Couples come together with their family and friends, each couple is full of hopes and dreams for their future life together. But the road to a happy marriage is far from easy. And as today’s divorce statistics demonstrate all too well, many couples opt not to complete the journey.

It would be easy to blame our high rate of marital failure on things like not spending enough quality time together, allowing bitterness and resentment to build in our hearts, and failing to keep communication lines open. There’s no end to books, articles, and seminars that tell you how to improve these and many other aspects of your relationship. But while quality time, forgiveness, and communication are vitally important to creating a happy marriage, if such things aren’t happening, it’s usually a sign of a much deeper problem. Until this problem is addressed, no amount of external behavior modification will work.

Please Protect The Sanctity Of The Marriage

To protect the union of marriage, I have put 9 prescriptions together by divine intelligence to help us gravitate towards a FULFILLING MARITAL EXPERIENCE. 

So what must be done to protect a marriage?

Almost every marriage begins with joy as newlyweds anticipate sharing life. Sadly, not all couples live happily ever after. A large percentage of marriages end in divorce. Other couples remain married but drift apart emotionally due to bitterness or mutual indifference. They share a name and a home, but not a life. What can a couple do to preserve the joyful, loving intimacy of their marriage? Consider these seven gospel-centered principles.

1. Do Not Take Each Other for Granted

Couples who are courting or engaged spend every spare minute together and can’t bear to be apart for long. But often after they are married each gets so caught up in career, children, hobbies, sports, and other activities that the marriage relationship is neglected. Very gradually the couple drifts apart. While there may not be much open conflict, the spark is missing. The wife may notice that something is wrong only to have her husband tell her that she is worried over nothing.

A new marriage, like a new car, needs regular maintenance. It may look and work great today, but if you don’t maintain it, sooner or later it will break down. A husband and wife need to spend time growing closer to one another and enjoying one another. Work harder at romance after your marriage than before. Seeking to grow in intimacy year by year will protect your marriage from falling into disrepair.

2. Make Your Walk with the Lord a Priority

Marriage takes grace. On our own, we are selfish sinners. It is only as we are strengthened by God’s Word through His Spirit that we can endure in love. We do not have the power to keep loving in our strength. Jesus said that if we abide in Him we will bear much fruit, but apart from Him we can do nothing (John 15:5).

When couples with troubled marriages come to us I typically ask each of them about their prayer and devotional life. In almost every case I have found a correlation between the lack of a vibrant personal walk with the Lord and a failing marriage. We need Scripture’s constant reminders of God’s grace to us which, in turn, motivates us to show grace to others. As we walk in the Spirit we don’t carry out the destructive deeds of the flesh, but instead bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Gal. 5:16–23). If something is not right with your relationship with your spouse, start to address it by first making sure things are right between you and the Lord.

3. Remain Involved in a Strong Church

God blesses and strengthens His people through the ministry of the church, both through the public preaching of the Word and as the members of the body build one another up (Ephesians 4:11–16). The neglect of gathering with the people of God is to the detriment of your soul and your family (Hebrews 10:25). It also is important for a couple to be in a strong church so that they can benefit from counsel and accountability if their relationship has trouble. I have heard families who have benefited from this kind of faithful pastoral care say, “We don’t know what we would have done if this church hadn’t been here for us.” I also have seen many families who are in the midst of a crisis suffer because they didn’t have godly church leaders caring for their souls (Hebrews 13:17).

4. Quickly and Completely Resolve Conflicts

Many couples will periodically engage in arguments in which each speaks in anger and says hurtful things. Over time they cool down and life goes on without ever properly resolving the disputes. As the years pass, their marriage is affected by hurts and scars whichever heal. Brother Paul vividly warns the Ephesians of the danger lurking behind the unresolved conflict.

Be angry and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and do not give the devil an opportunity. Ephesians 4: 26–27, NIV

To leave an issue unresolved and to remain angry is like letting the devil into your house to wreak his havoc. Marriages fraught with unresolved conflicts are more vulnerable not only to increasingly destructive conflicts but also to extra-marital affairs. Believing couples must be determined to do whatever is necessary to be fully reconciled to one another.

5. Be Honest with Each Other

Nothing is more destructive to marriages than falsehood. More than once I have heard the victim of marital infidelity say, “I can forgive the sex, but I don’t know if I can forgive the lies or if I can ever trust her again.” Paul tells the Ephesians,

Therefore, laying aside falsehood, speak truth to each one of you with his neighbor, for we are members of one another. Ephesians 4:25, NIV

Similarly, a married couple becomes one body (Genesis 2:24). If the rest of the body can’t trust the eyes to see danger or the legs to run to safety, then the entire body is at risk. We must be able to trust one another.

One aspect of having a truthful marriage is that each spouse must strive to make it safe for the other to honestly confess sins and failings. A wife may not want to tell her husband that she got a traffic ticket because she fears his angry reaction. A husband who has visited a strip club may fear a dramatic emotional outburst from his wife. Even if it is hard to hear the truth, we can give thanks to God for helping the other person to be honest. As sinners who have received much grace from God, we can have compassion on our fellow sinners by helping restore rather than condemn them.

6. Be Circumspect in Your Dealings with the Other Sex

Few Christians plan to have an affair. Yet many wind up in an inappropriate physical or emotional relationship which threatens their marriage and even their souls. In counseling such cases, I have observed that they typically follow a certain pattern. A man and a woman are acquainted through work, the gym, children’s activities, or even the church. They start talking and find that they enjoy one another’s company. Over time one or both of them begin to develop feelings for the other. They find that they look forward to the next time they see each other and start communicating through e-mail, social media, or the phone. At some point, a barrier is crossed. There is a touch, then an admission of attraction, then a kiss. The slide into an affair continues, usually until they are caught, or sometimes when the conscience of one can’t stand the guilt.

Many will be hurt. Marriages may end.

Don’t think that it can’t happen to you. If a man as good as King David could fall into adultery, you too are vulnerable. You must be very careful in relationships with the opposite sex, not because you think you would do something wrong, but because you are determined not to.

7. Be Gracious to Each Other

Just as the Lord deals with us not according to what we deserve (Psalm 103:10), we are to treat our spouses better than they deserve. Their sins and failures provide opportunities for us to show grace which resembles the grace we have received from God. In an ideal marriage, each party tries to outdo the other in showing love.

8.  Wives, be in submission 

1peter 3:1-2. 

Peter begins by saying, "In the same way, you wives." Obviously, Peter is addressing the married women in his congregation. He is exhorting them how to act. Fundamentally, they are to act in the same way that Christ did. I believe that this is the intent of Peter's first words, "In the same way." Peter had just finished lifting Christ as an example of how we all should live. And now, Peter points out how wives should follow in His steps. Particularly, wives should follow Him in the path of submission.

