The Bible says, “While we look not at the things which are seen, but the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal” (2 Cor. 4: 18). God made both the visible things and the invisible (Col. 1: 16).

Some things are visible that are seen with the natural eye. These things are temporal. Then some things are invisible that is seen with the spiritual eyes. These things are eternal. The visible and temporal are seen with sight. The invisible and eternal are seen with insight. Our natural vision that we’re born with enables us to see all that’s temporal and visible. Our spiritual vision that we receive when we’re born-again enables us by faith to see all that’s eternal and invisible. The visible and temporal we see and are conscious of through our body. The invisible and eternal we gain knowledge of through the Word (KJV) and are conscious of through our spirit.
From this visible, temporal world, Paul, like so many other Christians endured hardships, trials, and sufferings. They were able to endure them because they were focused on the invisible and eternal world, from which they received grace, mercy, and blessings, as well as God’s fellowship.
Every Christian, like Paul, should be living for the invisible and eternal world, for it is the real and final world. It is in the real, invisible and eternal world, when it becomes a reality to us, that we receive our reward (2 Cor. 5: 10).
The lost world only sees the temporal and visible world, and yet through it, God reveals Himself to some extent (Rom. 1: 18-21). Only the Christian through the eye of faith can see and live in and be sustained by the invisible and eternal world while in this visible and temporal world.
The young man that was with Elisha, saw the invisible when God opened his eyes (2 Kgs. 6:17). Before Jesus’ ascension He said that the time would shortly come that the world of men would see Him no more but His disciples would see Him though He would go to Heaven and be invisible to the natural eye (Jn. 14: 19). Moses by faith forsook Egypt and endured all that he did because he could see Him Who is invisible (Heb.11: 27).
The Christians should not “keep their eye on what can be seen.” Hebrew’s eleven is about heroes of the faith. “Faith is dealing consciously with the reality of the supernatural.” These heroes did great things for God because by faith they saw and lived for the invisible and eternal world while living in the visible and temporal world.
“These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth” (Heb. 11: 13).
The church is worldly because she is living for and has embraced the temporal and visible rather than the invisible and eternal (Col. 3: 1- 3).
Seeing the Invisible

 O, the power of a yearning look,
The strength of a loving gaze;
Not of a mere curious glance,
But a look that sees through the haze.
Waiting, often, long to focus,
‘Til the image I’ve sought is clear;
Then defined, I  see His visage,
And move to Him without any fear.
Oh, the pleasure of contemplation;
To think of love and envision Him
‘Til the Spirit reveals His glory,
Opening up the invisible realm.
This world is full of clamour and noise,
Some sound is constantly on the ear;
Or some sight has us distracted,
Keeping us from knowing He’s near.
But the soul that keeps its focus
And the heart that holds its love,
Soon will pass through into splendour,
And know the friendship of Him above.
Every morning wait at the gate
For wisdom and grace to give me strength;
Gazing lovingly into the garden,
‘Til He appears to me at length.
I’ve no regret He kept me waiting,
For I knew He had not gone;
Waiting strengthened my deepest longings,
Increasing my thirst for this dear One.
He’s arresting my attention,
This most precious One to me.
His love attracts and moulds me,
‘Til His grace is reflected in me.
Looking beyond the visible,
No temporal thing holding the eyes;
Seeing Him who is invisible,
Within whose hands, each joy doth lie.
That on which the heart is fixed
And keeps me anchored by God’s grace,
Will hold my love, ‘til on yon shore,
I’m’ held in Jesus’ loving embrace.
God gives to each of His children
A heart that can see the spiritual realm;
By faith, they can see the invisible,
And there behold the Majesty of Him.

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