"By your patience possess your souls" (Luke 21:19).


Luke 21:16-19; Rev. 13:9-10


Judges 16-18


The term "the patient dog eats the fattest bone'" has gone obsolete and rather replaced by "the fastest dog eats the fattest bone". May we be reminded once again that the Word of God has no second edition. Patience has been described as the quality of being calm in enduring any situation without complaining. Everyone that has ever been successful with God had learnt to be patient and the Bible advice that

"(we) imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promise (Heb.6:12).

Patience is a virtue. It is a weapon, a very lethal one in countering life's pressure. Patience is God's nature. He is not moved by time because He is in control of it and has set it for everything (Eccl.3: 1 1 GNT). His patience is seen in His dealing with mankind (Matt.5:45). He is not willing that any should perish. We must all be like God and be enrolled in the school of patience to be a winner like Him. God wants us to be in control of our souls. The soul is the seat of emotion where fears, anxiety, anger, excitement, passion, etc, emanates. No man is a victor who has not first conquered his soul and mastered it.

Another word for patience is 'waiting'. Every citizen of God's Kingdom is a 'waiter'. A waiter waits to serve his master. Service demands patience and every service has a reward. Waiting is a discipline. It is not an inborn attribute but a learned one. Patiently waiting is often the highest way of doing God's will; Yet impatient people always get there too late; later than the appointed time. We easily faint and fade off and our soul suffers great loss when there is no patience. Faith without patience is a scam. Faith, combined with patience is called Perseverance. The vengeance of our soul is only possible through faith and patience. Trying to get vengeance immediately often leads to retaliation. Only God avenges rightly.

Let's conclude with these quotes: "Impatient people often arrive too late"-Jean Dutoured.

"The more haste the less speed"- John Heywood.

"The haste of a fool is the slowest thing in the world"- Thomas Shadwell.

"Haste slows every dream and opens the door to failure"- John Mason.

"One moment of patience may ruin a whole life"- Robert William.



Buy patience and sell it not. Be patient with God, be patient with people and above all be patient with yourself.

🙏🏿 *PRAYER* 

 Oh God baptize me with the spirit of patience so that I can live victoriously

In the name of Yeshua the Christ. Amen


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