9. Love Your Wife. 

Ephesians 5: 25-33. There it says, "Husbands, love your wives just as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself up for her, cleansing her, by the washing with water through the word, to present her to Himself as a radiant Church without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.

We're going to begin now with the command. In verse 25, the simple straightforward command to husbands: “Husbands, love your wives.” This is the basic command. Now, this may be surprising to some, because men get married because they love the women that they're marrying. They're in love with them. He's in love with her, so why in the world would he need to be commanded to love her? Because this is the very reason they're getting married, so he would think. So it seems a little odd to some, but Martin Luther, speaking of married love, and especially of newlywed love, spoke in the earthy way that only Luther could do. He said it's like “drunken joy.” “It's irrational and short-lived. Soon, you will wake up and the wine will have worn off, and you're left with this woman, and now comes the real story.”

As Paul tells the believers in Colossae:

So as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience; bearing with one another and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you. Beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity. Colossians 3:12–14, NIV


A marriage characterized by such grace will be well safeguarded.


Today the Lord is going to fill you with the Holy Spirit. Don’t come here to just read but to receive. 

Isaiah 11: 2-3- The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him,

The Spirit of wisdom and understanding,

The Spirit of counsel and might,

The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.

3 His delight is in the fear of the Lord,

And He shall not judge by the sight of His eyes,

Nor decide by the hearing of His ears;

How many of you are grateful for the Word of God? Today the Word is about the Holy Spirit.


  • The Holy spirit is the 3rd person of the Trinity. He is highest blessing given to us on planet earth. We have access to the Father by the Holy Spirit. Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the throne of God interceding for us. Whatever you have asked Jesus in prayer, is done by the Father through the Holy Spirit who is here on earth.
  • If you keep the Holy Spirit aside or if you do not open your hearts to the Holy Spirit, we cannot become what God wants us to become. It is the spirit who is working in us.
  • “Manifest in my heart and in my life, Holy Spirit” and the Father will send a fresh touch of the Holy Spirit upon your life.


The Spirit of Lordship. It means that He is the one who will impart into your life authority. • He puts a man/woman in-charge and not as a slave. He places them in authority. Not to be salve and become depressed by your situations or challenges. The spirit of the Lord is a spirit of lordship. You are in charge! Devil, you are not in charge. This house belongs to God. You can command him to leave in authority. Say I have authority over every power of the enemy. • When the oil came upon David, be was able to take authority. He tore the lion apart. Goliath, lion and the bear did not have authority. David had no weapon, no position, no camera, no YouTube but he had authority in the place that he was in. The devil was not able to win against Him and the victory of the Lord was manifested over the enemy through the Spirit of Lordship. The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me.

Start walking that anointing from this day forth. You will take your territory! SECOND DIMENSION- THE SPIRIT OF WISDOM

  • Wisdom to understand the purpose of God for your family, business, children. The Holy Spirit will help you understand the heart of God for you.
  • Have your prayers not been answered? Wisdom will give you access to God's answer over your life. Friends may not be able to tell you, counsellors can't tell you but when God's wisdom comes upon you, the heavens will show you the purpose of God. What you should do, what you shouldn't do, the Holy Spirit will reveal to you in your heart
  • Genesis 41- The spirit of wisdom was upon Joseph to remove the trouble/ struggle of a nation. That is for you as a child of God. God has not called you to be confused and depressed but God has called you to reveal His heart to you and to reveal His plans for you.

You will bring forth Generational solutions by the Spirit of wisdom.

  • You will become a problem solver. Spirit of wisdom help you solve problems. The blessing and the gift is the spirit of wisdom. It will help you see the deliverance of a nation from famine. • Spirit of wisdom to show the purposes of God for your children. It is not by your thought process, not logic, not psychology but by the Spirit of wisdom.


  • It is good to have the Spirit of understanding. Why do you need it? This realm is that where Nothing is too difficult to comprehend’. Why is this happening in my life? Despite all the praying why this struggle? What is going on with my child? Give the Holy Spirit control. It is the impartation of Nothing is too difficult to comprehend.

Complex aspects that no one understands, God will reveal to you. Understanding will grant you that insight. Simplify and solve what is complex and complicated.

  • When God's Holy Spirit works inside of, people who have complex problems will come looking for you. Don't be stressed out when that happens. God has already kept the solution inside of you. In school, college and business, ministry, God will enable you to understand the complex problems.
  • Daniel had this spirit. Nebuchadnezzar recognized this and said the spirit of the gods is upon him. God is releasing this understanding upon some of you. People with double PhDs will not understand this but you can because of the spirit of understanding.
  • You won't be a dummy, when the spirit of understanding comes upon you. God took me to the next level in the ministry only by my relationship with the Holy Spirit and every time I talk or preach of the Holy Spirit, an impartation happens.
  • You need to have a childlike, open, humble and receptive heart; only then you can receive it. Lord, I need an impartation from you. If you cry to the Lord, the Holy Spirit will reveal things into your heart that you have never known before. In simple ways and in ways that will help you bring about quick and easy solutions to complex problems.


  • Holy Spirit is a spirit of counsel. The counsel of Ahithophel was made void. It was counsel against David. This morning whatever be the devil thoughts against your life, let it be made null and void in Jesus Name. But the counsel of God will stand forever. All the forces that are attempting to destroy you, leave your life. We cancel it by the Blood of Jesus. However, the counsel and plans of God will stand forever. No counsel of a black magician will stand against you. God will destroy it.

It is the impartation of winning advice and ideas

  • You are on the winning side. Not confusion. Not wrong steps. Or mistakes. God wants you to win. God is on your side. You are in the winning team. Let confusions leave your life may there be winning ideas and thought processes over your life.
  • The church of God will win here on earth.

The Lord is saying that the season of failures is OVER!

You will never make a wrong move. No more wrong moves. No more mistakes. Solutions will come into your heart. The Holy spirit is coming with clarity. You will be never caught on a wrong step. The devils’ plan to spoil your destiny is being cancelled. No more wrong moves! The Lord’s Holy Spirit will remove you from that danger zone.


  • We used to consume “strong drinks” in the past. Even today we do, but only our brand has changed! We drink the spirit of might! We still get drunk but it is to be filled continuously with the Holy Ghost.
  • The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of might. Earlier drinks sued to make you joyful. Today the spirit of might will give you even more joy. We have seen drunk people act very courageous. They are drunk and they go stand in front of a truck and command it to stop! You too can move in might. Stand in front of the devil and say do not tough me, my family, my children, STOP!
  • Debt do not enter my house, bondages do not touch my children. I rebuke you in Jesus Name. the spirit of might!
  • A drunk man has a different gait. Even when you are drunk with the spirit of might, your walk will be different, you will become better.

