"Depart, depart, go out from there? Touch no unclean thing! Come out from it and be pure, you who carry the vessels of the Lord" (Isaiah 52:11, NIV).


Exodus 25:1-37


Numbers 21-22


The word instruction simply means a direction or order. People fail in examinations because they do not heed instructions. God has a standard and pattern. His ways are not like ours and His standard differs from ours (Isaiah 55:8).

God wants His children to follow His instructions in everything they do for Him. Zeal for Him is not an excuse for disobeying His instructions. When one fails to adhere to His instructions he will have himself to blame. When He told Noah to build an Ark for the salvation of his family, he gave Noah the specifications (Gen. 6:13-22). The Bible says that Noah did just as the Lord commanded him. When God told Moses to build a Tabernacle for Him, He gave Moses the blueprint of the Tabernacle. God showed Moses the types of woods to be used for the building and furnishing, offerings and everything to be done in it (Exo. 25:1-37). Moses indeed built exactly according to God's pattern.

God's work must be done in His way. God is no respecter of persons. Failure to follow His instructions attracts His judgment. When Moses failed to follow God's instruction at Kadesh in the Wilderness of Sin and struck the Rock the second time he paid dearly for it. He was barred from entering into the Promised Land (Num. 20:7-13). David and the people of Israel flouted God's instruction and used a strange method to carry the Ark of God and when the oxen that were carrying the Ark stumbled Uzzah held the Ark and God struck him dead (I Chron. 13:1-4). King Saul was rejected for disobeying God's instruction (I Sam. 15:1-10). God does not justify the right thing that is done in the wrong way.



Zeal for God is not an excuse for disobeying His word. God will not justify the right thing done in the wrong way.

🙏🏿 *PRAYER* 

Oh God of my praise, help me to follow your instruction in the services I render to you. May I never do your work in my way but in your way in the name of Yeshua? Amen


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