Marriage is honourable in ALL, and the bed undefiled. Hebrews 13:4. God is the one who instituted marriage and ordained it Genesis 2:24. As a result, he alone has the answer to every marital issue. He has given us his word in the Bible to guide us into a blissful marriage. However, many have deviated from biblical principles and embraced worldly ideologies because they think that modern civilization is the answer to realizing their marital bliss. Consequently, many marriages are in shambles today.

On this note, every first Sunday of the month of February is our Covenant Day Of Marital Bliss.

This year we are privileged to receive the ministry of  Past. Chris Ofuani, the founder of Relationship Lifeline Network International.

He will be a blessing to us.

Come with your spouses and family and friends.

Sunday 5th February 2023

Time: 8 am

God bless you as you pray and plan to be part of this.

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