The mind is a battlefield for both the rich and poor, success and failure, small and great etc.
I discovered that the mind has a major role to play in ...success...If you have the right mindset, you would attract the right things into your life...
It all starts from the mind!
Failure or Success begins in the mind, they are accidents accident or coincident
Your mind is your greatest asset given to you by God.
Permit me to quickly tell you a story of a black woman known as S.B Fuller.
His story was one of those stories that helped strengthen my mindset and to understand that anyone can indeed move from poverty to riches, failure to success, nothing to something, nobody to somebody regardless of your background or how bad the economy
Fuller was inborn 1905 to two farmers and throughout his childhood and teenage years, all he knew was consistent lack, want and deep poverty... But all that changed when his Mum was about t...e...
On her deathbed, she said to fuller “we shouldn’t be poor and don’t ever let me hear 👂 you say it is God’s will because it is not. We are only poor because we never developed the desire for anything else” we didn’t explore opportunities that could get us to the next ...l...
Littleness or greatness is not a respecter of person, creed, colour, race, background, tribe, family or nationality but knowledge, I mean what information you carry.
These few words become deeply ingrained in fuller’s mind and ultimately changed his life.
He developed the desire to become rich and his desire soon turned into an obsession and he latebecomesme one of the richest maofin his time...
Listen, you can be, have or do anything you want - only if you want it hard enough...
Success is the combination of a lot of things
But some things are very important that you cannot do without and if you get it right then you are going on a progressive journey to becoming successful and your *MINDSET IS ONE OF THEM...*
If you would agree with me you are what you think and what you think is who you become
So by implication, you are your mindset. To what extent of greatness you can see and visualize is what you can achieve
So if your mind is little you become little
However, if your mind is big you become big
YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK YOU ARE, as dietician said " you are what you eat"
All things are possible for those who believe.
*Work on your mind because it is your first tool to greatness* " For as a man thinketh in his heart so is he" Proverbs 23:7
Thank you
*Rev Bright Samuel Otso*
*UN Global Peace Ambassador*
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