My walk and gait will change. I will not walk into that which hurts the heart of God.

  • The Holy Spirit will control my weakness. People coming to church for years and have not changed listen, God is changing you today.

It is the importation of tireless energy. You become wired rugged. Practically unstoppable. People look at you and are shocked by the results that you manifest. It is not you but the spirit of might.

  • We need energy to do what God wants us to do. Energy will help us fulfil his plans laziness, disinterest is the opposite of that.
  • Lord, infuse into me tireless energy! This spirit of might will help you overcome the challenges and become victorious and remain in control of your life.
  • Despite you praying, reading the Word and believing if your long-standing problems still remain, there is something wrong with you. Somewhere along the line, you have lost your relationship with the Holy Spirit.

Judges 14: 5-6- The Spirit of the LORD came powerfully upon him so that he tore the lion apart with his bare hands as he might have torn a young goat. But he told neither his father nor his mother what he had done.

  • Many people want to just stay in their problem. Some people just come to hear a message, feel good and go back. They need nice points to note down but are not keen on any impartation. • If you have been coming to church, hearing the Word, praying and still your problem hasn’t left

you, there is something wrong with you. you do not have a relationship with the Holy Spirit. If this morning, you have come with a sincere heart to seek God’s face, you will see a response to your problem in the next 3 weeks, maximum 7 weeks. Don’t be discouraged by the problems that the people sitting next to you are facing.

  • People who have come recently have been seeing breakthroughs but some of you sitting here for years are seeing nothing happen. That is because you have become religious and have lost the relationship with the Holy Spirit. You have grown comfortable in your problems. • God wishes that you have a relationship with the Holy Spirit.

Long standing problems to leave your lives. Heaven is terminating certain issues that you have been facing for 8 to 10 years. Thank you, Jesus. Become free this morning in Jesus name! Receive this in the Spirit,

I will have results in my life by the Spirit of Might.

The glory of His presence come upon you. Not after 11 days of fasting and prayer. Not slowly slowly, but immediately. Let his glory cause you to tear apart your lion.


This gives you access to inside information. There is information inside information.• Once God spoke and I heard it twice- power belongs to God. God spoke but twice the disciple heard it – power belongs to God. You should be able to catch what's coming from the Word. God may speak to you once but you hear it twice. You should be able to catch what is inside what God is saying by the Holy spirit.

An apostle may say it once but you need to catch what's in it. That knowledge is beyond the scope of your education.

  • If you are a believer, there is something beyond education that God has given you. Learn to tap into that knowledge. Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Tap into inside information that God wants to give into your life.
  • Discern, understand and access the heart behind what a pastor or the Lord speaks. It is the spirit of knowledge. Glory to God


It is the impartation of Reverence and respect and value for the almighty.

  • You won’t sit in church chewing gum. If you respect the PM narendra Modi, when you go to meet him, will you chew gum standing in front of him? If you give that respect to the PM of this country, how much more to the Creator of the heavens and the earth?! I will be reverent and devotional.

God has to hold a valuable place in your life.

  • It I good to kneel down before God. When a man of God speaks the word, if possible, I sit down on the floor. It is the honour that you give God's word.
  • You give full attention to a movie if it is at midnight but what happens when you hear the Word? • If you have the fear of God inside of you, you are not lacking wisdom. Honour the men of God. If you treat them lightly, you don’t have the fear of God.
  • None of them preach for respect but to obey God. If you have seen men of God at your level, you have lost the fear of God. If you honour the Lord, His Word, his church and His men and women, it is by the Spirit of the Fear of God.
  • Don’t pass judgements on them, if you do, you have lost the fear of God.

Fear of God means God is occupying the most valuable place in your life. Otherwise you take God for granted

  • If you get the opportunity to worship God, will you sit silently? If you know that you are here to worship HIM, you don’t need to worry who is leading worship and who is on stage. You will just worship Him. you will wear your best to church. You will honour Him with what you have
  • Get up early and brush your teeth, behave like you are going into the presence of God. Worship Him in the Spirit and truth. When you do so, the atmosphere will change in your homes. • Deliverances happen in the fear of God.

Psalms 23: The Lord will anoint my head with oil.

  • The shepherd anoints the head of the sheep. The oil is found to be a snake repellent. If the sheep mistakenly puts it head into a snake hole, the snake will not bite it because of the oil! • If you have put your head into snake holes (places of danger), the fact that you were still protected and not destroyed is because of the oil upon your head!
  • The oil makes the serpent move away! If anointed men and women of God enter into a problem, the serpent will flee. The issues where you get involved will see the presence of God flow.

The Good shepherd will anoint my head with oil

Genesis 39:2-6- The LORD was with Joseph, so he became a successful man. And he was in the house of his master, the Egyptian. 3Now his master saw that the LORD was with him and how the LORD caused all that he did to prosper in his hand. So Joseph found favor in his sight and became his personal servant; and he made him overseer over his house, and all that he owned he put in his charge. It came about that from the time he made him overseer in his house and over all that he owned, the LORD blessed the Egyptian’s house on account of Joseph; thus the LORD’S blessing was upon all that he owned, in the house and in the field. So he left everything he owned in Joseph’s charge; and with him there he did not concern himself with anything except the food which he ate.

  • If the oil is upon you, you will prosper. The Egyptian pharaoh saw that whatever Joseph did, prospered.


  1. Joseph SERVED the Egyptian master
  • Joseph was bought from the slave marker. There are flower and vegetable markets. Those days, there were also slave markets. People used to buy and trade slaves and the only intention was to purchase them for money and make them work till they die and get the return on investing money into the slave. Even there, Jesus stood with Joseph and he was not destroyed but he prospered.
  • God will promote you in the midst of the situations where you are being exploited. A stranger, a slave, a non-Egyptian prospered in Egypt.

Someone who is listening to me from another nation, God will proposer you in that land even when there seems to be no chance for your growth.

  • Who are you serving? For you to be victorious and to go forward, you need a servant’s heart. The new testament church needs to serve. The blessing is inside service. Serve God with your money, with your time, with your house, with your car, with your family.
  • When Joseph became prosperous by serving his Egyptian master, how much more will the Lord bless you who serve HIM. Don’t use excuses for not serving God. Don’t hold other people in church responsible for that.
  • When you get the opportunity to serve God, do it! Do whatever little task is given to you. I used to lay out chairs in church, pass on the oil to my pastor etc.

If your heart is that of a servant, you will never miss a chance to serve. God will create opportunities for you. If you have a car, bring two people to church, if you have a home, open it for God. Serve God with whatever you have!

