Daily Devotional* 

*Friday 6th January, 2023* 





"And ye shall tell my father of all my glory in Egypt, and of all that ye have seen; and ye shall haste and bring down my father hither" Genesis 45:13


Genesis 45: 1-24


Job 10-13


When God design a man for glory, the man is bound to go through a lot in life. No matter how hard our World today is, there are people in glorious positions, such positions can only be attained by walking through difficult paths, and not gotten on platter of gold.

The man Joseph who now occupy a glorious position in Egypt had to go through serious pain and near death path before he finally arrived the glorious position.

If we desire or dream of glorious position in life, we must prepare our minds to encounter the rough path to glory. We must be willing to face baptism of suffering and pain

There is no safe path to glory: Jose N. Harris in "A story of Faith" said "when you find your path, you must ignore fear. Once you are on that road... run, run, run, and don't stop till you' ve reached its end".

On the path to glory, one must be ready and willing to face the heat of hatred and jealousy, unhealthy rivalry, Joseph faced it all even with his own brothers. Nothing can frustrate God's own plan if we persistently follow our path to glory, and be able to bear whatever

we see on the way.

Joseph's proclamation to his brothers can blow the mind "And you shall tell my father of all my glory in Egypt, and of all that you have seen and you shall haste to bring down my father hither" (Genesis 45:13).

Beyond the glories of this life, there is also eternal glory. The path in same way is rough: our Lord Jesus is now in glory, the path to his glory was not funny. It included death on the shameful cross, he was spat upon and even called many derogatory names, but he endure even unto death. All we need today is the grace and courage to continue in the path not minding how rough---


Frustrations and distraction are makeups on our path to glory.

🙏🏿 *PRAYER* 

 God give me the courage to take all that come my way on my path to glory.



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