Miscarriage is defined as the spontaneous loss of a foetus before it is viable. In the USA, it is the 20th week of pregnancy and in the UK, the 23rd week. The medical term for miscarriage is “spontaneous abortion”. A foetus is “viable” when it has the potential to survive outside the womb.

Miscarriage is one of the most common complications associated with early pregnancy. Sadly, around a quarter – or even more – of all pregnancies result in miscarriage.

Most miscarriages occur during the first few months of pregnancy. An estimated 75% of miscarriages happen during the woman’s first trimester. Although miscarriage is relatively common, it can be an extremely traumatic and devastating experience.

Miscarriage is a big threat to marriages of today. A woman is supposed to conceive and give birth successfully without any complication. God’s standard for fruitfulness has not change. The Bible says, 

Exodus 23:26, ”There shall nothing cast their young, nor be barren, in thy land: the number of thy days I will fulfil.”

A woman who has encountered a series of miscarriages in her marriage has lived a painful experience. There is a great joy when an expected mother is pregnant. During pregnancy, it is true that one of her expectation is to deliver safely and be a proud mother.

Medically, pregnancy miscarriage could be deduced by several factors such as, Chromosome problems, Womb structure abnormalities, Polycystic ovary syndrome, Weakened cervix etc, But spiritually, the attack of miscarriage can also come from the devil, witcraft, sexual dream, eating in the dream, foundational problem, bleeding in the dream, breastfeeding a baby in the dream, evil curse and covenant etc.

Many couples have several miscarriages. They have sought for helps but all ended in futility. Our God is a merciful God and he certainly does not abandon his children in their plight. There is so much ignorance about this matter which affects the joy and happiness of marriages. All expected mothers would deliver safely without any complication, in Jesus name.

if you are truly a godly woman, you should not be taken down by the dangers of childbirth that affect ungodly women. Stand in faith and live holy, and your conception and delivery will be most pleasant! On the other hand, if you stand in faith, what affects others will not be able to affect you. If you refuse to resist these sicknesses, you will become a victim just like everyone else. The choice is yours.

What can cause this miscarriage issue spiritually

Evil foundation


Evil curse and covenant

Eating in the dream

Having sex in the dream

Lack of love for children

Wickedness in the family

Powers of darkness 


When you have enemies that hate to see you pregnant or deliver babies

Constant stealing and rebellion

Bringing in unclean or cursed things to your house etc

INSTRUCTION: Embark on 3 days  FRUIT fasting and prayers between 6am – 3pm. Pray with any of your favourite fruits and break your fasting with it at 3pm. Genesis 1:28, Galatians 5:22-23, Exodus 23:25-26, Isaiah 49:5, Genesis 29:31, Psalms 22:9-10.


SCRIPTURES: Exodus 23:20-27, Isaiah 49:24-26, Psalm 62:11, Jeremiah 33:3

Thank God for His cleansing and forgiveness power in the blood of Jesus.

-On the account of the Blood of Jesus I am set free from every bondage of pregnancy miscarriage, in Jesus name.

- By your fire, I shake out anything in my system that does not glorify God, in Jesus name.

- By divine authority, I loose myself from the grip of the spirit of miscarriage in the name of Jesus.

- Oh God arise and deliver me from this affliction planted in my womb, in Jesus name.

- By divine authority, I cast out every spirit of death from my womb, in Jesus name.

- In the name of Yeshua, you Evil object in my body you shall not terminate my pregnancy, in Jesus name.

- By divine authority, I refuse to give birth and die as a mother, in Jesus name.

- I declare, by divine authority, Let every power attacking my unborn during pregnancy, be ex-posed and be destroyed, in the name of Jesus.

- The evil pattern of difficulty in child bearing in my life, my marriage and family, be broken on the account of the blood of Jesus.

- Oh Lord my father, by your fire, I reject every curse of miscarriage and pre-mature birth in my family, in the name of Jesus.

- Blood of Jesus flush out every evil plantation in my body in the name of Jesus.

- By the eternal blood of the lamb, I cancel every negative medical report issued to me by the power in the Blood of Jesus.

- Oh My womb and breast begin to function perfectly in the name of Jesus.

- By fire by force, I shall deliver this pregnancy, in Jesus name.

- I withdraw my pregnancy from every evil alter and family idols, in the name of Jesus.

- In the name of Yeshua, I declare by divine authority, Every seed of pregnancy miscarriage in my foundation, be uprooted by fire, in the name of Jesus.

- Holy Spirit by your power that incubated the womb of Elizabeth and Sarah incubate my womb in the name of Jesus.

- Any evil decree assigned to destroy my child in the womb, die now in the name of Jesus.

- Satanic contractor hired to trouble my marriage with child bearing  issues, die suddenly in the name of Jesus.

- By divine authority, My marriage must produce children, in Jesus name.

- By divine authority, I renounce and release myself from every covenant of  pregnancy miscarriage, in the name of Jesus.

- Household powers discussing my womb to the evil priest for manipulations, backfire now, in Jesus name.

- O Lord my father, replace every damaged organ in my body in the name of Jesus.

- On the account of the blood of JESUS, I reject, reverse and revoke every covenant of barrenness through sex, incision and abortion in the name of Jesus.

- Witchcraft manipulators and manipulations, your activities shall no longer function in my pregnancy as from today in Jesus name.

- Every word spoken by the enemy against my delivery date, back fire 21 times, in Jesus name.

- Powers of darkness, programming  ants into my womb, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.

- Every evil stone that has been put in my womb in the spirit realm, roll out by fire in the name of Jesus

In the name of Yeshua. I declare by divine authority, Every red object that I see in my dream that has become abortive yokes upon my pregnancy, break by fire in the name of Jesus


- In the name of Yeshua. Any evil strong man, that says that I will experience miscarriage, again you are a liar, die in Jesus name.

