"Keep alert and pray. Otherwise, the temptation will overpower you..."(Matt. 26:41, NIV).


Matthew 26:36-41;

Colossians 4:2.


Genesis 38-40


Situations in our land today call for vigorous prayer. It is time to be awakened in spirit as soldiers of God. A good Christian is expected to be vigilant and walk in the spirit to overcome the menace of satan these days. Prayer plays an important role in a believer's life. It is the act of expressing petitions and communication with God. 

A few years ago, a brother was coming from Church and was kidnapped. In the process of making contact with his family for ransom, the kidnappers found a bible in his bag. They told him vividly that they would not kill him. Rather, they beat him mercilessly and dumped him by the roadside with his hands and face tied. A little after, a good passer-by assisted him and took him home. If that brother had not been a prayerful person who spends quality time in the church and the presence of God, would he have survived? Always watch and pray.

Before the arrest and crucifixion of Jesus Christ, He entered Gethsemane with His disciples. As a human being, His heart was heavy and He asked his disciples to watch and pray while He would go further and tarry before the Father. Surprisingly when He returned, He met His disciples sleeping. These devout men of God could not watch and pray for just one hour. Remember, when the devil is working, he blocks every man's sense of reasoning. Every idea is gone. At this juncture in our nation, a lot of Christians are facing one persecution or the other. The solution to this is to pray rather than murmur. Apostle Paul encouraged the Colossians to pray earnestly with thanksgiving. A prayer of thanksgiving is a prayer answered. The Colossians had to believe that God had answered their prayer.

Christianity is a religion of faith and belief. Do not wait until problems come before you pray. Fervent prayer averts ugly situations and makes impossibility possible.



Pray in season and out of season so that you will not enter into temptation.

🙏🏿 *PRAYER* 

God, I pray that every moment of my life is covered with the blood of Jesus. Amen


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