"He refreshes and restores my life (myself), He leads me in the paths of righteousness (uprightness and right standing with Him, not for my earning it but) for his name's sake" (Psalm 23:3 AVB)


Ephesians 2:1-10


Genesis 30-31


Sometimes I hear some people boasting and asking, "Do you know me? Do you know who I am? I am this and I am that." What goes on in my mind when I hear this is that they are ignorant of who they are. Even those of us who are believers in Christ sometimes speak and behave as if God's mercy and salvation we received by His grace were earned as a result of our good deeds and righteousness. Prophet Jeremiah said that it was because of the Lord's great love and mercy that we are not consumed, for His compassion never fails (Lam. 3:22). We were saved, healed, delivered and prospered because of God's great love and mercy and not by merit.

David said, "Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to your name is the glory, because of your love and faithfulness" (Psalm 115:1). Whatever we are or have is by God's grace and mercy. We should recognize God as the Owner of our lives and all we have, no matter the level of grace and wisdom we operate on. When Paul and Barnabas were given glory due to God and great and mind-blowing names were ascribed to them for the great miracle God wrought through them, they refused to take the glory (Acts 14:8-16). May we not be tempted to take the glory due God.

The miracles of blessings, deliverance, healings and promotions we receive from God are not a result of our righteousness but for His name's sake. Paul said, "Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of His knowledge by us in every place" (II Cor. 2:14). Christ is the one who makes us prosper. He is the one who leads us to triumph in all the ways we go. No matter our anointing, academic prowess, leadership acumen etc, the credit must go to God. Let us give all the glory to the Almighty God for who He is and for what He does.



We are what we are by God's grace and not by merit. Let us glorify Him in our lives.

🙏🏿 *PRAYER* 

Oh Lord, help me to be humble no matter how blessed and great I am. May I always remember to put you first in my life?


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