It is clear through the Scriptures that royalty or ruling and reigning in life is God’s eternal purpose for His people
The man at Creation (Gen. 1:28; Ps.8:4-5)
When God created man, He created him as royalty
The covenant with Abraham (Gen. 14:17, 23:5-6, 17:6)
As long as you are a seed of Abraham, you don’t have inferiority in your blood
As a child of Abraham, you move with royalty and carry out the responsibilities of nations
As a child of Abraham, you move with royalty and carry out the responsibilities of nations
Isaac’s Acknowledgment (Gen. 26:16)
God doe
s not differentiate your colour or habitation; if you carry revelation, you will see elevation that will shock you
Your habitation or colour doesn’t guarantee your success; your success comes from God alone
There is royal blood in every covenant child and it has no respect for your background
Jacob’s encounter (Gen. 32:28, 47:7; Heb. 7:7)
An encounter changes your life and destiny.
Joseph’s confirmation (Gen. 41:40-43)
Israel’s confirmation (Exo. 19:5-6; Deut. 14:1-2)
Walk in all humility but never apologise for being respected; the priesthood is a crown (Lev. 21:12)
The prophets (Isa. 28:5; 1Pet. 2:9; Rev. 1:3-6, 5:9-10)
Anybody who belongs to God carries a crown
God is raising kingly priests and priestly kings in this generation
Pride is an overestimation of who you are; inferiority complex is having no estimation of who you are
while Kingdom mentality is an accurate estimation/ evaluation of who you are
-Authority (Gen. 1:28)
-Prosperity (Gen. 41:41-44)
-Opportunity (Esther 2:15)
-Dignity (Honour)
If you are royalty, you cannot be a victim of disrespect.
Never allow anybody to take your respectability for granted
Only the best is good enough for royalty; don’t look for anything short of the best
You don’t need to buy things to own them; God can give you the money to buy them and He can also cause you to own them without buying them
Righteousness (Ps. 45:6-7; Job 1:1-3)
Your royalty is rooted in righteousness as a child of the Kingdom; there is no shortcut to it.
You cannot be crooked and be a royal
Father, In the Name of Jesus, I make demands for the definition of my destiny on this prophetic Theme of the year 2023, our year of royalty. I make demands on the turn-around of my destiny (1Sam. 9:6, 10:1-3,5)
Father, give me an encounter with this prophetic mantle and release me into authority and royalty
Lord, in Jesus’ Name (1Sam. 9:6, 10:1-3,5)
Father, I receive total recovery by the prophetic mantle on this theme. I receive total restoration
of everything belonging to me that is missing on the account of the blood, in Jesus’ Name (1Sam. 9:6, 10:1-3,5)
Father, I make demands on every grace and potential in my life that needs to manifest but has not seen the light of day. Encounter me with the prophetic mantle that will cause every hidden grace or potential in my life to begin to manifest Lord, in Jesus’ Name (1Sam. 9:6, 10:1-3,5)
Father, turn my life, destiny; change my life by the prophetic encounter of the prophetic mantle at work on this ground Lord, in Jesus’ Name (1Sam. 9:6, 10:1-3,5)
Father, I receive fresh grace to live in uprightness, Lord in Jesus’ Name.
I am Royalty.
I am Royalty.
I am Royalty .