As a matter of urgency

The State security and socio-economy of Nasarawa people need a revitalized mind with patriotic experts who are bold, ready and crazy enough to save the state from politicos' fungi.  

A team leader who can use our differences and diversities for industrialization. Who understands that what he should pursue is what unites the people rather than what divides us. A leader who will use our state and human resources to generate employment for the teeming unemployed youths and empower our women.

Nasarawa State needs a compassionate 360° servant leader with goodwill who understands the fundamental therapy of nation-building people's religion and cultural diversities, goals, collective dreams and interests of our people.

I charge my fellow Nasarawa people to stand up, let's get our "destiny" from the hands of those who have no interest in our well-being, those who by political entitlement refuse to give way for the collective values and dignity of the Nasarawa state, those who see nothing wrong in looting the treasury to zero for their selfish gain, those who have perpetually subscribed to elastic corruption, those who see the youth and women as (mere) second class citizens, those who see religion and ethnicities as a tool for divide and rule, those w  are bent at getting to power by all means, and stealing people's mandate to perpetuate themselves as god-fathers and political mentors. Let's avoid money bag politics

Nasarawa State dedeserveseaders with blood in their veins. We deserve leaders who are passionate, predetermined pragmatic, visionary and proactive.

*Nasarawa State is bigger than all*


*#ThinkNasarawa State*



*His Excellency*

*Rev Bright Samuel Otso*

*UN Global Peace Ambassador*

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