*Tuesday 25th April 2023* 





"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood....." (Eph. 6:12).


Ephesians 6:12-18


In May 2021, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) released a viral video where one Ahmed Isa also known as the "ordinary president" slapped a woman who he was interviewed on live television. Isa who owns and works at Human Rights Television was interviewing a woman named Susan who had allegedly tied the hands and legs of her daughter, poured kerosene on her and set the girl ablaze.

What annoyed Isa was that when he asked her why she set her daughter on fire and the woman said, "Honestly, I don't know what happened to me that made me do that thing. I don't know the time it happened," she added, pleading that everyone should forgive her.

This is a clear case of spiritual manipulation, a phenomenon rampant all over the universe. It is a fact that in scripture and practical life spiritual forces influence the minds of most people to act in ways they would not ordinarily act if they had full control of their faculties. We must understand the fundamental place of spiritual forces in determining what is happening in our world and how they operate to make things happen.

The apostle Paul was emphatic on the fact that our struggle in the universe is not against physical human beings or beasts but against a hierarchy of identified spiritual personalities wielding tremendous

powers over men and the universe we live in as captured in Eph. 6 which

we read today. He calls us to always dress up with the whole armour of

God as well as pray "Always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints (V.18). Otherwise, you can easily become a victim of the treachery of unseen powers as the woman in the story was.




 Every physical action has a spiritual origin. Connect to the spirit of God.

🙏🏿 *PRAYER* 

 Oh God of my praise, help me to always submit my mind to your control in Jesus' name. Amen


Mark 16; Luke 1


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