Higher Ground Convention 2021



This is the Annual Convention of City Of Hope Assembly Aka. God's City Intl. Churches. Global Head Quarter Rukuba Road Jos, Plateau State Nigeria.

This convention is hosted by His Grace, The Metropolitan Primate Rev. Dr I. D. Samuel (JP)


Is scheduled as follows.


Date: 24th October 2021

Time: 10 am

Guest ministers; 

Rev. Dr Sam T. Alaha

Godstime E. Okorie

From Dafom

Reality Brothers 


When we talk about higher ground it means, some grounds are higher than others. 

Psalm 61:1-2 Hear my cry O l, attend unto my cry, from the ends of the earth will I cry unto thee. When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

There are seven levels of grounds. 

* The lowest one is called the bottomless pit. Revelation 20:1-3 says that on the last day Satan and all His agents would be banished to the bottomless pits. They just keep falling - there is no end to falling in the bottomless pit.

* The second level is called the pit. This time it has a bottom. It is not bottomless and once in a while, people get into it as a result of disobedience. Again, once in a while people get into the pit as a result of enemy action. Genesis 37:23-24 says when the brother of Joseph saw him coming they decided him among themselves. They were going to kill him but one of the brothers said instead of killing him let's throw him into a pit and then when later on we see somebody who wants to buy a slave, we can sell him. There might be some of us who are in a pit right now that had been thrown there by the enemies. In the name that is above every other name, you will come out now in Jesus Name! (Amen!)

* And then the next level which is level ground or valley. It is better than the pit because at least you have come out of minus, you are now at zero levels. It is still the place of discouragement. People who are in the valley, cannot claim they are really happy. They are struggling, struggling all the days of their lives. Once in a while they contemplate dying. In 1 King 19:1-4 when Elijah found himself in the valley. It got to a stage when he asked God to kill him. Some people are overwhelmed with problems. They are asking God you are not going to do something better, why don't you just kill me? If there is somebody like that here today, as a result of your coming here to this Convention you will sing a new song. (Amen!)

* And then, of course, when we go from the valley, the next level you could call it the heights of a hill at least now you are climbing. 1 King 19:8-18 Elijah began his journey to the Mount of Horeb when he got there his confidence was restored. The man who was asking for death now said I don't want to die anymore; I want to serve the Lord. Beginning from this convention God will take you to the heights.

* Then the next level is what we call the great heights or a mountain.

Now the people on the mountain are not easily touched. You become a terror to the enemy. In 2 Kings 1:9-14, Elijah was sitting down on the mountain top. Then some soldiers came and said they want to arrest him. He just called down fire from there. The fire consumed them. Now I want to issue a decree that after now all those who say they want to arrest you, the fire will fall. 

* And after the great heights the next one which is level six is greater heights, when you get to these greater heights, you become unstoppable. Your dress alone will open river Jordan and please take my word seriously after now, I know the reason many of you don't take the Word seriously is that I don't shake and shout when I'm saying what I'm saying. This is because God does not shake and shout when He wants to speak. He simply says, let there be light and then there will be light. The dress you are wearing tonight will open River Jordan (Amen!)

* And then the level seven, that is the greatest height which is heaven. The Bible says that according to Ephesians 1:30-21, the Bible says we are seated in the heavenly places with Jesus Christ far above principalities and powers. There is someone here right now that Jesus is taking somewhere where no enemy can ever touch you anymore. If you are the one let me hear you shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!)Thank You, Father!

Now since the Convention began all kinds of healing have been taking place eye problems, ear problems, chest problems, back problems, hand problems, leg problems, problems with private parts, all of them have been taken care of! To the glory of God.


Now let me talk briefly about the advantages of higher grounds. In Mark 3:13-15, the Bible says when Jesus saw a great multitude He went up to the mountain and then He began to call unto Him certain people. Only 12 of them. And He gave them certain powers, certain ability and they became His ambassadors and His companions.

* The first advantage of higher grounds is that you stand out from the crowd. You move from among the multitude and become someone special. I've always given this illustration: when there is a big do and they want people to go and eat, so maybe they say, the President would go and eat in such and such a place, the Federal ministers and Governors would go and eat in such and such a place; the royal fathers would go and eat in such and such a place and then after they go the others, They saw what others didn't see and heard what others didn't hear.

