As I was writing this, my mind immediately flew back to Acts 2:47 where the early believers offered several intercessory prayer points for church growth.

What Are Prayer Points for Church Growth?

Intercessory prayer points for church growth are prayers offered to help the growth of the church.

These are prayers that make the winning of souls easier and ensure that more people are converted to believing in the Gospel of Christ.

Why Intercessory Prayer Points For Church Growth?

Intercessory Prayer for church growth is essential since winning souls is the core mandate given to Christians by Jesus Christ when He was on earth (And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature – Mark 16: 15). 

Every Christian must offer prayers for the church so that those who are yet to come to the light of the glorious Truth will receive Him.

Praying for the church is a way to ensure that the kingdom of hell is depopulated and that the message of the True Gospel is heard across the world.

Prayer For Church Growth: Historical Background

Back in the book of Acts, we saw how the church grew and multiplied. A look into Acts shows us how the early church moved from a few hundred to thousands and spread to several parts of the world.

Now, if you are starting a new movement,  it becomes all the more important for you to pray and even engage in welfare prayer points to see the new assembly grow.

So, you must offer prayer points for your new movement, organization, or church because the enemy will want to stop it from growing.

Although they were forces against the growth of the church, the prayers of the believers were enough to ward off the resistance of the “gate of hell.

“I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock, I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.” Mt 16:18

Prayer Points For Church Growth With Bible Verses, Scriptures

So, I have made a list of some prayer points for church growth backed up by bible verses as seen below:

1. Dear Lord, by divine authority, let the heathens be granted unto as our inheritance and let the earth our assets in the name of Jesus– Ps. 2:8

2. Oh, Lord! Let there be diverse acts in this Shabach and in all places where men are gathering as believers just as it took place on Pentecost, so that men, from everywhere, will get to know You!– Acts 2:6/41

3. In the name of Yeshua dear Father, send forth your reaper angel to go to the harvest fields, and draft in men into Shabach Yeshua Global, Aka. Jos Shabach. Is 10:3/34-35

4. Lord, let every captive ordained for eternal life be released and established in Shabach on the account of the blood of Jesus. CTS 13:48

5. Oh Lord my Father, by divine authority, we declare, as watchers on the walls of Zion, let your reaper angels cast his sickle into the harvest field and reap every soul destined for salvation in Jesus’ name!  Rev. 14:14/16

6. Every power thriving to manipulate those who have just been converted from being established, we cast such out by divine authority in the name of Jesus!

7.  Lord, raise men whose hearts still beat after you; after the harvest of souls perishing and cause men to flow into Shabach

8. In the name of Jesus Christ. Let Jos Shabach continually experience supernatural growth, making it a city without walls  Acts 13:44

9. By divine authority, we speak against all hindrances posed by the devil against the growth of the Shabach.  We decree that Shabach will grow in the name of Jesus!

10. Let every unit in Shabach be strengthened for unusual growth leading to more souls being saved in the name of Jesus! – Jer. 30:19

11. My Father, turn every partner in Shabach a walking miracle so that men may see your goodness in their lives and turn to you! Zech. 8:23

12. On the account of the blood of Jesus, Shabach Yeshua Global be a solution ground where needs are met and souls won into the kingdom– Zeph. 3:17

13. By the power of the Holy Ghost, cause Shabach partners to become passionate about winning souls! Acts 10:38.

14. Father, we bless your name for the body of Christ even as you have called us to serve at this point! We decree supernatural multiplication of your church across cities in the world.

15. In the name of Jesus, we pray that every city across the globe will be filled with men and women whose hearts pants after lost souls. Fill up your church with such men and women filled with vibrancy in the name of Jesus!

16.  By Divine authority, we decree and declare, no weapon formed against the growth of the Shabach and the Church in Nigeria shall prosper in the name of Jesus! The church is marching forward! Isaiah 54:17

17. My Father, by divine authority,  we demolish every stronghold of the enemy against the growth of Shabach and the church in Nigeria. As we call upon your name show us what we do not know about concerning your church -2 Corinthians 10:4, Jeremiah 33:3

18. We speak the blood of Jesus over your church! By faith, we decree supernatural expansion; let your presence continue to show forth for us as we grow supernaturally! – Luke 10:19

19. My Father, as your church goes about preaching the gospel, clothe us with your power from on high to be true witnesses in the name of Jesus! – Acts 1: 8; Luke 24:49

20. In the name of Yeshua, we speak against every spirit of limitation and stagnation against the Shabach, we destroy such spirit by the fire of the Holy Ghost!  Luke 9:1, Matthew 28:18.

21. Dear Lord, today, we come against every counsel of the devil against the growth of Shabach, let them be confused in the name of Jesus! – Psalm 68:1, 2 Chronicles 20:23

22. Oh Lord my Father, as we preach the gospel, let your Holy Spirit do the convicting in the name of Jesus! Do that which only you can do! As we plant, Lord water and make our efforts grow! -1 Cor. 3:7).

23. Give us nations, Lord! Let the heathen know that you are God! Hear our cries and let your church on the globe continually experience an increase! 1 Jn. 5:14-15

24. Thank you, Father, for the increase in Shabach, we bless your name because the church is marching forward!

25. Father thank you for the souls that are destined worn, we give you praise for their lives in Jesus' mighty name we have prayed!

Fasting and Prayer for Church Growth Conclusion

Remember that we must offer prayers for the church! Offering prayer points for soul-winning for the church to grow!

Like in everything done as believers, these prayer points for church growth should be prayed with faith! We know that asking God for anything without faith is bad!

We pray that the Lord will continue to strengthen His church, and cause men to have the zeal to win souls for the Kingdom in Jesus’s name!

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