"For I know the thoughts I think towards you, saith the Lord; thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end" (Jeremiah 29:11).


Deuteronomy 2:4-9


Genesis 25-26



God has a plan for everyone and everything. Within this plan, He has a set of steps, rules, and instructions that will take you to the appointed place. Very important to this plan is the ability to hear from God. To hear when He tells you to make a move, not to make a move, to recognize a God-given opportunity, to recognize the answer to prayers, or when something comes and it looks like the answer but is not the answer.

Many times, when we have been waiting for an extended period for God's plan to come into action, something comes along that looks like God's answer but it isn't. At those times we should

remember that God gave us a specific covenant and He will fulfill it. So we shouldn't settle for less or for what looks like it but isn't it.

The children of Israel in today's passage were told not to possess any of the lands they passed through because those who dwell in those lands were also His covenant children, the children of Esau. God told Israel to move forward, not to so much as disturb anyone in those lands and not to strike fear in their hearts but to look forward to their expected land. The places they were passing through resembled the good land God told them He would give them but it wasn't it!.

Sometimes it may look like it but it isn't it. That's where wisdom and diligence come in. You need the wisdom to know God's plan, God's steps, and God's instructions. You need the diligence to stick with the plan in face of all odds. God's plans are precise and infallible and will never fail. God's plan will never fail in your life in Jesus' name.



God's plan for you is precise and perfect, don't settle for less.

🙏🏿 *PRAYER* 

Lord, give me wisdom to stick to your plan, to recognize and understand the steps you're taking me through, and may your plan never fail in my life, or the lives of my descendants.


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