One of the advantages of being on the mountain top is that you can see far, than those who are in the valley. You can see what others cannot see and you can hear what they cannot hear... It was on Mount Carmel in 1 King 18:41 that Elijah said, I've heard the sound of the abundance of rain. Nobody else heard it. Only Elijah heard the sound of an abundance of rain because he was on higher ground. From today the grace to see the invisible, to hear the inaudible, God will give it to you. (Amen!)Pastor E. A. Adeboye said; When I told my people that God is going to build us a city, they smiled and when we came here in 1983 this section of the road was the headquarters of the armed robbers and the first parcel of land we bought here was 41/2 acres. And I told my people we have come to the city. They laughed. Number one, this God-forsaken jungle, the house of snakes and pythons and we killed many of them here, that is where your city is going to be built. On 41/2 acres of land but today the same jungle is a city with its own University. I want to prophesy to someone here on today before you die you will become a multitude. May I say that one again? I say before you die you will become a multitude. (Amen!)

* Another advantage of higher grounds is that it brings you closer to the source of power. Because our God lives on high that is why David said in Psalm 121:1-2 He says, I will lift my eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord who made heaven and earth. Today that God who lives on high will send help to somebody.

* Another advantage of high ground is that when you are there you become invincible. Matthew 5:13-15,

Jesus Christ said a city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Because you are reading this today all those who have been trying to cover your glory, their heads shall be removed! (Amen!)I can go on and on but the power of God is so mighty here So I will just give you some examples when we talk about higher grounds. Let's take physical examples and talk about health. It's possible to move from being sick to someone who is healed. The one who is healed is higher than the one who is sick. That is why sick people usually are always lying down. From today onwards, in the name that is above every other name, you will never lie on a hospital bed. (Amen!)

Now to be healed is better than to be sick but there is something better than that and that is not to be sick at all. And then there is even something higher than that and that is, that you will become a carrier of the healing virtue of God. You begin to lay hands on the sick. Some of you have never done it before. Some of you have never. When you leave here this week and as you lay hands on the sick they will recover and then you can go higher than that, to the level where you don't have to touch the sick before they get well. Alleluia!

 Now in Acts 10:11-12, the Bible says they were taking the handkerchiefs and aprons from Paul to go and heal the sick. I say it once again, the dress you wear tonight shall begin to heal the sick. 

Then you can move higher than that, after all in Acts.5:12-16 the Bible tells us that the shadow of Peter healed the sick. I am waving my hands to you now and I am saying in the name of the Almighty God every tree that God did not plant in your body shall be uprooted by the hand of God. In Jesus name. Amen.

And then we can take another material example, I've taught you here that there are categories or levels here. 

* There is the poverty level. The Bible says the poor will never cease in the land. But He didn't say you will be one of them. At this same level, some people borrow borrowers, which is why God is going to help you pay off your debt and then the next level will be 

* the level of those who are comfortable the people who are neither poor nor rich. And then there is the level of

* Those who are rich, those who could even put some money in savings and then there is the level of 

* Those who are wealthy. They are the people who put money in fixed deposit and say leave it in the bank for 2 years. And then there is the level of 

* Those who flourish those who lend to nations. Before this year ends there is at least someone here who will be lending to nations! I know that someone will come to me before the end of this year and say, whatever you need for foreign missions, just ask me and I will give you! So shall it be!

 In other words, when we are talking about higher ground materially, it is possible to move from the level of always receiving to giving. You know the only thing in this world that receives without giving is either the dustbin or the dunghill. And the Bible says it is more blessed to give than to receive. The giving hand is always the upper hand. Beginning from today, your hand will be on top. (Amen!)

Let's take a look at higher grounds from the spiritual level. You can start with faith, faith that can move mountains and move from faith to trust. You see because faith is active, faith is always doing something but trust rests in the Lord. It is trust in God that caused Job to say in Job 13:15 though He slays me yet will I trust Him. The book of Isaiah 26:3-4 said He will keep in perfect peace, the one whose heart trusts in Him. Then He gave advice. He said trust in the Lord forever, for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength. Trust in the Lord forever and then you will enjoy peace forever.

It is time for you to go up.


Your Partner

I. D. Samuel


I'm pressing on the upward way,

New heights I'm gaining every day;

Still praying as I'm onward bound,

"Lord, plant my feet on higher ground."

Lord, lift me and let me stand,

By faith, on Heaven's tableland,

A higher plane than I have found;

Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.

My heart has no desire to stay

Where doubts arise and fear dismay;

Though some may dwell where those abound,

My prayer, my aim, is higher ground.

I want to live above the world,

Though Satan's darts at me are hurled;

For faith has caught the joyful sound,

The song of saints on higher ground.

I want to scale the utmost height

And catch a gleam of glory bright;

But still, I'll pray till heav'n I've found,

"Lord, plant my feet on higher ground."


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh yes! It's our season of Relevance!!

  3. I Celebrate your Excellency, I'll be at higher ground
