"  Do not give the devil an opportunity" (Ephesians 4:27, NET)


1 Peter 5:5-11


When we talk about resisting the devil, it could be approached from many angles. But for our purpose today, we are inclined to state that "resisting" indicates whatever we get from the Lord. its security is partially our responsibility. God provides us with the instruments of resistance. If we fail to pick them up and add action, we have no other to blame but ourselves.

Satan is poised against God and all His works, he endeavours to undo what God does but the scriptures state, "Whatever God does will endure forever..."(Eccl. 3:14 NET). All the evil that has ever come to us is from the devil. When the Lord gives deliverance and drives the satanic agents away.

The devil will say, "I will return to my former house, where I was driven out before". It is God's will that he will not return.

We are all in the land of our enemy, subject to his attacks, spirit, soul and

body but we are counselled; give no place to the devil. It means that if he attacks, he will find no place except we yield the ground. If we sin, we have yielded grounds.

In addition, the blood of Jesus provides a strong

resistance weapon with faith in Christ's death and resurrection. Others are the word of God, praise and worship, praying and fasting, fellowshipping with others and finally diligence at all times.

l attended Federal Government interviews on invitation at the professional cadre some years ago. I arrived quite ahead of time. As the discussion was filtering, I discovered two documents were not in my possession and were vital for the day. Certificate of State of Origin and L.G.A. It was a big problem. Someone advised me to go to my State Liaison Office and secure them. I dashed out. Before the processing and my back trip, the interview was over and they had selected the successful candidates.

Many were stepping out from the venue. I contemplated joining them but God told me not to go. I managed and entered their boardroom, all have left except the

chairman. He asked me, Young man, what is it? I narrated my story. He asked me which University and where is my NYSC Certificate. I provided them, and after

glancing through them, he did not ask me a single question. He told me to go. Two weeks after it was published, my name was the first on the success list. One of the ways to resist the devil is by listening to God and obeying Him. Go by his bidding and put the devil to the flight.




 Give no place to the devil.

🙏🏿 *PRAYER* 

Oh Lord my father, help me to keep Your word within me so that I will always have enough defensive and offensive weapons. On the account of the blood of Yeshua. Amen


Zechariah 8–13


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