Sicknesses, diseases, the bondages of suffering fled when He said, “Peace, be still.”

With His peace, Jesus set free a woman who had been bent over with arthritis. The storm had been raging in this woman for eighteen years. But all Jesus had to say was, “Peace, be still!” and the storm was over for her. What a storm! If you have ever experienced painful, crippling arthritis in your body, you know what a destructive storm it is. Jesus speaks to cancer victims today, “Peace, be still,” and the cancer spirits are conquered; it’s all done, all over. He speaks to the diabetics, “Peace, be still,” and the terrible raging storm of that disease is over. Peace, be still.

Jesus said, In my name shall they cast out devils (Mark 16:17). That’s Peace Be Still. He calls calm to a tormented life. He brings tranquility to a life disturbed, tortured.

Demented Legion in whose mind raged thousands of devils—a man who cut himself, wore no clothes, a dirty, stinking man who dwelled among the tombs—was tossed by the raging powers of the devil, his life a living hell here on Earth. Like a mad dog he was out of control. In that raging storm came Jesus walking Legion’s waters of life, crying, “Peace, peace, be still!” The devils went out of Legion. “Peace, be still,” and a life changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye. The city’s citizens came out to find him clothed and in his right mind, sitting beside Jesus. Peace, be still.

You who are tormented in your mind, you who are distressed: Hear Him. He is speaking it to you now: Peace, be still. You who are fearful at heart, you who have a disease or affliction working in your body, pounding away to destroy you like a mighty sledgehammer, you who know that sooner or later you will be destroyed: Hear Him…Peace, be still. Some of you have heard the doctor say there is no hope, and now you can’t hear the All-Conquering One saying, “Peace, be still.” Listen, recognize Him, know Him and the power of His resurrection, and you will know the strength of Him. His strength will be yours. You who are weak and bound in your spirit, you who are tempted to do something that is not right, unholy: That raging storm is there, the desire for that which you cannot have. You fight and fight, but you won’t win by yourself. You’ve tried; it can’t be done. Yield that battle now to Peace Be Still.

He who takes the weak and makes them strong, He who takes the crippled and gives them power to walk, He who takes the blind and gives them sight, He who raises the dead is on board. That should mean life to you, that should mean help to you, deliverance.

She Touched the Hem of His Garment

The woman with an issue of blood knew Jesus was on board her ship of life. She had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse. When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment. For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole. And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague…And he said unto her, Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague (Mark 5:26-29,34). 

It was, “Peace, be still,” for the woman. For twelve long years the storm had raged in her body; she had spent all her living trying to find help from man but to no avail. She kept hoping. Then one day she heard someone telling about the Man who said to the storm, “Peace, be still,” the Man who said, “Peace, be still,” to the blind and they received their sight. “If I can just get near enough to touch His garment, my storm will be over,” she thought. That’s what you, too, must decide if Jesus is to calm your storm. Touch Him in faith believing, for He is waiting for your touch.

What is your storm? What makes it? Self, others? What is destroying so much of the power of God that lives in you? What is destroying so much of the help that could be yours? What has taken from you the grace that should adorn and cover the whole you daily? No matter what makes up the storms, no matter how they rage, no matter who you are, that storm can be stilled.

Reach Out to Jesus

“Dear God, come help us today. Help us move over to make room for you to work. You said, The yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing (Isaiah 10:27), and the anointing is your presence.” God’s presence is here; but all too often, it remains unused in the storm. His presence is here; but few recognize the authority, the power or the greatness of it.

Many people will not acknowledge God until everything else has failed. Don’t wait. Turn to Him all of the time. Don’t fail to behold the living Christ holding out His healing hands to you. Paul said, Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before (Philippians 3:13). Fix your eyes on God; reach out for all that He has for you.

