Reality Brodazz is a duo of 2 brothers – Isudu Edokpa aka Realitidude and Emma Edokpa aka Realiti-Wonder, Started music as members of Me & My Boiz Band in Nigeria. With their Christian upbringing, it was apparent that their chosen music genre would be Gospel afro-pop. While Realitidude is a graduate of Marketing from Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUTH), While Realiti-Wonder is a graduate of Pharmacy from the University of Jos. ‘We get our inspiration from GOD, from the Bible and from what happens around us. Our drive is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ through music.’ The duo says of their inspiration.

They are musicians as they both play the instrument – Realitidude plays the bass guitar and keyboards while Realiti-Wonder plays the Keyboards and Acoustic and Lead Guitars.

They are two-time Jogama awards winners, one-time Peace-Rock Award winners and multiple national awards nominees and Life Impact award in 2020.

They have contributed to society through medical outreach and Pharmaceutical project

Reality Brodazz Just released their recent  album “The gospel according to Realiti Brodazz” which is available on audio mack and other digital platforms 

The album is a 12 tracker hits that feature the likes of Jah Device, Gt the Guitarman, Soul E, G-cicircuitGodstime Okorie and Namdy C. The prestigious album also features great instrumentalists like Paul Strings Ojoko and Segun Sax.

They are our special guests in HIGHER GROUND CONVENTION 2021

Ministering: Rev. Dr. Sam T. Alaha

Music: Godstime Okorie, Fom Dafom and the sensational Reality Brothers.

Date: Sunday 24th Oct.2021 Grand Fenali

Time: 10 am

Host: The Metropolitan Primate

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