  1. Joseph was HONEST. He was a man of INTEGRITY.
  • Joseph was entrusted with everything that Pharoah had. Can people entrust you with something? So many people come for counselling and tell me, I had entrusted this to so and so person, but he messed it up. I entrusted this person with my property but he cut of all trees and has left with the money!
  • When you are entrusted with ministry, will you be honest? It is easy to entrust people with ministry but if you don’t stand in integrity can I bring you out of that position?

If God has entrusted you with something, don’t take advantage of it. Stand in that with sincerity, integrity and honesty. Oil and ministry will keep on increasing if you are honest

  1. Joseph walked the path of HOLINESS

Verse 8: But he refused and said to his master’s wife, “Behold, with me here, my master does not concern himself with anything in the house, and he has put all that he owns in my charge. 9

  • He refused to sleep with Potiphar’s wife. Learn to refuse certain things. He refused to have that relationship that could spoil his future. What are you refusing?
  • I told a young person the other day- you need to know how to zip up your pant. Don’t leave your bra in your friend’s place!
  • HOLINESS! Refuse to sleep around! Joseph had the spirit of the Lord upon him. • He was honest, he knew how to serve and he knew how to keep himself holy unto God. When you stand like this, God’s Spirit and its dimensions will keep on increasing and you will keep on prospering.
  • Joseph was called into the palace, the rape accused become the Prime Minister, a non-Egyptian became a Prime Minister because God was with Joseph!
  • Just surrender to God. Tell him you want a new beginning, you want to move in the manifestation of the Spirit

If you submit to God, He will promote you and you will walk in authority. Extra beautiful garments will be given to you. Second chariots were given to Joseph. Heaven will bless you.


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THE SCHOOL of the spirit



The glory of God isn’t just a feeling, an event or an Old Testament experience—it’s a spiritual tsunami of everything contained in the character of God. The word glory is literally translated “heavy weight,” meaning the heaviest, biggest, grandest thing about someone.

It has been called the manifested presence of God, but more than just a presence, it’s power. The kind of power that resurrects, delivers, overcomes and transforms. It is greater and stronger than any other power in existence. And it belongs to us.

Yet, maybe you feel like the glory of God is untouchable, unreachable. Maybe you think of the manifestation of the glory of God as something reserved for special church services or an extraordinary circumstance. All the while, though, you long to see the power of God manifest in your life, your church and your country.

But did you know that the glory of God is available to you 24/7? It’s built-in. That’s how God designed it—it’s how He designed you. Because you were born of God (John 1:13), that glory is inside you right now! All things that the Father has—including His glory—belong to you. This means His glory isn’t too far out of reach. It’s right within your grasp!

Below are four ways you can tap into the glory of God by faith.

  1. Look for the Glory

“But he, being full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God.” –Acts 7:55, NKJV

If we aren’t expecting to see the glory of God, we probably won’t. Just like anything in the kingdom of God, it takes faith to see a manifestation. The glory of God is a visible power. In the Old Testament, the glory appeared as a cloud, smoke or fire. This visible power is also known as Shekinah glory, which is the Hebrew name given to the presence of God dwelling on the earth.
The nation of Israel saw the glory when God came down to meet them on Mount Sinai. Exodus 24:17 (KJV) says, “The sight of the glory of the Lord was like devouring fire on the top of the mount.”

The prophet Habakkuk got a glimpse of that fiery glory, too. He described it as like the sun, blazing in the sky: “His brightness was as the light; he had horns [or shafts] coming out of his hand: and there was the hiding of his power” (Habakkuk 3:4, KJV).

The same glory that raised Jesus from the dead was manifested as fire by night and a cloud by day in the wilderness (Exodus 13:21). This same glory separated Israel and the land of Goshen from the rest of Egypt when there was light in the land of Goshen, but not in Egypt (Exodus 10:23). What was that light? The glory. The glory of God’s presence.

Can we see those same physical manifestations of God’s glory today? Yes!

There are countless testimonies of individuals and groups of believers having seen visible evidence of God’s glory. During his preaching days, Brother Kenneth E. Hagin compiled a list of every scripture in the Bible about the glory. When he would read them aloud in a service, the glory would appear like a cloud or a wave, and people would fall on the floor under that power, or rush to the altar to get saved. It is tangible and it is powerful! So, start expecting to see the glory of the Lord!

Ga list of scriptures about the goryf God here.

  1. Pray for the Glory

“For I consider the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” –Romans 8:18, NKJV

How do you pray for the glory of God? First, pray that the glory will be revealed to you and in you. You can see and experience the glory of God, but you must diligently ask and seek for it to be revealed. When we pray the glory into the earth, miracles, signs and wonders will occur in the Church and in our own personal lives.

When Moses saw the glory of God, he asked, saying, “Please, show me Your glory” (Exodus 33:18, NKJV). When believers gathered together in a spirit of unity, seeking the Lord, the glory appeared in the upper room on the Day of Pentecost, and sat on the head of each person there (Acts 2:1-4).

Each born-again believer has the ability to manifest God’s glory here on earth, but we must believe when we pray. That’s why Jesus told Martha that if she would believe, she would see the glory of God (John 11:40).

Finally, pray Ephesians 1:17-18—that you would know the hope of His calling, which is the hope of His glory. Pray that you will understand the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints. When we inherited Him, glory was deposited in us, but we have to receive revelation of what it means to walk in that glory.

  1. Prepare for the Glory

“…the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” –Romans 5:5, NKJV

Did you know there are degrees of the glory? If you want to experience the fullness of God’s glory, you must prepare your spirit.

How? By walking in love. It takes faith to receive and operate in the glory—and faith works by love (Galatians 5:6). That means the glory of God will increase in you in direct proportion to how you walk in love.

So, to increase the amount of the glory in your life, you must walk in love. Put simply—more love, more glory. The spirit of strife and division is always there, lurking and looking for an opening and a way into your life. Never, ever let your love guard down! Then you are on your way to being filled with the glory!

  1. Walk in the Glory

“But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.” –2 Corinthians 3:18, NKJV

The glory of God looks for a dwelling place. The original house for the glory of God was the tabernacle. But under the New Covenant, the Holy Spirit builds a temple in every believer. First Corinthians 3:16 says, “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” (NKJV).  We are God’s house—His temple. Only, this temple is no longer in a fixed location. This house can walk and talk and preach the gospel!

Now, it’s one thing to have the glory, but it’s another to know how to walk in it. The good news? You have everything you need inside you to do so.

When the believers experienced the glory of God at Pentecost, they didn’t just go back to living normal lives. They emerged from that place as separate from the rest of the world and as light in the midst of darkness. They went out and started turning the world upside down for Jesus. They preached the gospel; and worked miracles, signs and wonders; and the Lord added to the Church daily those who were being saved (Acts 2:47). That’s the glory we need to be operating in!

