Sunday 19th March 2023 





"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer" (Psalm 19:14


Jeremiah 50:34-36


Deuteronomy 8-10


The redeemer in the oriental law of kinship is the one depended upon to defend, avenge, bring back the property of a dead relative, and even marry and care for the widow and anyone left in the family of a deceased person. He is the one trusted and all hope is hung on him, but sometimes the redeemer may be weak and anyone trusting in him is a big risk. A weak redeemer cannot defend the

family, or avenge those persecuting the family.

When Babylon was persecuting the people of Judah, the people of Judah appeared to be at the mercy of the Babylonians, but the prophet Jeremiah declared as a warning to Babylon that Judah has a Redeemer. Who is not weak but strong; who is not a mere man but his name is the Lord of the host. He can conveniently avenge the enemies of Judah, he can defend them. He can save them, and shake and trouble the Babylonians. If the God of Judah is our God, he will arise to defend us against any force persecuting us. Any force trying to deny us the blessings of God, our God and redeemer will shake any kingdom rising against us and give them more trouble than they have in store for us. He will rise and settle every controversy.

History demonstrates, again and again, the powerful way that God works on behalf of His people. Our comfort in distress lies in the fact that our redeemer is strong. He is not a weak redeemer. He is stronger than any enemy. He will overpower all the forces that are against us. The Lord of hosts is his name, and he will answer to his name. It is our comfort that the Lord of hosts shall thoroughly plead our cause, that he may give rest to our land from enemies roundabout. God is working on your behalf today in ways you cannot see with your

naked eye. Our Redeemer is strong. He is our eternal Advocate and vigorously defends our cause before our Father in heaven. Hallelujah!



We have a strong defence in God.

🙏🏿 *PRAYER* 

Father, may you rise for your people and shake off all the kingdoms persecuting us. In the name of Yeshua the Christ. Amen


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