It is clear through the Scriptures that royalty or ruling and reigning in life is God’s eternal purpose for His people


The man at Creation (Gen. 1:28; Ps.8:4-5)

When God created man, He created him as royalty

The covenant with Abraham (Gen. 14:17, 23:5-6, 17:6)

As long as you are a seed of Abraham, you don’t have inferiority in your blood

As a child of Abraham, you move with royalty and carry out the responsibilities of nations

As a child of Abraham, you move with royalty and carry out the responsibilities of nations

Isaac’s Acknowledgment (Gen. 26:16)

God doe

s not differentiate your colour or habitation; if you carry revelation, you will see elevation that will shock you

Your habitation or colour doesn’t guarantee your success; your success comes from God alone

There is royal blood in every covenant child and it has no respect for your background

Jacob’s encounter (Gen. 32:28, 47:7; Heb. 7:7)

An encounter changes your life and destiny.

Joseph’s confirmation (Gen. 41:40-43)

Israel’s confirmation (Exo. 19:5-6; Deut. 14:1-2)

Walk in all humility but never apologise for being respected; the priesthood is a crown (Lev. 21:12)

The prophets (Isa. 28:5; 1Pet. 2:9; Rev. 1:3-6, 5:9-10)

Anybody who belongs to God carries a crown

God is raising kingly priests and priestly kings in this generation

Pride is an overestimation of who you are; inferiority complex is having no estimation of who you are

while Kingdom mentality is an accurate estimation/ evaluation of who you are


-Authority (Gen. 1:28)

-Prosperity (Gen. 41:41-44)

-Opportunity (Esther 2:15)

-Dignity (Honour)

If you are royalty, you cannot be a victim of disrespect.

Never allow anybody to take your respectability for granted


Only the best is good enough for royalty; don’t look for anything short of the best

You don’t need to buy things to own them; God can give you the money to buy them and He can also cause you to own them without buying them


Righteousness (Ps. 45:6-7; Job 1:1-3)

Your royalty is rooted in righteousness as a child of the Kingdom; there is no shortcut to it.

You cannot be crooked and be a royal


Father, In the Name of Jesus, I make demands for the definition of my destiny on this prophetic Theme of the year 2023, our year of royalty. I make demands on the turn-around of my destiny (1Sam. 9:6, 10:1-3,5)

Father, give me an encounter with this prophetic mantle and release me into authority and royalty

Lord, in Jesus’ Name (1Sam. 9:6, 10:1-3,5)

Father, I receive total recovery by the prophetic mantle on this theme. I receive total restoration

of everything belonging to me that is missing on the account of the blood,  in Jesus’ Name (1Sam. 9:6, 10:1-3,5)

Father, I make demands on every grace and potential in my life that needs to manifest but has not seen the light of day. Encounter me with the prophetic mantle that will cause every hidden grace or potential in my life to begin to manifest Lord, in Jesus’ Name (1Sam. 9:6, 10:1-3,5)

Father, turn my life, destiny; change my life by the prophetic encounter of the prophetic mantle at work on this ground Lord, in Jesus’ Name (1Sam. 9:6, 10:1-3,5)

Father, I receive fresh grace to live in uprightness, Lord in Jesus’ Name.

I am Royalty.

I am Royalty.

I am Royalty .



With the Facebook handle

Phone Numbers

 0906 411 3877

0912 395 2153

Your wife Facebook handle

Phone Number 09073283410

I know thy works.

I know your tendencies.

I know you take pleasure in violence.

I know you don't give up when

you want to prove a point.

But please note:

As you are reading this message, relevant authorities including the DSS Command my wife took you to in Abuja, in April 2019, that mandated the sale of your Car at #450,000 have this document as you do.

 Relevant men/women in our society have read it and are in possession of this

3 National dailies are are in possession of this document for publication when the time is right.

If anything happens to me Rev. Dr. I.  D. Samuel, of Plateau state polytechnic Jos. City of Hope Assembly Inc. Jos. My wife, Faith, Haliie Yohanna, of Access Bank Jos. My Son, Mayor Asher Samuel, my father, Mr. Ibrahim Dodo, my brother, Mr. Enock Ibrahim Dodo of Kaduna state ministry of health Kaduna. my sister Past. Salama Luka of Assemblies of God Church Nigeria, or any member of my family, immediate and extended, You Jeremiah Rhema George should and would be held responsible.

I no longer fill safe from  yesterday morning of 26th December 2022 when I confronted you in my on way by talking to a brother in Calabar and your few Facebook friends with the below message;

"The testimony Rhema is sharing of attempt on his life is a lie. Nothing of such happened to him. I was the one it happened to with my wife, that SUV on the pictures is mine"

I sent the above message to your Facebook friends that had commented on the false post and claim you made which can be seen below.

