NEVER GIVE UP HOPE! By H. E Amb. Rev Bright Otso-The Bishop Elect.

You can give up everything but not your hope.

A) "Surely I shall die quietly in my nest after a long, good life.

(Job 29:18, TLB)

Job 29:18 KJV

Then I said, I shall die in my nest, and I shall multiply my days as the sand.

In the Scripture, Job had his nest all fixed up, had his house just as he wanted it, and had a successful business. Things were going great. He was finally comfortable, but what happened? GOD stirred up his nest. GOD doesn't bring the trouble, but He will allow difficulties to push us into our destiny. Almost overnight Job lost his health, his children, and his business. If the story stopped there, it would be a sad ending. But Job understood this principle. In spite of great difficulties, he said, "I know my Redeemer lives." He was saying, "I know GOD is still on the throne. This trouble is not going to defeat me; it's going to push me." In the end Job came out with twice what he'd had before. GOD’s dream for his life was greater than he could imagine.

Every difficulty you go through pushes you to maturity, to trust GOD more, to be more resilient and determined. Keep the right attitude, and GOD will push you to a new level.

B) "When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze."

(Isaiah 43:2, NIV)

Isaiah 43:2 KJV

"…when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee."

Maybe you prayed for GOD to turn a situation around, but it didn’t happen. Now thoughts tell you, “He does not care about you.” If Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were to step out of their story in Daniel 3, they’d say, “We know how you feel. We prayed and asked GOD to deliver us from going into the fiery furnace, but GOD didn’t answer our prayer the way we wanted. We were tempted to panic and complain, but instead, we decided to trust Him. We told the king that even if GOD didn’t deliver us, we would not bow to his idol. When he threw us in the furnace, amazingly, the fire didn’t burn us. Then all of a sudden, in the middle of the fire, the *Son of GOD* showed up!”

You may be in the fire, but stay in faith. You are fireproof. GOD is right there with you. Keep believing, keep praying, keep doing the right thing. You’re going to come out without the smell of smoke. It is not over until you win. 

C) "Be still, and know that I am GOD!"

(Psalm 46:10, NLT)

"Psalm 46:10 KJV

Be still, and know that I am GOD…"

As we go through difficulties, it's easy to live worried and stressed. The circumstances may look frightening and overwhelming. A virus is spreading fast. The economy is taking a nosedive. In the noise and chaos, it can be hard to hear GOD saying, "Be still, and know that I am GOD. You're in the middle of a miracle." Right now, the Most High GOD is pushing back forces of darkness that are bent on destroying you. He may not deliver you from the trouble, but He will bring you through the trouble.

Today's opposition may be bigger than anything you've ever faced, but it's not a surprise to GOD. The apostle Paul says, "GOD always causes us to triumph in *CHRIST*." If you're not seeing the victory yet, don't panic. You're in the middle. GOD is keeping the sickness from taking you out. The enemy can't stop GOD’s plan for your life. Healing is coming. Restoration is coming. Breakthroughs are coming. Connections are coming. It's not going to be natural. It's going to be supernatural and extra-ordinary.

Keep hope alive, God is in every situation, making them to work for our good because we love Him. 


Rev Bright Otso

Bishop Elect

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