"For at that time, they came to David day by day to help him until it was a great army, like the army of God. " 1 Chronicles.12:22.


1 Chronicle 12:1-23


Judges 3-5


One gift that every man needs on his way to destiny fulfilment is the gift of 'right' men; men who will go to any extent to make sure you achieve your dreams. Such men are rare species, especially in our time. Yes, it is God who raises men to the throne but He uses the instrument of man. Every successful man was once helped by man and still needs the help of men to remain successful.

David was running from one hideout to another from King Saul for about thirteen years. He was short of human relationships and help, only a few dared to stand by him. So bad was it that David had to request food for himself and his men from a man he had once helped but the man, Nabal declined and in a very humiliating manner that provoked David (1 Sam. 25:1-16). But when the time came, men de-camped from Saul of their own volition to help David achieve his divine mandate. These

men were not liabilities but assets. They were not ordinary men, but men of might (verse 1). They did not come to demand help but came armed with weapons to help (verse 2). They were not amateur, but trained and well experienced (verse 8, 33). They came with the genuineness of heart and united in purpose (verses 18, 23). Among them were gifted men with diverse gifts; swift-footed, prophets, and men of wisdom (verse 32). They came with material supplies, enough for David and the company's needs (verse 40). Among them were Saul's relatives (verse 29). May God raise men of "timber and calibre from all quarters who will not relent till they help you fulfil your destiny.

Praying for the gift of men is one thing, recognizing them and possessing needed the relational ability to keep them is another thing altogether. Some persons have missed their destiny helpers because they did not recognize them. The Jews did not recognize Jesus as their helper when He came to help them but rather had Him killed. Some have driven the helpers God sent to them away by their attitude. Attitude problems part from the God factor contributed to men decamping from Saul to David. Saul was self-centred and cared less about others but David cared for the welfare of His servants when he undertook to rescue the family members of His servants that were abducted by the Amalekites at Ziklag (1 Sam. 30)



A lack of money is not the reason for failure, but a lack of the right people. Victory is inevitable where the services of Aaron and Hur exist.

🙏🏿 *PRAYER* 

 May heaven send men to me who will not rest on their oars till they bring to fulfilment what God has proposed for me. In the name of Yeshua. Amen


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