From then I began to fill threatened by your actions on social media, with my pictures and my bullet wounded vehicle and quoting my name and describing me as your friend which am not aware we have ever been friends, as seen below all as a cover up because I exposed your deceit after you were admonished to take down the post but you kept resounding threats on me through the gentle men I asked to talk to you.

I am above 40 years old and u are about 30 years old. U are a junior colleague so we have never been friends. I was only a guest speaker you invited that fell into the dilemma of kidnappers.

Jeremiah, George Rhema, you have already been recorded by my Abuja Friend you called threatening to harm and deal with me and harm me because I confronted your ills. He stands as another witness against you.

Please, live me alone and my family. We are peace makers and not violent breeds. All we do is to pastor a church and serve the Cross of our lord Jesus Christ. 



Christmas: 2 Things to Note About Christmas


1. Christmas is all about Jesus all not some. 

Christmas is all about Jesus. When you substitute Jesus with any other thing, it means nothing anymore. It's all about Jesus. Jesus is the reason for the season, I believe that with all my heart because right now in the western world, they are trying to remove the concept of Jesus out of Christmas, I hope you know that. They just say, seasons greeting. There are many seasons that are celebrated, the day Bin Laden died, the day polio came to the world. So we have to celebrate Jesus Christ. He is not a founder of a movement, He is a giver of life.

2. Every time we approach Christmas season, every true believer should bear in mind that Christmas should remind us of Jesus as the light of the world, that's the first revelation we should know. He came to give us a picture of what a believer walk in the earth should be. He came to be the light. The bible says, the people who were once in darkness have now seen a great light. Light stands for illumination, direction, and knowledge. So, Jesus came first to be a portrait of the intention of the father, and how a believer supposed to walk in the kingdom. That's why when he was born, he didn't just die he lived for 33years modelling a life, that's why the Bible says we should follow in his steps

THE POWER OF UNITY- A sermon Presented by Dr. I. D. Samuel on 15th December 2022 on the occasion of the vision casting of Jos Shabach

1. Unity is something that you know when it’s present...and you know when it’s absent.
2. When there is unity...everything runs smoothly & more gets accomplished...but when there is division & lack of unity...all you have is chaos & confusion.
3. In , we have the story of the Tower of Babel...
God had commanded Noah & his sons to disperse & repopulate the earth...but rather than be obedient to God, they decided to settle down & build themselves a city...and build a tower that would reach into the heavens.
4. In the two verses we read, God says they would have accomplished what they set out to do b/c they were one people & had the same language.
NLT says the people were “united”
NLT said they were “united...”
Even though they were being disobedient & rebellious to God...these verses demonstrate the power of unity.
These verses tell us that we can accomplish much more when we work together...rather than we’re divided.
5. So this morning, I want to share with you several thoughts about unity.


1. There are several blessings/benefits to having unity.


tells us that unity is like the anointing oil that runs down the beard of Aaron.
Oil is symbolic of the HS.
I believe where there is unity…the presence/power of the HS will be present & operating.
It also says that God commands His blessing where there is unity.
Think about this - the HS came down on the day of Pentecost when the believers were in one mind & accord.
In our passage, while they were building the Tower of Babel…God came down to see what they were doing.
Acts 2”1-4
NOTE: If we want God to empower us & bless us…there has to be unity in the church.
God can’t bless & favor division.
God isn’t attracted to disunity when He is a God of unity.
There is unity in the godhead...and He expects there to be unity among His people.
In , Jesus prayed that His people would experience unity.
John 17:
It also says that God commands His blessing where there is unity.
God will place His favor on a church when there is unity.
He will open doors & opportunities for a church that walks in unity.


) (V 9)
Ecclesiastes 4:9 KJV 1900
9 Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.
More can be accomplished when we work together than working separately.
More can be accomplished when we work together than working separately.
When Jesus sent out the disciples, He sent them out two by two.
Why - I believe it’s b/c there is strength in numbers...2 is better than 1...3 is better 2…and so on.
Lev. 26:7-8
NOTE: We can achieve more together than we can separately.
The people working together at the Tower of Babel would have accomplished their task had God not intervened...that’s the power of unity.


A house divided cannot cannot last.
The same is true for a church.
If a church is divided it will not accomplish what it’s supposed to accomplish…It will not be everything that God wants it to be.
A church that is divided will eventually implode from within...It will destroy itself.
NOTE: If we are to last & be sustainable…there must be unity.
And if you’re thinking - Jesus said He would build His church & the gates of hell wouldn’t prevail against it…that’s correct - He said that.
But it’s His church that He’s building…not OUR church.
His church will have unity…not division.
His church will have order…not chaos & confusion.



