"The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." (John 10:10)


Colossians 2:1-15


Christ wants us to have victory over the enemy waging battles (physical and spiritual). If we engage this battle with worldly principles the devil will defeat us.

To defeat the devil, we must remind him that he is defeated, Jesus won the battle. So truth and knowledge of His word gives us the victory.

Do not let down your guard. You are devil proof by the blood of

Jesus, so hold on to your weapons and never lay them down. The devil wants you to stay confused and not battle ready. So watch out for those subtle moves the devil would bring up, recognize your enemy and his plans and never take your eyes off Jesus.

Complete obedience to God is one of the keys to a life of dominion. Saul loses dominion because of his disobedience, and he was described as a rebellious person. 1 Sam 15: 11-23. Jesus said

the proof of our love for Him is our obedience to His commands. If we

are going to have and maintain the dominion Christ has giving us, we

must walk in absolute obedience to His words and commands at all times.

We are described as more than conquerors due to the victory and dominion Christ has given us over every situation and circumstances in this world. Rom 8:35-39. No one can walk in dominion unless he is

first connected to Christ. You can start the journey into the life of dominion today by accepting the free gift of salvation. Repent of your sins, ask for pardon from God through the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ, and surrender to Christ as your Lord and personal Saviour.



 No one attains spiritual victory through worldly principles.

🙏🏿 *PRAYER* 

By divine authority, I declare I am more than conqueror by the Blood of Jesus, who died and laid in the grave, and  arose triumphant on the third day as Yeshua the Christ 


Daniel 2:31–4:27


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