The early Christians were no different than Christians today. But here’s the key: Those first believers received the same Spirit you did when you got saved and baptized with the Holy Ghost. Christians today are carriers of God’s glory just as surely as they were!

When you walk in the glory of God, you have a fire in you that the devil cannot withstand. We are told to put on the armor of God, which includes the shoes of the glorious gospel of peace (Ephesians 6:15). There’s glory in your feet! That’s what gives you the power to walk on Satan. That’s why the only thing the devil is to the Church is a footstool.

Start practicing these four ways to tap into God’s glory by looking, praying, preparing and walking, and watch the glory of God be revealed in you! Don’t live without understanding God’s glory and what it means to your life. Start saying by faith right now: “The glory is in me! I receive it! I’m walking in it!” Get more God-inside minded, and start acting like a temple of the Lord of glory today!



As I was writing this, my mind immediately flew back to Acts 2:47 where the early believers offered several intercessory prayer points for church growth.

What Are Prayer Points for Church Growth?

Intercessory prayer points for church growth are prayers offered to help the growth of the church.

These are prayers that make the winning of souls easier and ensure that more people are converted to believing in the Gospel of Christ.

Why Intercessory Prayer Points For Church Growth?

Intercessory Prayer for church growth is essential since winning souls is the core mandate given to Christians by Jesus Christ when He was on earth (And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature – Mark 16: 15). 

Every Christian must offer prayers for the church so that those who are yet to come to the light of the glorious Truth will receive Him.

Praying for the church is a way to ensure that the kingdom of hell is depopulated and that the message of the True Gospel is heard across the world.

Prayer For Church Growth: Historical Background

Back in the book of Acts, we saw how the church grew and multiplied. A look into Acts shows us how the early church moved from a few hundred to thousands and spread to several parts of the world.

Now, if you are starting a new movement,  it becomes all the more important for you to pray and even engage in welfare prayer points to see the new assembly grow.

So, you must offer prayer points for your new movement, organization, or church because the enemy will want to stop it from growing.

Although they were forces against the growth of the church, the prayers of the believers were enough to ward off the resistance of the “gate of hell.

“I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock, I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.” Mt 16:18

Prayer Points For Church Growth With Bible Verses, Scriptures

So, I have made a list of some prayer points for church growth backed up by bible verses as seen below:

1. Dear Lord, by divine authority, let the heathens be granted unto as our inheritance and let the earth our assets in the name of Jesus– Ps. 2:8

2. Oh, Lord! Let there be diverse acts in this Shabach and in all places where men are gathering as believers just as it took place on Pentecost, so that men, from everywhere, will get to know You!– Acts 2:6/41

3. In the name of Yeshua dear Father, send forth your reaper angel to go to the harvest fields, and draft in men into Shabach Yeshua Global, Aka. Jos Shabach. Is 10:3/34-35

4. Lord, let every captive ordained for eternal life be released and established in Shabach on the account of the blood of Jesus. CTS 13:48

5. Oh Lord my Father, by divine authority, we declare, as watchers on the walls of Zion, let your reaper angels cast his sickle into the harvest field and reap every soul destined for salvation in Jesus’ name!  Rev. 14:14/16

6. Every power thriving to manipulate those who have just been converted from being established, we cast such out by divine authority in the name of Jesus!

7.  Lord, raise men whose hearts still beat after you; after the harvest of souls perishing and cause men to flow into Shabach

8. In the name of Jesus Christ. Let Jos Shabach continually experience supernatural growth, making it a city without walls  Acts 13:44

9. By divine authority, we speak against all hindrances posed by the devil against the growth of the Shabach.  We decree that Shabach will grow in the name of Jesus!

10. Let every unit in Shabach be strengthened for unusual growth leading to more souls being saved in the name of Jesus! – Jer. 30:19

11. My Father, turn every partner in Shabach a walking miracle so that men may see your goodness in their lives and turn to you! Zech. 8:23

12. On the account of the blood of Jesus, Shabach Yeshua Global be a solution ground where needs are met and souls won into the kingdom– Zeph. 3:17

13. By the power of the Holy Ghost, cause Shabach partners to become passionate about winning souls! Acts 10:38.

14. Father, we bless your name for the body of Christ even as you have called us to serve at this point! We decree supernatural multiplication of your church across cities in the world.

15. In the name of Jesus, we pray that every city across the globe will be filled with men and women whose hearts pants after lost souls. Fill up your church with such men and women filled with vibrancy in the name of Jesus!

16.  By Divine authority, we decree and declare, no weapon formed against the growth of the Shabach and the Church in Nigeria shall prosper in the name of Jesus! The church is marching forward! Isaiah 54:17

17. My Father, by divine authority,  we demolish every stronghold of the enemy against the growth of Shabach and the church in Nigeria. As we call upon your name show us what we do not know about concerning your church -2 Corinthians 10:4, Jeremiah 33:3

18. We speak the blood of Jesus over your church! By faith, we decree supernatural expansion; let your presence continue to show forth for us as we grow supernaturally! – Luke 10:19

19. My Father, as your church goes about preaching the gospel, clothe us with your power from on high to be true witnesses in the name of Jesus! – Acts 1: 8; Luke 24:49

20. In the name of Yeshua, we speak against every spirit of limitation and stagnation against the Shabach, we destroy such spirit by the fire of the Holy Ghost!  Luke 9:1, Matthew 28:18.

21. Dear Lord, today, we come against every counsel of the devil against the growth of Shabach, let them be confused in the name of Jesus! – Psalm 68:1, 2 Chronicles 20:23

22. Oh Lord my Father, as we preach the gospel, let your Holy Spirit do the convicting in the name of Jesus! Do that which only you can do! As we plant, Lord water and make our efforts grow! -1 Cor. 3:7).

23. Give us nations, Lord! Let the heathen know that you are God! Hear our cries and let your church on the globe continually experience an increase! 1 Jn. 5:14-15

24. Thank you, Father, for the increase in Shabach, we bless your name because the church is marching forward!

25. Father thank you for the souls that are destined worn, we give you praise for their lives in Jesus' mighty name we have prayed!

Fasting and Prayer for Church Growth Conclusion

Remember that we must offer prayers for the church! Offering prayer points for soul-winning for the church to grow!

Like in everything done as believers, these prayer points for church growth should be prayed with faith! We know that asking God for anything without faith is bad!

We pray that the Lord will continue to strengthen His church, and cause men to have the zeal to win souls for the Kingdom in Jesus’s name!



(1)   Psalms 118:1-4  O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever.

