THE ENEMY’S WORKS DESTROYED!, Expository Word of Encouragement By H. E Amb. Rev Bright Otso-The Bishop Elect

But the Son of GOD came to destroy the works of the devil.

(1 John 3:8, NLT)

1 John 3:8 KJV

…For this purpose the Son of GOD was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

In Acts 28, the Apostle Paul was bitten by a poisonous snake on a small island named Malta. Paul didn't panic, but simply shook the snake off and went about his business. The local people waited to see him swell up and suddenly die, but after a long wait and no harm to Paul, they decided he was a god. They weren't far off; he was a son of GOD.

In today's Scripture, the word "destroy" in the original language means "to not have its intended purpose." There will be times when we get bit by a sickness, a divorce, or a loss, but like with Paul, that poison is not going to have any effect on you. Its purpose is to take you out, but because GOD destroyed the works of the enemy, it's not going to have its intended purpose. GOD has the final say. What stops others is not going to stop you. The Most High GOD is pushing back forces of darkness. What He's purposed for your life will come to pass.


And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.—JOHN 14:13

You have a right to freedom from pain and sickness. In Jesus’ Name, you can command them to leave. Many people are always trying to get someone else to do it for them. Sometimes you can exercise your authority for someone else, and sometimes you can’t. If you could always receive the blessings of God for others, that would relieve them of all responsibility. But the Bible teaches individual responsibility.

You have certain rights in the natural. For example, as a Nigeria citizen, you have the right to vote in elections. I can’t vote for you. You must be the one who exercises your rights to change any government you don't like, not someone else. 

That’s also true in the spiritual. God the Father has given you authority over demon forces in the Name of Jesus. So you can use that Name to break the power of the devil, because sickness is caused by satanic oppression. You can use that Name to break the power of the devil over the unsaved and make it easier for them to accept Christ. They’ll still have to do the accepting; you can’t do that for them.


I have the right to freedom from pain, poverty, sickness, political slavery etc. I have the right to healing. And I exercise my rights. In the Name of Jesus, I command sickness and disease to go!




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