"Now the people complained...." (Numbers 11:1, NIV).
Numbers 11:1-9
Sometimes it looks like complaining is part of human nature. When it is rainy we complain, when it is sunny we complain. We complain about the weather and what we have to wear. We complain about the food. We complain about traffic and technology. We virtually complain about everything.
Complaining was second nature for Israel during the wilderness years. In our passage, Israel was only three days into their wilderness journey when they started to complain. They complained about their hardships and the wilderness food. They wanted something different from the manna they had to eat, day in and day out. The food they had eaten in Egypt seemed so much better.
Life, like the wilderness, can be hard, but when we complain, we fall into the devil's trap. When we complain, we tend to glamorize what we don't have. Did they have it better in Egypt? Somehow the people completely forgot the hardships they had endured there as slaves. When we complain, we tend to see life in a distorted way. Grumbling flows from people who think they deserve something better.
Paul calls us to do everything without grumbling (Philippians 2:14). This is possible when we learn to concentrate on God's grace in Christ. We don't have to complain so often when we know we are loved by God. His grace can move us from grumbling to gratitude.
Complaints never solve problems.
Oh Lord my Father, Forgive us when we grumble, and help us to be content in You. In Jesus our Christ. Amen.
Daniel 11:14–12:13;
Hosea 1–3
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