Let Israel now say, that his mercy endureth for ever.

Let the house of Aaron now say, that his mercy endureth for ever.

Let them now that fear the LORD say, that his mercy endureth for ever.

FOR the same of your Son Yeshua, at long last that the day of your mercy has come

(2) Say, Father on the account of the blood of Jesus, this is the day of Mercy, let me find Mercy before you

(3) Say, Father, show me a token of your goodness and Mercy that those who hate me may be ashamed (Psalm 86:17 )

(4) Say, Father, you promised to show Mercy unto whom you will show mercy, please show me mercy., my Family, husband Children, Nation etc

(5) Say, Father, visit my Family foundation, my genealogy, my Family tree, let mercy reverse all that has been working against my life.

(6) My father, by divine authority, let your mercy cut me off from my enemies and destroy all of them that afflict my soul.

(7) Say, Father on the account of the blood of Jesus, uicken me and bring me out of trouble for thy name sake, Psalm 143:11, Show mercy unto me

(8) Say, Father, we are in the last half of the year, please fulfil all your promises concerning me for this year because of your mercy

(9) Say, Father, by divine authority, whatsoever. I have done that is crying for judgement, according to your words let the Voice of Mercy be louder than Judgement in Jesus' Name. James 5:11. FATHER SILENT THE VOICE OF JUDGMENT AND ALL ACCUSATIONS AGAINST ME AS DONE IN BLIND BARTIMEAUS'S CASE

(10) Say, Father, you are plenteous in Mercy, please be compassionate unto me show me mercy, help me to recover all my losses in life in the name of Yeshua. Amen

(1) Say, Father. Help me to show mercy to others so that I may obtain mercy.

(12) Say, Father, Let Mercy justify me before you as done in the case of the two men who went to pray in (Lk 18:10-14 esp verse 13 )

(13) Say, Father, deliver me from untimely death, from Sickness and affliction as you did for Epaphroditus

(14) Abba Father, by divine authority do not let my enemies rejoice over me. Do not let me fall into the hand of man. For man will have no mercy on me

(15) Say, Father, give me a new beginning for your mercy’s sake

(16) Say Father Change my Garment as you did for Blind Bartimaeus

(17) Say, Father, Blind Bartmeaus woke one morning, his story changed before the day was over because he encountered mercy, please change my story before this day is over

(18) Father, please do not remember any of my errors, sins, or evil works, let me experience a completed transformation today.

(19) Father please show unto me the token of Mercy that Jacob enjoyed even from the Womb and after birth and you said you loved him. You made him your First Born.


Note: Please ensure that you demonstrate your faith by taking action because faith without works is dead (James 2:14-26).

1. By divine authority, in the name of Jesus, my joy shall multiply today as I receive unlimited favour in the name of Jesus.

2. In the name of Jesus the Christ, from today nothing will be impossible for me because I am in Christ, and through him, I can do all things (Read – Philippians 4:13)

3. Oh Lord ma father, by divine authority, let your Spirit lead me to unlimited success and favour this month in the name of Jesus.

4. My father, on the account of the blood of let your favour reign in my life today and forever in the name of Jesus.

5. Dear Lord Jesus, I pray today, by the power of the Holy Spirit. let me be at the right place at the right time for the right privileges in Jesus name.

6. By divine authority, I dismantle every opposition fighting against me in Jesus name.

7. By divine authority those who rejected me will soon open doors for me in the name of Jesus.

8. By divine authority, i receive total favour and victory in the name of Jesus.

9. In the name of Jesus Christ, from today, wherever I go let your blessing follow me in Jesus name.

10. Sweet Holy Spirit of God, direct me into the wonderful things you have in store for me in ‘Jesus’ name. – (Reference – John 16:13)

11. My father, in the name of Jesus, I will succeed and not fail because Christ dwells richly in me. (Read – Galatians 2:20)

12. God arise and bless all the works of my hands so that your name can be glorified on the account of the blood of Jesus. Amen– (Read – Deuteronomy 28:12)

13. Oh Lord my father, help me to meditate on the Bible day and night so that I can prosper in all things – (Read – Psalm 1:2-3)

14. By divine authority,  i receive clarity on the wonderful opportunities at my disposal in the name of Jesus.

15. Oh Lord my father, bless me so that I can bless my environment in the name of Jesus.

16. Oh Lord my father, bless me so that I can bless the poor, orphans and widows in the name of Jesus. – (Read – James 1:27)

17. Oh Lord my father, open my eyes to recognise all of the untapped potentials you’ve blessed me with within, in the name of Jesus.

18. Help me to not take the blessings and favour you’ve blessed me with for granted in the name of Jesus.

19. Oh Lord my father, by the power of the Holy Spirit, deliver me from a mind of procrastination and laziness in the name of Jesus.

20. Oh Lord my father, dress me up in the garment of favour so that I can expand your Kingdom everywhere I go in the name of Jesus.

21. Abba Father, empower me to be obedient to your Word so that my life can be prosperous (Read – Joshua 1:8)

22. By the blood of Jesus. Every double mindedness that has become part of my life, be broken down in the name of Jesus.

23. By divine authority, i banish anxiety and stress in my life in the name of Jesus.

24. I reject every attitude of timidity and claim a mind of boldness in the name of Jesus.

25. On the account of the blood of Jesus. Any relationships that would sabotage my destiny let it be broken in the name of Jesus.

26. Dear Lord, give me a spirit of excellence so that I can arise in my calling and glorify your name. (Read – Daniel 6:3)

27. Thank you, Lord, for answering all  my prayers for breakthrough 

28. Heavenly father I fully commit my plans into your hands and I trust you will help me to establish them. (Read – Proverbs 16:3)

29. Lord, let your peace that surpasses all understanding saturate my mind, body and soul in the name of ‘Jesus’ (Reference 4:7)

30. God almighty, by divine authority, let success manifest in every area of my life so that your name would be glorified

31. Oh  Lord God, I trust you will show me favour wherever I go and wherever I turn in the name of Jesus.

32. By divine authority, i have assurance and expectation that I will be victorious at the end in the name of ‘Jesus’ – (Reference – Jeremiah 29:11)

33. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!!! My God can do beyond what I think, ask or imagine. Therefore, by divine authority, I am positioned for Jumbo harvest, greater works, high favour, mega  fortunes, unending wonders, glorious manifestation and endless goodness, in the name of Jesus the Christ and our Saviour. Amen (Read – Ephesians 3:20)


Taking the time to pray for your children every day is one of the most powerful acts of love you can do for them.

I would never have guessed what parenting would do for my prayer life.

