🍲 *SHABACH YESHUA DAILY DEVOTIONAL* *Friday 13th January, 2023*



"Awake thou that sleepest, and arises from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. " (Ephesians 5:14, KJV)

Isaiah 52:1-2; Eph. 5:14-16.

Job 35-37

One adverse effect of the global pandemic was spiritual slumber and weakness. Many believers were committed Church members. But during the pandemic, there was no worship inside Church buildings, and many fell away being enticed by carnality and the flesh. Besides, many grew weak in prayer, evangelism, and other Christian activities. Instead of being sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit, they became prey to the devil. Are you one of such persons? You need to wake up from your sleep. Awake from your slumber and allow God to refill you again with His strength and might.

Prophet Isaiah spoke to the people of Israel to awake from their sleep. He further expressed God's readiness to restore all they had lost, both spiritually and physically. In doing this, God intended to clothe them with strength and beautiful garments. In addition, God planned to remove yokes from their necks and no unclean and uncircumcised enemy shall come near them. If you come back to God, He will clothe you with new garments again.

Apostle Paul cautioned the Ephesian believers to awake from their coldness and give themselves to Christ which brings light to the world. These brethren were not meant to die shamefully but to arise and shine. He, therefore, encouraged the people to be wise because the days are evil.

Do not be wearied because it is not yet over. The hearts of some Christians are very fragile and can easily be discouraged. When a person is spiritually sleeping and thinks he is well, he cheats himself. Awake from your slumber and allow God to strengthen you again.
When a person realizes his mistakes and awakes from his weakness, God will rekindle him again for greater exploits.

Dear Lord, help me to be spiritually awake and not slumber. Amen.
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