Marry Well My Brother


You are not a rehabilitation center for women who were badly raised. It’s not your job to fix her, mold her, or teach her how to act like a grown woman. You are not her father, her therapist, or her savior. You need a wife—a partner who’s ready to stand beside you and build something real—not a project that you’re constantly trying to fix. You’re a man, not a social worker. If she wasn’t raised properly, if she’s coming into the relationship with chaos, disrespect, or childish behavior, you need to walk away.

Don't waste your time in marriage trying to please the sexual desires of a sex maniac who's veriginal cavity has been mercilessly patronised by toy peniss, electronic peniss and vibrators and the peniss of drug users who perform sex for name and not for fun. She will soon cheat on you because she is looking for a human being to give her what toys and electronics gives her.

You won't impress her till you die. Such idiots only appreciate profits from men and not efforts of genuine lovers.

Let’s get real—if her own father couldn’t raise her right, what makes you think you can? If the man who brought her into this world, who had years to shape and guide her, couldn’t get the job done, trust me, you’re not going to succeed where he failed. It’s not on you to correct years of bad behavior, laziness, entitlement, or disrespect. You’ve got your own life to build, your own mission to focus on. You don’t have time to parent a grown woman.

Stop taking on women who come with baggage and issues they refuse to address. If she’s disrespectful, ungrateful, or constantly testing your patience, she’s not someone you should be dealing with. You need peace in your life, not chaos. Your home should be a place where you recharge, where you build, where you focus on your goals—not a battleground where you’re constantly having to “fix” someone else’s problems. You can’t fix her, and it’s not your job to.

There’s a difference between supporting a woman and raising her. A woman who’s ready to be your wife will already have the basics in place: self-respect, discipline, emotional maturity, and a sense of responsibility. If she’s lacking those things, she’s not ready to be a wife—she’s still trying to figure herself out. That’s not your burden to bear. You’re not her father. You shouldn’t have to teach her how to respect you, how to communicate, or how to be a decent human being. That’s a bare minimum expectation. Such fools eat for cravings and  pleasure and not for healthy living.

And let’s be clear—you can’t change her. No amount of patience, love, or effort on your part is going to transform her into the woman you want her to be. She is who she is. You can either accept that or walk away. But don’t waste your life thinking you can reshape a broken foundation. If she didn’t come to you already prepared to be a wife, she’s not your responsibility to fix. It’s not your job to be her teacher or her guide through life. You want a wife, not a project.

Stop thinking you can “save” her from her own bad habits, upbringing, or toxic behavior. That’s a fantasy, not reality. Real men don’t waste time trying to mold someone into something they’re not. You want a woman who is already equipped to be your partner—not someone who you have to constantly correct, explain things to, or drag along through life. If she’s not wife material, she’s not worth your time.

If she’s been disrespectful, lazy, or spoiled her whole life, what makes you think she’s going to change for you? A woman raised with bad habits is going to bring those habits into your relationship, and you’ll spend every day fighting against her nature. That’s not a marriage—that’s a burden. You deserve better than that. Find a woman who already has the qualities you want, not someone who’s a long-term project that’s going to drain your energy.

You’re a man on a mission, and you don’t have time to babysit someone who wasn’t raised properly. You need a woman who can support your grind, not slow it down. If she’s bringing nothing but problems into your life, it’s time to let her go. You can’t fix what’s broken inside her, and it’s not your job to.

Brother, you deserve to be happy.

You deserve rest.

You deserve peace.

Don't condemn yourself into the hands of a woman that is not worthy of you!!

Your life will be messed up if you try that nonsense.

You will soon start raising children after marriage, don't waste no time raising a foolish woman. It will distract you from your God ordained assignment of raising children.

I am I. D. Samuel PhD. Peace And Conflict Resolution 

Your Love and relationship therapist!!