"Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain."- (Psalm 127:1)


Psalm 136:1-12


Numbers 23-25


Our memory verse says that you cannot build a house unless you obtain mercy from God, and neither can there be safety unless He provides it. In other words, there is virtually nothing good a man can achieve without the mercy of God which provides the platform for His help.

It is only by God's mercy that you can start and finish any project successfully. It doesn't matter how many bodyguards you have,

unless God has mercy on you, your life is not protected. You can

have bodyguards against hired assassins and armed robbers, but can you have bodyguards against sicknesses? Can you have bodyguards against spiritual attacks? Only God's mercy can truly protect you.

Many years ago, a young man who went to school abroad came back home and told his father about his experience. He, "Dad, I know that you sent me abroad to study because you love me, but thank your God that I did not end up disgracing you because of the people I associated with in school." The father was doing the right thing by sending his child to a good school, but, had it not been for the mercy of God, he would have regretted it. From my personal experience, I know you can get to the exam hall and just blank out. Farmers can have no harvest even though they did all that they would

to get one. A hardworking fisherman like Peter can fish all night and catch nothing (Luke 5:5). That is why wise people when they need help, ask God for mercy.

In Mark 10:47, Bartimaeus kept crying, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me", Jesus had mercy on him. In Luke 17:11-19, the ten

lepers saw Jesus, stood far away, and cried for mercy: they were cleansed. What is that problem you need a solution to? Change your prayer point today and just ask God for mercy.



Mercy supersedes judgment and says the word of God.

🙏🏿 *PRAYER* 

 Father, I pray, have mercy on me. Help me overcome all my life challenges, in name of Yeshua. Amen


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