My pre-conceived notion was that parenting was about making peanut butter sandwiches and tucking kids into bed at night. About kissing boo-boos and reminding them to close the front door. And mostly about being kind to others and learning to love God.

About loving, correcting, supporting, cheering, and then loving them some more.

But I can see now that parenting is also a whole lot about prayer.

And for a while there I thought it was just me. You know, like I wasn’t doing enough right or I wasn’t quite enough or…..something.

That I found myself so often throwing myself down on my knees. Calling out to God.

With a heart-cry to keep our kids safe – and hopefully thriving-  in this world we find ourselves living in.

But I was recently talking with a dear friend of mine who also happens to be a seasoned parent—and a really good parent too.

She mentioned to me that she relies more on prayer now than ever before.

And I confess that I was glad to hear it.

So whether you’re a “seasoned” parent or a brand-new fresh one, let me encourage you that your prayers will have a powerful impact on your children – both now and for the rest of their lives.

You’ll find that some of your best parenting happens when you’re humbly bent down on your knees. 

12 Powerful Verses to Pray and Over Your Children

1.   Strength

Pray that God gives them the strength to do what they need to do each day.

I can do all things through him who strengthens me. ~ Philippians 4:13

2.   Courage

Pray that they will be brave as they face the challenges that are before them.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. ~ Joshua 1:9

3.   Peace

Ask that their hearts will be calm and peaceful as they go through their day and in their sleep at night.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. ~ Philippians 4:6

4.   Provision

Ask God to provide for all that they need – for stamina, spirit, and finances – for each day.

And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. ~ Philippians 4:19

5.   Direction

Pray that the Lord will lead them as they begin to make more and more decisions as they get older.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

6.   Protection

Ask that God keeps them safe in this increasingly unsafe world. That He will protect them from harm and wickedness.

He who dwells in the shelter of the Highest will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust. Psalm 91:1-2

7.   Joy

Pray that God fills them with the kind of joy that can only come from Him.

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence, there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. ~ Psalm 16:11

8.   Compassion

Pray that they will show compassion on those in need and who have less than they do.

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. ~ Ephesians 4:32

9.   Justice

Ask God to give them a sense of justice – to stand up for what is right and to defend the weak.

Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause. ~ Isaiah 1:17

10.   Wisdom

Pray that they will grow in wisdom and understanding. That they’ll be more than “smart” and embrace what is good and right.

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. ~ James 1:5

11.   Hope

Ask God to give them the hope that comes from above – the kind that far exceeds what we have in the here and now.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. ~ Romans 15:13

12.   Love

Pray that our children are filled with the love of God. That they will know how deeply they are loved, and that love will overflow unto others.

Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. ~ 2 Corinthians 13

Want to hear one more unexpected blessing of praying these things for our children? We can pray the same requests for ourselves.

Opening Prayers line up

Being alive is a privilege, having good health is by grace, and knowing of the only true God who is to be worshipped for these provisions is the greatest feeling ever.

We gather from time to time to fellowship, forsaking not the gathering of brethren, and every of such coming together there is a need to appreciate God and invite his presence. You know that when he comes, then we rest assured of an unusual service.

The opening prayer is about the most important and it must be done right to kick start everything in the right direction. You don’t wanna miss giving the right prayers.

Here are some of the prayers to Launch yourself into the aura of God's presence and have a fulfilled time of worshipping in the beauty of his holiness.

Genesis 49:10... until Shiloh comes; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.

Psalms 65:2 O thou that hearest prayer, unto thee shall all flesh come.

Psalms 84:7 They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before God.


1. We Adore You, Lord

Our Father in Heaven, king of glory, faithful Father, we adore your name and glorify you forever. It is by your will that we are alive and healthy and you have given us the grace to converge. You promised us that whenever we call upon your name, you will answer us with your presence. Come into our midst our Father, fellowship with us, visit us with your overwhelming presence, and make your blessings abundant in our meeting today. As we start this meeting, from the beginning to the end, glorify yourself and make us satisfied with you. By divine authority

2. Accept Our Offering of Praise, Lord

Righteous Father, the maker of heaven and earth, the God of all flesh, you made all things according to the word of your power and you made us the head of all creations. We are here today to worship you. By divine authority, Make our praises and worship accepted in thy sight. You made us understand that you inhabit the praise of your people, Lord arise, and ride on the wings of our praise. In our gathering today let us feel you, refresh us in you, renew us, and make us grow in you. As we start today, guide us through according to your will.

3. Show Your Power, Lord

Holy Spirit of God, mighty God of heaven, the God that answers prayers, where two or three are gathered in your name, you said you are present there. We welcome your presence oh Lord, we pray you manifest your power and glory today, we want you to shine your lights in us and through us that we may illuminate others for you. As we tarry in your presence today to worship, reveal unto us the knowledge of divine mysteries of your word that will transform our lives forever.

4. We Begin with You, Dear Lord

Alpha and Omega, Jesus Christ the author and finisher of our faith. We invite you to start today with us, we cannot do anything except when your presence comes. Come, oh Lord, with your spirit and fill this place with your glory. Accept our worship and praises. Let everything we do today be divinely orchestrated from heaven. Let the manifestations of power be released upon us. Open the windows of heaven and bless us abundantly and let your joy overflow us all through the days of our lives.

5. We Need You, Dear Lord

Blessed Lord, you are great, the heavens speak of your glory. You do wonders in heaven and we see the signs on earth. We the work of your hands worship you today, accept our worship in Jesus' name. We have not forsaken the gathering of the brethren, we have come to fellowship with each other in your presence, come down and lord and let us feel your presence. As we continue in today’s service, we want to see your great power move to admit us. Let every one of us encounter you differently. Bless us in all ramifications of our life and give us everlasting joy in you. By divine authority

6. You Made Us Alive

Heavenly Father, we thank you for all you’ve done in our lives, we thank you because you counted us worthy to be among the living souls and to know you the only true God. Accept our thanks in Jesus' name. Today is the day you the lord have made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. Righteous Father, as we continue in the service, fill us with joy unlimited, make us refreshed. Bind us with your chord of unity and let everyone see your glory in us. Thank you for being our God forever.

7. Make Us Filled in Your Presence

We bless you for giving us grace through the night, that we are alive and healthy by your power, you even provided for all of our needs that we are not lacking any good thing we worship your holy name for this, accept our worship in Jesus name. We pray as we continue in today’s service, visit us mightily, and let us feel your presence amidst us. we pray for those here and those coming, don’t make us go back the same. At the end of everything, let us glorify your name for a successful time in your presence.

