*Tuesday 18th April 2023* 





"For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son... (John 3:16).


Mark 11:1-11


Our God is a giver. No man on earth can give anything close to the gift God gave to mankind, "His only begotten Son. As children of our Father, we should be givers, givers of words of encouragement, godly love, care and every good gift that will glorify our father and lead men to Him. No amount of giving will make a giver go down, rather he will remain above.

I read a story in a devotional, where a young man needed a car to travel to a church where he was going to conduct a youth rally. He asked a friend of his to lend him his car. His friend was hesitant at first because that was the only car he and his wife depended on. But on a second thought, he and his wife remembered that souls would be won to the kingdom through the trip, they quickly consented. The young man travelled in the car, conducted the rally and many teenagers gave their lives to Christ.

In our scripture today, Jesus sent His disciples to fetch another man's donkey and to tell anyone who asked, that the Master had need of it.

He instructed them to "loose him and bring him." The same donkey conveyed Jesus to Jerusalem. This is to teach us that we should not hold back anything that will contribute to the elevation of others and progress of the Gospel.

What is that thing you are holding so tenaciously? Let it go, for the Use of the Master, that sister, that brother or that friend. There will always be someone that needs what we have. As much as it lies within our

reach, let us learn never to hold back.

That which you hold so dear may save someone's life. Do not ignore that call. Attend to that knock on the door. In your place of work, in your neighbourhood, make yourself always available for the challenges of others and you will never lose your reward. 



 Never hold back release it; you may be saving a soul.

🙏🏿 *PRAYER* 

In the name of Jesus. Make me a channel of blessing to this generation, Oh Lord, God of my praise. Amen


Luke 4:1-6:26


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