Christmas: 2 Things to Note About Christmas


1. Christmas is all about Jesus all not some. 

Christmas is all about Jesus. When you substitute Jesus with any other thing, it means nothing anymore. It's all about Jesus. Jesus is the reason for the season, I believe that with all my heart because right now in the western world, they are trying to remove the concept of Jesus out of Christmas, I hope you know that. They just say, seasons greeting. There are many seasons that are celebrated, the day Bin Laden died, the day polio came to the world. So we have to celebrate Jesus Christ. He is not a founder of a movement, He is a giver of life.

2. Every time we approach Christmas season, every true believer should bear in mind that Christmas should remind us of Jesus as the light of the world, that's the first revelation we should know. He came to give us a picture of what a believer walk in the earth should be. He came to be the light. The bible says, the people who were once in darkness have now seen a great light. Light stands for illumination, direction, and knowledge. So, Jesus came first to be a portrait of the intention of the father, and how a believer supposed to walk in the kingdom. That's why when he was born, he didn't just die he lived for 33years modelling a life, that's why the Bible says we should follow in his steps

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