A NEW NIGERIA IS POSSIBLE. The Bishop Elect. H. E. Rev. Amb. Bright Otso Breaks Silence

The rebirths of Nigeria are with and for those who see beyond monopolistic direction and are ready to think out of the box or those who can unlock the box with sophisticated tools. When others say it's finished, we shall say Nigeria's greatness is about to start, I am here to tell you there is abundant natural and human resources in the land,  can't you see?.

Nigerians must see beyond recycled selfish politicians who have no clue to take us further; with all indications, they are end-end aloof from 21st-century catalysts that can salvage this country. Let's search for leaders, I mean leaders that are prepared with functional global mechanisms for Nigeria we want.

We should see beyond sentiment, region, tribe, religion, age or political affiliations, leaders that will put Nigeria and Nigerians first. 

Fellow compatriots, we are once again at the threshold of history, we must get it right this time, greatness is beckoning and knocking on our doors.

It's extremely dangerous and suicidal at this time to risk the umbilical cord of Nigeria with rulers with no empathy, passion and vision. 

Nigeria needs a servant leader with an ignited lightšŸ’”to lead her out of obscurity to the attractive place where everyone can call HOME! 

Leaders that will take us out of darkness to light, insecurities to safety, poverty headquarters to pleasantness, illiteracy to literacy, importing nation to exporting nation, bottom economy to top economy nation etc.

*There is hope for  Nigeria*

*His Excellency*

*Rev Bright Samuel Otso*

*UN Global Peace Ambassador*

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