"We are...struck down, but not destroyed" (2 Corinthians 4:8-9).


2 Corinthians 4:7-15


1 Samuel 15-17


Christianity is being so possessed and apprehended by God that you are certain of nothing and nobody else than God Himself. It is not just devotion to work, or a cause, or a doctrine, but devotion to a Person, the Lord Jesus Christ; that alone is the distinguishing characteristic of Christianity. A believer must determinedly form habits to express what God's grace has done in life, such that "...what Jesus did among them, He does in us...He lives" (Vs. 10, Message). We are saved to manifest the life of the Son of God in our mortal flesh, and it is the unfriendly, hostile and difficult things which make us exhibit whether or not we are manifesting His life.

These bodies and the nature we carry, truly are "earthen vessels'" (Vs. 7). They are fragile, weak, and vulnerable to offences, injury and disease; but physical limitations need not limit the spirit born within us. Many believers have learned that to be "'struck down" does not mean "destroyed." Our relationship with God works a free and spur-of-the-moment effect producing in our lives an un-crushable gaiety and certainty of the grace of God. You must keep yourself fit to let the life of the Son of God be manifested, and you cannot keep yourself fit if you give way to self-pity.

When we are struck down by diseases or threatened by some serious setbacks, we need not allow them to destroy us. We can choose instead to hold fast to God's grace and goodness. As we trust and obey Him through difficulties, we demonstrate the power of God and we encourage others by so doing. In so doing, we strengthen our faith in God, the very thing satan is trying to destroy. However, it is one thing to choose difficulties, and another to go into them by God's design. If God puts you there, He is adequately sufficient.



 Remain strong; your setbacks shall turn into set-ups.

🙏🏿 *PRAYER* 

Oh Lord my father, there are days when giving up seems to make more sense, help me to hold on, till the day of your glorious appearance. Amen



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