Friday 17th March 2023 




πŸ”‘ *KEY VERSE:* 

"For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts, (Isaiah 55:9)


1 Samuel 23:15-18;

Matthew 11:2-6.


Deuteronomy 3-4


God, our Creator is not a man. He is Almighty God. One of His attributes is "Sovereignty". By His sovereignty, it means He has an absolute right to govern and dispose of His creatures as He pleases. God possesses infinite superiority, absolute ownership of all and absolute dependence of all things on Him, while He is independent of all His creatures.

This same God loves us so much; He cares for us, and answers our prayers; but sometimes, we cannot understand His ways. It is on this premise He warned that we should not be offended by the way He does His things for His ways and thoughts are higher than ours.

The heart cries of many Bible heroes was not met. Some were even offended by Him. He remains the loving God who answers prayers. Saul hated David but Jonathan loved David. Saul tried many times to kill David, but Jonathan helped in saving his life. Saul never desired David to succeed him but Jonathan worked to enthrone David. On the day they made their covenant, Jonathan gave David his goodwill message and wished to become David's deputy. In the end, the good Jonathan died with the wicked Saul (his father). The expectation of Jonathan to be the Deputy King of Israel never came to pass.

John the Baptist in his own time queried if Jesus was the one he preached to prepare his way or whether they were expecting another. Still, Jesus never visited him in prison until he was beheaded.

Beloved, are you like one of those Bible characters? Don't be offended by God. Your mates are ahead of you; that sickness refuses to go; where others succeeded you failed; your aspirations seem not to be met etc, don't be offended by God. Wait patiently on God and follow Him, at last, you will understand like Job and Joseph while He took you through His grinding mill.



Wait patiently on God, for at last, you will understand why He took you through His grinding mill.

πŸ™πŸΏ *PRAYER* 

Lord help me not to be offended by the way you do things.


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