"Your Word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You" (Psalm 119:11).


Matthew 5:31-32,

Malachi 2:16.


Leviticus 24-25


It's no secret that families are in trouble today. The divorce rate

continues to rise, with devastating consequences. God has a plan for the family and divorce isn't part of it. Nether is physical abuse or any other abuse part of God's plan for the family. If we are to have strong people, a strong church, and a strong nation, we must first have strong families.

The hurts and heartaches of divorce  have shaken the foundation of the family in every part of the world. Marriage is supposed to be a permanent relationship, not a temporary assignment that we can quit if we don't like. However, there may be room for; separation as a cure for avoidable fatalities in marriage.

In the context of Matthew 5:31-32, God permitted divorce for only one reason: adultery. Divorce is never God's intent (Matt. 19:8); but He allowed it in the case of sexual immorality in talking about the subject in, Matthew chapter nineteen, Jesus doesn't command divorce. Instead, He teaches that restoration and forgiveness are, better alternatives. Why does God hate divorce? One obvious answer might be the damage it does to the people divorcing.

Economically divorce devastates most couples and this plays a part in emotional damage. A second possible answer to why God hates divorce is the damage it does to children. Children of divorce are more likely to have behavioral problems.

There happens to be an alternative to divorce, and that is to get right with God. Ever since the Garden of Eden, man has been tempted to follow his path. "We have turned everyone to his way" (Isaiah 53:6) Yet the God who knows everything has told us what will work and what won't. If you want your family to be successful and blessed for generations to come, the first step is for you to be a Christian who fears and obeys God. This produces benefits that reach far into the future.



Remaining in marriage does not just happen, it requires our investment and sacrifice, but it is worth it.

🙏🏿 *PRAYER* 

 Dear Lord, help our society come to terms that your Commands are given for our good, in the name of YESHUA the Christ 


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