Some can only think about vengeance and the hurts of the past. What do unkind words matter? Why should they cause you to sink to pettiness? The Bible tells you to be like Jesus. What manner of person are you? What manner of person ought you to be in conversation, in deeds? Holy living is what God accepts, holy conversation. How many thoughts can your mind carry? How many evil thoughts will you allow to stay there? Thoughts of evil come to everyone’s mind, but do you let them lodge; do you embrace them? Do you hold onto bitterness and grudges, hate and lust? Do you spend time judging others? It’s all very dangerous.

Diseases and sicknesses…Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil (I John 3:8). Again and again Jesus lifted the bondage for those who were crushed beneath that yoke. Jesus freed the captives, opened the prison doors and said, “Come on out! This is the acceptable year of the Lord, the year of freedom, the hour of liberation.” Give the call of freedom throughout the world for all who will recognize Jesus: tell them who is on board.

Never a man spoke like Jesus; never one had power like His, power that even the seas had to obey. Jesus has all power, and all His power He brought to you. He gave you all: it’s available. Reach out and touch the Lord right now. Reach out and proclaim victory; proclaim victory in your spirit, in your body. Proclaim glad tidings, great joy, happiness. Rejoice, rejoice! The storms are raging, but He is on board; the trials are fiery, but He is with you. Look around in the furnace, and you’ll find the Fourth Man, Jesus. He is right there. He has the situation under control as long as He has you under control. But when you are out of control, the situation is out of His hands. And so He waits.

Perhaps you think He is asleep; but why not ask Him for help, why not pull on Him, why not let Him know you’re conscious of the fact that He is there, that He is really with you? Tell Him, “I need you, Jesus! I know you’re aboard. I’m not seeking for you; I have found you! I need you to help me with this weakness, with this despair, with this heartache, this disease.”

Have Mercy on My Soul!

How did you find Him as Savior? How did you find Him as Lord? You took time to seek Him. You fell at His feet and cried, “I’m a sinner. I’m lost!” You wanted Him to look at you just as you were, not at what He could make you into. “I’m a hopeless, lost sinner!” you cried. “Oh, God, have mercy upon my soul. Oh, God, the storm is raging and I’m lost! Soon I’ll be eternally lost; soon I’ll be out of your loving reach, out of reach of even you, Lord. Oh, God, for Christ’s sake help me! I will love you. I will serve you; I will do anything for you.” Then it happened. He said to your storm-tossed life and soul, “Peace, be still.” The calm came; serenity was yours. Such peace came over you that for the moment you felt as though you would never need anything else. Why? Because you had accepted for the moment all of His mercy that was needed to wash away all of your sins, all of His mercy to make you a new creation in Christ Jesus.

Jesus Breaks Every Fetter

Don’t misunderstand Him; seek that close relationship. Why do you think He took so much time to tell you the things you should not do? He knew those things would damage your relationship with Him. If the tongue isn’t deadly it will not put you in bondage, why does the Bible say, If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man’s religion is vain (James 1:26)? Why did the Lord say to us, Be ye holy; for I am holy (I Peter 1:16) if being holy were an impossibility? Why did Jesus tell a man to sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee (John 5:14) if living free from sin is unattainable? Why did Jesus say, But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst (John 4:14) if it were not a necessity to have His water for our life, His living water?

To the spiritually blind, the Bible is a book of bondage; but to those who read it with the understanding and knowledge of God, a book of freedom and liberty. If you feel the Bible is bondage, you are not really liberated in the Lord. Jesus breaks every fetter, and He sets you free through His Word. If you’re pining about the things God’s Word tells you not to do, if the forbidden is paramount in your life, you are not enjoying the freedom of this Book; you are bound. The devil is leading you with a chain of lust, a chain of despair or disobedience. He leads you into slavery, into darkness because he loves darkness. He leads into sickness and death because he loves it.

Only Jesus is life, and that life conquered death for you that you can have eternal life. In Him is life. He said, I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly (John 10:10). Will you let Him give you that abundant life? Will you let Him break your bondages? No matter what the bondage might be, no matter what the trouble, why not place it in His hands?