The unwillingness to forgive someone who has wronged you hinders unity.
And many times those that have wronged you may not have realized that they even hurt you


Unforgiveness turns to bitterness & resentment.
When we fail to forgive others, we hold on to our hurts…and we hold grudges against those that hurt us…and perhaps even have anger towards them.


1 Corinthians 3:1–4 HCSB
1 Brothers, I was not able to speak to you as spiritual people but as people of the flesh, as babies in Christ. 2 I gave you milk to drink, not solid food, because you were not yet ready for it. In fact, you are still not ready, 3 because you are still fleshly. For since there is envy and strife among you, are you not fleshly and living like unbelievers? 4 For whenever someone says, “I’m with Paul,” and another, “I’m with Apollos,” are you not unspiritual people?
When we are jealous of others & what God does in their lives…and how God uses them…it creates division rather unity.
They were full of jealousy, envy, & strife…and it had divided them.
When we covet other people’s gifts rather than celebrate their gifts…there will always be division.
But let me say this - instead of being envious of someone else’s gift…discover your gift & use your gift.
Some were saying they were with Paul…others were saying they were with Apollos.
NOTE: God has a purpose for everyone in the church…and everyone is needed in the church.


When you believe in Jesus you become a part of God’s family…therefore, you have to lose the “me” mentality.
It’s no longer just about you…but when we focus only on ourselves, there will be a lack of unity.
When the focus is on “me, myself, & I” unity will be missing in the church.
Paul says, don’t just look out for your own interests…but look out for the interests of others as well.
Consider others as more important than yourself.
Think about this - If everyone took care of the needs of someone else…everyone’s needs would be met.
But if we come to church thinking - “what can the church do for me” - no one gets helped…and the unity of the church will never be developed.


1. Having unity is all about


It’s difficult to be mad, angry, & hold grudges with others when you’re praying for them.
Prayer changes things but most of all it changes us.


The world will know that we belong to JC when we love one another.
True love for one another will lead to real unity...and it takes the HS to produce real love.
Love is a work of the HS...It is a fruit of the Spirit.
Love should flow from our lives naturally as believers...and if we find that we aren’t that loving - then maybe we need to examine our lives to see if have really been saved.
We may not always love perfectly but if we’re more hateful than loving...there’s a problem in our heart.


This may be one of the hardest things to do but letting go of what is behind us will go a long way in helping us to build unity.
This may be one of the hardest things to do but letting go of what is behind us will go a long way in helping us to build unity.
Too many people can’t move on b/c they are stuck in the past.
Whether it’s reliving the good times of the past...or reopening the wounds of the past...the past keeps a lot of people & a lot of churches stuck.
But the past is over - We can’t change it...We can’t relive it.
We can learn from it...but we can’t let it hold us hostage.
We can’t let it divide us.
We have to let go of the past so that we can move forward.


This should be a place where we lift one another up & help each other through life.
The church should be a place where we lift one another up & help each other through life.
We are to rejoice with those who rejoice...and weep with those who weep.
NOTE: We aren’t in this Christian life alone.
No one here today should feel like they have to face what they are going through by themselves.
The family of God should be a support system for each other.
We should encourage one another...and we should be able to share what is going on in our lives w/o fear of judgment.
Our brothers & sisters in Christ should be able to count on us.


Several centuries ago, ancient China wanted to secure its borders from its northern invaders.
So, they built the Great Wall of China to protect the border...The massive wall stretched for 1,500 miles...It was 12 to 40 feet wide and 20 to 50 feet high.
The wall was too high for the enemy to scale, too thick to tear down, and too long to go around...They also posted soldiers at different places.
They also posted soldiers at different places. It was built wide enough on the top for chariots to patrol. If they heard of an attack at distant location, they could easily get to it. They were up high giving them a superior advantage over their enemies. They knew that they had protected their borders sufficiently against all enemies.
It was built wide enough on the top for chariots to patrol. If they heard of an attack at distant location, they could easily get to it. They were up high giving them a superior advantage over their enemies. They knew that they had protected their borders sufficiently against all enemies.
But, in the first 100 years of the Great Wall of China, the nation was invaded three times.
How? An enemy bribed the gatekeepers and entered into the land undetected.
1. When we diminish the importance of unity in the body of Christ, we risk being invaded by the enemy.
2. God has called us to divine fellowship…and that fellowship is one of the most powerful tools of witness to a lost and dying world.
If we don't protect it, strive for it, and do everything we can to promote it, we open the gate to the enemy.
The enemy will attack & cause ineffectiveness and destruction.
NOTE: Everyone has a part to play in promoting & protecting the unity of the church.
It takes the effort of everyone.
So, today it is my prayer & desire that God would make us one…
It is my prayer that any issues we may have with one another would be dealt with & laid aside that we might go forward & do all that God has called us to do