The Oil of Acceptance

1 Samuel 18:5: So David went out wherever Saul sent him, and behaved wisely. And Saul set him over the men of war, and he was ACCEPTED in the sight of all the people and also in the sight of Saul’s servants


Just the same way the anointing of the Lord can make difficult things to be easy for someone, that is how it can as well cause someone to be accepted where others are rejected.

  • One of the major benefits of hosting the presence of God is that His presence comes with the oil of acceptance

In this discourse, I will show you two men that manifested this dimension of the anointing and what became of their lives.

  • Whenever the devil wants to disfavour a man, he will make him to be repulsive to people, especially those that will help him

Favour and Acceptance are connected to each other, whereas disfavour and rejection are connected. In the absence of the oil of acceptance, grace can’t find expression.

The men we shall consider their lives are David and Joseph. Don’t forget that these two men were custodians of divine presence no wonder why this anointing was visible in their lives.

You may carry grace, but if the anointing is not flowing that grace will be dormant.

  • 1 Samuel 18:5: So David went out wherever Saul sent him, and behaved wisely. And Saul set him over the men of war, and he was ACCEPTED in the sight of all the people and also in the sight of Saul’s servants



David had been in the bush all this while and there was grace upon his life, yet he was in the wilderness. But in chapter 16 of 1 Samuel, anointing landed on him, then in chapter 17, he was able to defeat Goliath and In chapter 18 he was now accepted. Did you see the progression?

It was after the anointing that he became visible and accepted. Before the anointing, he was in the bush but after the anointing, he was summoned to the palace. The anointing pulled him out of the wilderness and made him a man for all.

Look at that scripture once again. He was accepted in the sight of ALL the people and in the sight of Saul’s servant. Imagine what it is like when the Bible says, ALL the people accepted him. It means by implication, he was loved by ALL. When the bible says all, it is all because the bible does not exergerate.

See, if the oil of acceptance rubs off on your business, that business will command traffic. Everyone will desire to do business with you. Even if it is something not recognized you’re selling, once this anointing touches it, I tell you it will boom.

If this anointing lands on your career, you will be sought after by all men. If it is on your CV, that CV will command attention.

This moment I pray and declare over your life, let that same anointing come upon you now and lubricate every part of your life where there is a struggle in the name of Jesus.


  • When you are accepted, you are favoured
  • When you’re accepted, you’re recommended
  • When you’re accepted, you’re connected
  • When you’re accepted, you’re celebrated
  • When you’re accepted, you fight less…
  • When you’re accepted, you will be in high demand

It doesn’t really matter the school you graduated from, your past experiences or connections, if this oil starts flowing, you will be called to rise by all means. Oil of acceptance covers multitude of errors/mistakes.

When you are an accepted tailor, even your mistakes will become new design, but when that oil is not there, people will be finding fault with your work, even in the ones you think you did well…

David was accepted. When your ministry is accepted, that ministry will command the attention of men for the kingdom. The people will believe you at ease which will in turn command their blessings



Genesis 41:37: So the advice was good in the eyes of Pharaoh and in the eyes of all his servants.

This was concerning Joseph when he finished explaining the dream to Pharoah.

Now get this, Others must have given their own interpretation, but it wasn’t accepted until when Joseph gave his, and that was accepted. The anointing is at work.

God made it in such a way that it was not only Pharaoh that accepted it, also his cabinet accepted it. If it had been Pharaoh alone that accepted it, there would have been a problem, because his cabinet would confuse him and say no to it. But God made it an authentic acceptance. Thereby making it unable for anyone around to reject Joseph’s interpretation.

I pray for you today:

Both your friends and foe shall be conditioned by God in this season of your life to accept you…

Your voice, opinion, quotation, advice, counsel, prayers, declarations, presence, etc shall be accepted in the name of Jesus.

When you’re accepted you will experience Rest. You keep struggling and trying to explain yourself every now and then because you’ve not been accepted. You will keep trying to please people. But when the acceptance comes, all those things becomes unnecessary and that is when your rest will come.


Prayer bullets

  • O God I thank you for making your anointing available for me to enjoy its benefits
  • I thank you Lord for I know by the revelation of your word through this piece, the season of rejection has ended in my life.
  • O Lord in your mercy I ask that you release your oil of acceptance upon my career
  • O father break the jar of your oil of acceptance upon my head in this season
  • Today, let every hindrance to the flow of this oil in my life melt away in the name of Jesus
  • I decree and declare that favour shall accompany me all the days of my life by the release of this anointing
  • Thou power of God, synchronize every part of my being into your acceptance oil in the name of Jesus
  • I destroy every foundational resistance attacking me from being accepted in your sight and in the sight of people
  • O Lord cause my name to be accepted whenever it is mentioned among people
  • In the name of Jesus, I severe myself from every force of rejection and repulsion…
  • O God, cause everything in me that is polluting this oil in me to die a permanent death
  • Thou fire of God, burn into ashes every spirit saying concerning me, don’t accept him
  • Over my family O God make us sought after among men through the instrumentality of this anointing
  • Father Lord, concerning the works of my hand, use this anointing and cover my errors
  • I break free by the blood of Jesus from every curse resisting me from being accepted at all times.
  • Today, I decree and declare that the yoke of rejection is permanently broken in my life and family
  • Where I was rejected yesterday, I shall be accepted today in the name of Jesus.

Prophetic declarations

  • Concerning your marital destiny as a single, I declare your acceptance in the name of Jesus
  • I declare over your life, you shall always be accepted for goodwill in the name of Jesus.
  • Let this anointing of the Lord bring you into limelight where you shall be recognized and accepted.
  • Every one of your gifts or skills the enemy has caged from finding expression is released now in the name of Jesus.

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