The All-Out War of This End-Time Hour

Into His presence…and the shackles fall off. Into His presence…and the bondages go. We’re battling for our very existence, our very lives in this our final hour. It is the worst time that I’ve ever seen since I received the gift of discerning of spirits. When I first received that gift, all hell boiled over; I had never witnessed anything like it. And now the gift of miracles is operating more and more; now the great pouring-out of the Spirit is beginning to come; the greatness of God is available to all people who are filled with His Spirit and who want to be filled with His Spirit.

It’s countdown time. Hell is wide awake, every demon on duty. Lucifer is giving orders faster than they can be carried out; he is out to destroy you and your strength, to dilute your faith and your love for God. Day and night he pounds away at you. He’ll work through your imagination, through your thought life; he’ll work in every way until it will seem in your own feelings that God is afar off. But His promises to you are real; the blood of Jesus made them nigh, made you nigh unto Him. Remember these things.

When you get down to pray, the devil tries to defeat you, tries to make you think God is not hearing. You open the Bible, and it seems like a foreign language; you do not feel as though you are receiving strength when you are being fed. Listen, listen through the Word of God and hear Him saying, “Peace, be still.” He is saying that to you today.

Thus Saith the Lord:

Yea, behold I am the Lord thy God, and I will do anything for you. I stretch forth a mighty hand in the presence of this my people tonight; and those who will recognize my power, those who will acknowledge my promises, those who will believe all that I have said, there is deliverance and help. And with a victorious hand I bring deliverance. With victorious promises I fulfill and see mighty results.

Oh, my people, know that I am with you and that I care. Let me be your love because you are mine, all mine. Let me care for you; let me wipe away the unnecessary tears, and let me take that which has defeated you and give you victory tonight. Let me lift you up out of despair into hope and courage and strength. Let your heart know that I am beholding you and my eyes are upon you—eyes of love, eyes of care and hands that will help.

Hear my voice of deliverance in your heart—and it is for you. Hear my voice of help to take my Gospel to the world. And hear my voice of this end-time hour, and know that the enemy is battling you. Hear my voice, and know that I am strong in the land.

By the might of my power, by the greatness of my Spirit, I will deliver. I will deliver and I will give victory, saith the Lord.

Peace, Be Still—Let It Burn on the Altar of Your Heart

Whatever your bondage, lay it out before the Lord, knowing He can break it. All that trouble in mind and spirit, all that hurt inside you—bring it to the Lord. All the weakness of the flesh that you battle to overcome, all of it, all the despair, the tongue, the whole spirit of you, the body, the mind—bring all to the Lord and yield as He says, “Peace, be still.” Tell yourself that Jesus breaks every fetter, and He sets you free through the power in “Peace, be still.” He promised; claim His promise.

He is wonderful in His every way; He is mighty in all His truths; He is courage, not despair; strength, not weakness; joy and laughter, goodness and mercy. He is salvation; He is deliverance.

Let the Lord bring the reality of His “Peace, be still,” into your life now as I pray this prayer with you: 

Oh, Lord, I bring these bondages; I bring them to you, Lord, and I am believing for you to say, “Peace, be still.” We recognize you to be on our boat, and we are calling on you. We need your help in Jesus’ name. We are in your presence: we delight in your love, oh God. We remember your caresses in the deep valleys, and we remember many storms when peace seemed an impossibility, but you cried, “Peace, be still,” and the storms ceased. You have always stopped the storms when people called on you, nothing doubting. You have never failed, and you won’t fail now. Storms that have raged in lives for years you will calm, oh Lord. Scars, hurts, weaknesses and despair will be covered with your love. In your love, Lord, is our security. In your Word is our understanding. We place our bondage completely into your miracle hands, and in the name of Jesus, trust you for deliverance.

Recognize His presence on board your ship, and get ready for Him to speak the words, “Peace, be still.” Let those words burn upon the altar of your heart and soul; let them burn into your mind, into your innermost being; let them come to you through the Holy Spirit. God is ready to help you. He is the calm for all your storms. He is serenity for your life. Only believe, only believe. He is Peace Be Still

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