With the Facebook handle

Phone Numbers

 0906 411 3877

0912 395 2153

Your wife Facebook handle

Phone Number 09073283410

I know thy works.

I know your tendencies.

I know you take pleasure in violence.

I know you don't give up when

you want to prove a point.

But please note:

As you are reading this message, relevant authorities including the DSS Command my wife took you to in Abuja, in April 2019, that mandated the sale of your Car at #450,000 have this document as you do.

 Relevant men/women in our society have read it and are in possession of this

3 National dailies are are in possession of this document for publication when the time is right.

If anything happens to me Rev. Dr. I.  D. Samuel, of Plateau state polytechnic Jos. City of Hope Assembly Inc. Jos. My wife, Faith, Haliie Yohanna, of Access Bank Jos. My Son, Mayor Asher Samuel, my father, Mr. Ibrahim Dodo, my brother, Mr. Enock Ibrahim Dodo of Kaduna state ministry of health Kaduna. my sister Past. Salama Luka of Assemblies of God Church Nigeria, or any member of my family, immediate and extended, You Jeremiah Rhema George should and would be held responsible.

I no longer fill safe from  yesterday morning of 26th December 2022 when I confronted you in my on way by talking to a brother in Calabar and your few Facebook friends with the below message;

"The testimony Rhema is sharing of attempt on his life is a lie. Nothing of such happened to him. I was the one it happened to with my wife, that SUV on the pictures is mine"

I sent the above message to your Facebook friends that had commented on the false post and claim you made which can be seen below.

From then I began to fill threatened by your actions on social media, with my pictures and my bullet wounded vehicle and quoting my name and describing me as your friend which am not aware we have ever been friends, as seen below all as a cover up because I exposed your deceit after you were admonished to take down the post but you kept resounding threats on me through the gentle men I asked to talk to you.

I am above 40 years old and u are about 30 years old. U are a junior colleague so we have never been friends. I was only a guest speaker you invited that fell into the dilemma of kidnappers.

Jeremiah, George Rhema, you have already been recorded by my Abuja Friend you called threatening to harm and deal with me and harm me because I confronted your ills. He stands as another witness against you.

Please, live me alone and my family. We are peace makers and not violent breeds. All we do is to pastor a church and serve the Cross of our lord Jesus Christ. 



1 comment:

  1. You are a child. Confused and have lost your conduct to deception and lies.
    You are definitely not a man of God.
    You are highly manipulative... The law is on your tail. You can't escape justice.
