"And as Moses lifted the serpent in the wilderness, even so, must the son of man be lifted" (John 3:14).
Matthew 27: 45-61
1 Samuel 1-3
The death of our lord Jesus Christ is a fulfilment of all that has been written concerning him even in the Old Testament as part of his purpose of coming to the earth.
In the long run, as He was crucified He cried out with a loud voice in the moment of darkness, when the Father forsook Him, he was forsaken for us to be accepted. Have you for once thought about it that with all the miracles of Jesus while on earth, he could do nothing to save himself on the cross, he was silent even at the point of defending himself, he did all these for us, and he died to give us a life full of hope in eternity.
At the moment of darkness on the cross, at the point of rejection and at the time of his judgment for bearing our sins, although, he died weak and without any form of strength, he still exercised great power at his death. As he died three great miracles took place: There was darkness over the whole
place for three hours (Mathew 27:45).
The rendering of the veil of the temple from top to bottom (Mathew 27:51), symbolizes access to God who is now free and open to all, hence no more need for animal blood for sacrifice, human mediators, temples, altars.
And the graves were opened: and many bodies of the saints which slept arose (Mt 27:52)
Jesus has finished the work of salvation on the cross. His death has taken away our bondage and given us direct access to the Father.
Be like Jesus when he was passing through his trials when you are facing something similar too especially for the faith.
Oh Lord, my Father help me to enjoy all the blessings your death brought to humanity. I am redeemed by the blood of Yeshua hallelujah!!
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