- Jesus Christ, the great restorer, restore the joy my marriage, with children in Jesus name.

- Oh Lord my father, by divine authority, I speak to Powers that bend, obstruct and kill the purpose of marriage, shall not locate my marriage, in Jesus name.

- In the name of Yeshua. All my babies that have been wasted through miscarriages, come alive by fire, in Jesus name.

- Evil spirit that entered my body on the day my husband had sex with me, come out by fire, in Jesus name.

- On the account of the blood of JESUS. Every evil load resting upon my pregnancy, clear away by fire, in Jesus name.

-  oh Lord, by your fire, I deprogramme all the witchcraft programme against my delivery date, in Jesus name.

-. All you mockers waiting for my ”bad letter day” IN MY MARRIAGE, you shall carry your burdens, in the name of Jesus.

- by the fire of God, I speak to you O you my womb, hear the word of the Lord, refuse to obey the voice of miscarriage, in Jesus name.

I decree in that name of Yeshua. That Every curse of marriage without a child, break by fire, in Jesus name.

- The next evil food that want to cause harm in my womb tonight shall miss its direction, in Jesus name.

- Oh Lord my father, by divine authority, I refuse to give birth to a deformed baby, in Jesus name.

- Oh God of my praise, let the Arrows of the wicked against my pregnancy, backfire, in Jesus name.

- On the account of the blood of JESUS. Evil hands, turning the head of my unborn baby upside down shall wither by fire, in Jesus name.

- in the name of Jesus. Oh My womb, fight against miscarriages, in Jesus name.

- Powers that want me to die without children or to die during child birth, die in my place now by divine authority in Jesus name.

- Oh You my babies, you are protected from the womb, in Jesus name.

- I decree and declare by the word of God, that Every foundation of miscarriage and stillbirth be uprooted now in Jesus name.

- Oh Lord my father, arise and let Every wicked power that want my baby to die in my womb, roast by fire, in Jesus name.

- In the name of Jesus, You witchcraft power in charge of watery sperm, loose your hold, in the name of Jesus.

- by divine authority I declare, Every witchcraft power, responsible for miscarriages of pregnancies in my life, be arrested, in the name of Jesus.

- Every witchcraft power, manipulating my menstrual cycle, loose your hold, in the name of Jesus.

- Every power using the dream of blood bleeding to cause miscarriage in my womb, be destroyed by fire, in Jesus name.

- By the blood of the lamb. Every record of my name in the register of childless couples, be wiped off by the blood of Jesus.

- By divine authority, let Every spirit of bacteria disease hindering my child bearing capabilities, be uprooted by fire, in Jesus name.

- Every yoke of miscarriage that has become a family pattern, break and let me go in the name of Jesus.

- Any evil personality making it impossible for me to have sex with my husband or wife and is making it easy for me to have sex with spirit husband and wife, die in the name of Jesus.

- Yokes of stillbirth that they put upon my head and my womb, release me, break by fire in the name of Jesus

I declare by divine authority that I will give birth to a healthy and blessed baby, in Jesus name.


- Oh God of my praise, I pray for peace and good comfort through this pregnancy, in Jesus name.

- O God, I put my womb and my unborn baby between your hands. Only you can work a miracle for me and my baby, in Jesus name.

- Abba Father, let the spirit of abortion in me, be dissolved by the blood of Jesus.

- Dear Lord, miscarriage is not your will because you said in your word that there shall nothing cast their young nor be barren in the land, the number of days I will fulfill. Lord I stand on your word that I would not miscarry this baby or babies in the mighty name of Jesus.

- My Father, let dry bones rise again, the work You have started in my life it shall be completed in the mighty name of Jesus.

- By divine authority, In the 9 month, I would carry my child or children in the mighty name of Jesus.

- O God of my praise, you said in Malachi 3:11 ”And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of my ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the Lord of hosts. I believe that every devourer has been destroyed by fire on the account of the blood of JESUS.

- Any principality and power that is responsible for my baby disappearing I command you by the name of Jesus to be destroyed by fire.

- Lord, I speak healing upon my womb, I speak restoration and blessing upon my baby. Whatever the Doctors say concerning my situation, Lord I believe you have the final say and I believe that you shall heal my baby, protect and shield us in your love Lord.

- By divine authority, I come against every attack of the enemy that will cause me to believe that this pregnancy will not go full term, in Jesus name.

- Every evil injection inside my pregnancy and my life, catch fire, in Jesus name.

- On the account of the blood of JESUS. Let the hand of God, uproot every evil tree that has harbor my glory of fruitfulness in Jesus name.

- Every chain of household enemies tying me down , and preventing me from delivery safely, catch fire in Jesus name.

- You my unborn children, hear the voice of your mother/father, come out of any ancient dark room you are locked up in, in Jesus name.

- on the account of the blood of JESUS. Let Every good thing stolen from my womb, and has been taken to the coven, you altars open and vomit them by fire in Jesus name.

- Oh My father. Every idol power house in my village, where names of pregnant women are dedicated, catch fire in Jesus name.

- My father my fighter. Let Wicked woman, using the glory of my fruitfulness, fall down and die in Jesus name.

- Every power that hate to see my pregnancy, die in your jealousy, in Jesus name.

- O God, reveal the powers that want my pregnancy to fall, in Jesus name.

- I declare by divine authority. I refuse to find myself in the school of barren women, in Jesus name.

- I cancel every evil dream associated with pregnancy failure, in Jesus name.

- I nullify with the blood of Jesus, every evil effect of satanic dreams on my pregnancy, in Jesus name

- on the account of the blood of JESUS. My marriage shall not suffer the absence of children, in Jesus name.

From henceforth, the spirit of divine children enter my marriage, in Jesus name

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