🍲 *SHABACH YESHUA DAILY DEVOTIONAL* *Thursday 12th January 2023*




"I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing" (John 15:5, NKJV).


Psalm 1:2-3, Joshua 10:5-13.


Job 32-34


The world tells us that success is being wealthy or popular, but God's Word shows us the true definition of success: a fruitful Christian life. The Bible shows the formula for a successful Christian life.

 *Delight in God's Word.* Remember when you first accepted Christ as your Savior. The Word of God was so fresh and new that you couldn't wait to read it whenever you had the opportunity! It was as if God was personally with you and talking to you directly. You enjoy reading and listening to the Word of God. As we become older Christians, our dedication and devotion become an easy ritual and no longer a true relationship with God. When we truly delight in the eternal things of God, our desires will begin to parallel His, and we will never go unfulfilled. Matthew 6:33 says, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things [the necessities of life] will be given to you as well."

 *Meditate on God's Word.* What keeps you busy all day long? Is it a job, a family problem, or a financial burden? Instead of dwelling on the negative problems of life, focus on the Word of God. Memorize the promises of encouragement from God and ponder them all day long. Post notes of Bible verses that God has given you around your house or in the car, and listen to sermons while driving or doing house chores. You may post pictures of your favourite verses in your room. Meditating on God's Word will change your mind and give you God's view of life.

 *Be Diligent and invoke supernatural intervention.* Within our control, one of the most important principles of God's formula for success is dedication to work and diligence. Be diligent so that you can make obvious progress for everyone. This was a very simple formula that Joshua was familiar with. He realized that he had to do everything in his power to succeed. So he was able to march all night, fight all day, and fight all day after God stopped the sun. It was

diligence. Moreover, he did not try to succeed on his own. He understood that supernatural intervention was needed. That is why he used God's power source, prayer and then God sent hailstones and caused the sun to stand still. Human efforts alone do not lead to true Success



Human efforts alone do not lead to true success.

🙏🏿 *PRAYER* 

 Oh Lord, help me to do what is in my control and look up to You for supernatural intervention.


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