"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord" (Isa. 55:8, KJV)


Genesis 11:1-8


Exodus 1-3


Those of us living in urban areas know the danger and risk of erecting structures without government approval. The law especially in state's capital is that anyone who intends to build must first have a building plan which must be submitted to the appropriate authority for approval before embarking on the project. The building plan must be according to specified requirements. Failure to meet the requirement is tantamount to disapproval; and if such a building is erected it would be definitely demolished.

In the same way, God has standard and method. His own standard and method differs from ours. What pleases us may irritate Him. What we approve may be disapproved by Him, the early we understand this, the better for us. So we need to be very careful and tread with caution when dealing with Him. Therefore, we need to always get approval and clearance first from Him before doing anything that affects our lives, families and spirituality.

A minister once shared with us how he was invited abroad to minister and he was excitedly fascinated, but when he prayed God warned him not to go and he obeyed. It has been said that all that glitters is not gold. God can alter our seeming good plans and choices. We should know that it is not all our good intentions that are God's will.

This is applicable in all areas of human life and endeavour. Humanly speaking, for example, desire to go into full-time ministry is excellently good but not as the same as having the call of God to be a minister. God said, "No man taketh this honour to himself, but he that is called of God, as Aaron was" (Heb. 5:4). What pleases God should please us and not the other way round. Paul had a good intention to preach at Phrygia but the Holy Spirit stopped him and he obeyed (Acts 16:6). David had an excellent desire to build house for God but God stopped the move (II Sam. 7:1-7, 12.13). When God sees any marriage proposal, business connection, project proposal, Oversea trip etc that will not favour us and bring glory to His name, He will stop it. We must walk by the dictates of the Holy Spirit.



It is not all our good intentions that are God's will. What pleases us may irritate Him. Let us walk by the dictates of His Spirit so that we can please Him.

🙏🏿 *PRAYER* 

Oh Lord, help me to always be in tune with you so that I will walk by the dictates of your Spirit.


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