🍲 *SHABACH YESHUA DAILY DEVOTIONAL* *Saturday 7th January, 2023*




"Then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent" (Psa. 91:10, NIV)


Psalms 91:1-16


Job 14-16


We are living in evil days when it looks as if God no longer answer prayers. People pray and pray, yet it seems as if they are not praying. Evil seems not to be abating. Workers of iniquity are on the increase instead. There are killings, corruption, oppression, kidnapping, injustice, betrayal, cultism, nepotism and different forms of vices everywhere. The government is confused and evasive. Unfortunately, the Church which the world would have run to has become worldly and drifting away from the path of rectitude (righteousness). The godly and faithful ones are almost becoming

weak and discouraged.

However, the Lord is still having remnants in the world. He promised

to uphold and deliver them in times like this. He will not be silent forever. I do not know what you are passing through right now. Are you at the point of begging food? Remember, He who fed Israel with manna in the wilderness and the multitude with five loaves of bread and two small fishes in the desert will feed you miraculously. Are you engulfed in a fiery trial and you seem to be burning, yet there is no help from anyone, he who delivered the three Hebrews from the burning fiery furnace will deliver you. Do your prayers seem lost and

unheard? Are you left alone in time of utter loss, agony and sweat?Are you betrayed by friends, hated and scandalized by people for no reason? Are you almost over flowed and submerged in the sea of this world? Remember, He who said "When you pass through the waters,

I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not

sweep over you" will deliver you (Isa. 43:2).

God who promised to preserve the servant of Jeremiah, Baruch in

time of trouble will preserve you. God said to him, "Wherever you go I will let you escape with your life" (Jer. 45:5b). He who said, "And Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age" will preserve you (Matt. 28). Remain faithful, no matter the situation, God will surely fight for you.



Do not be discouraged by what is happening around you. Remain faithful to God, no matter the situation, He will surely preserve you in the midst of trouble.

🙏🏿 *PRAYER* 

 My Father, do not let my enemies rejoice over me. May I never fall a victim of the world's trouble. Preserve my soul for your kingdom.



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