8. Oh Lord, You Are Our Power

Everlasting Lord, we thank you for the grace to come before you again, accept our praises in Jesus' name. we magnify your name oh God. we thank You for your promises, you make us understand that whatsoever we bind on earth is bound in heaven, we bind every power of the enemy against this gathering, we cast out every evil spirit against our coming together in Jesus'' name. We pray that today, you will meet us at our point of need, and we will all go home happy from your presence.

9. Shine Your Light Father

Holy Lord, you are worthy of our praises. You reign in majesty, you are God forever. We appreciate you for giving us the grace to be in your presence today. We hallow your name. Accept our adoration in Jesus' name. We are here again mighty God, you are the father of light as we come into your presence, we nullify every evil presence, and we pray your light shines brightly in us and makes us shine lights for you. Let people see your glory in us and let them come to worship you the living God.

10. We Destroy Evil Plans

Hallow be your name oh God, the father of heaven and earth, we are here today to appreciate you because you have been faithful, you have kept us all through the week and we are here to gather in your presence, come and glorify yourself in our midst today. As we go into today’s service, on the account of the blood of Jesus. We come against every plan of the devil and we pray that only your will be done. We ask that you bless us in abundance and make us a blessing unto generations. Thank you, Jesus, for your answered prayers.

11. Let Your Presence Come

Glory be to God in the highest, thank you, Jesus, for the grace we have in you. We are gathered here today, you promised us that where two or three are gathered in your name, you are there with us. We have gathered to praise and worship you, come down oh lord, and fellowship with us. Let be presence be felt in our midst. Come with the abundance of your blessings and give us overflow. Thank you, Jesus, because you hear us always.

12. Refresh Us in Your Presence

Hosannah to the king of Glory, We sing your praises our father, we magnify your name. We gather here in your presence, we bow before your throne. We have come for a refresher, visit us in your presence. You promised us in your word that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved, we, your children, call upon you our Father, to save us from sin, poverty, hardship, and and tribulation. Guide us through our journey in life and reveal your greatness in us.

13. Sanctify Our Heart to Receive

Blessed Lord, we are gathered here today before your throne of grace. We are so unworthy of the good things you’ve given unto us but by the grace of Jesus, we have received these things, be glorified forever in Jesus name. Oh God, we come unto you for forgiveness and sanctification of our hearts that we may receive from you, make us sanctified in Jesus' name. As we continue in the service let your presence overshadow us and let blessings all around be our portion.

14. Manifest Yourself oh Lord

Father in heaven, you alone are worthy of all our praises, we come together and raise our voices in praise for your wondrous works in our lives. Accept our thanksgiving in Jesus' name. All other gods are the works of hands, you are the only living God. Come and manifest yourself in our midst today. We know in your word that without you we can do nothing, come and empower us to do great things for you in Jesus' name.

15. Establish Us for Yourself, Dear Lord

Oh Lord our God, you reign from everlasting to everlasting. You are mighty, your glory is eternal. Holy lord, we understand that it is only those who have clean hands and pure hearts that can tarry in your presence. God of heaven cleanse all our iniquities, make us worthy to be in your presence. Help us to enjoy all the blessings that come with worshipping you. Establish us a peculiar nation for your name and let people see your glory in our lives forever.

16. Make Us White as Snow

You are worthy to be glorified, Jehovah is your name, accept our praises today in Jesus' name. You said if our sins are as red as crimson, you would make them white as snow, we come to your throne of mercy, purge us from all sins, and make us spotless. We are gathered in your presence, we want you to come and fellowship with us, bind us with your chord of love and unity, let everything we do today be ordained from your throne, and let us go back home with the fullness of you in Jesus' name.

17. Fill Us with Overwhelming Joy

Righteous Father, King of heaven, we, your children, are gathered here today. We are those called by your name, we are alive to praise and worship you, and we come to fulfill our purpose on earth. Accept our thanksgiving in Jesus' name. In your presence, oh Lord, there is fullness of joy, fill us with your overwhelming joy. Strengthen us in your that we will remain standing even during the storms so that we may be counted on you at the end. Go with us lord and make our gathering today successful. Thank you for your answered prayers.

18. You Are Our Defender

Oh our Lord, if not for you, we would have been dead and forgotten, when the enemies came against us, like a flood, your spirit raised a standard against them, we are in you as our fortress and the plans of the enemies have failed over us, accept our thanks in Jesus name. You have kept us alive and healthy to come together today to worship your holy name, without you, our gathering would be in vain. Come down oh lord and fellowship with us. Let everything we do today glorify your holy name and make us refreshed and happy in you forever.

19. We Want Your Visitation

Mighty God, your majesty oh lord, we bow before your throne and we sing of your righteousness, of your faithfulness, be glorified lord in Jesus' name. We, your children, are before you this day, we call upon you, to come and manifest your presence, we want to see your power flow, we want you to be refreshed in your presence, come with your wonder-working power and visit us today in Jesus' name. At the end of today, let this be the best gathering we have ever attended in Jesus' name.

20. Settle Our Problems, Dear Lord

Our Father in heaven, the lord that answers with fire. Our wonder-working Father, we come together to worship your precious name and accept our thanksgiving in Jesus' name. Oh God, we are gathered here in your presence, visit us mightily, let us have an encounter with you. Your word says “Who is the mountain in front of Zerubbabel, it shall be made low”. Let all our mountainous problems be made low. Let all our heart desires be met by you today. Give us joy all around in Jesus' name.

21. We Commit all Unto You

Heavenly Father our maker, the provider and protector of our lives. It is because we are alive and healthy that we can gather together today to worship your name. We praise you and give you all adoration, accept our thanks in Jesus' name. Oh God, we commit all the activities of today in your hands, let everything we do be to your glory and at the end, and let us be refreshed with your presence.

22. We are Yours, Accept Our Praises

Our Father, we acknowledge your authority, we have gathered here today to fellowship with you, let your presence come in Jesus' name. We know from the psalms of David that you are God, it is you that has made us, we are your people and the sheep of your pasture. We come unto your tabernacle with praise and thanksgiving, accept it oh lord in Jesus' name. Go with us as the service progresses and grant all our petitions in Jesus'' name.

23. Overshadow Us with Power

Who is like unto thee oh Lord, there’s none like thee our father, who is glorious in holiness and fearful in praises. We adore you today and we bless your holy name because you are the only true God, ride on the wings of our praises today. We know that our gathering would be futile if your presence is not with us, let this place be filled with your presence. Encompass us with the fullness of your power and make us a testimony of greatness. Thank you, Jesus, for your answered prayers.

24. Our Purpose is to Praise

Righteous Father, we appreciate you for the gift of life and for the grace to be gathered in your presence again this day, be highly exalted oh lord. This is the reason You created us, to worship and to praise You throughout our existence and we are here to fulfill this purpose. Holy Spirit of God, strengthen us to worship God in the beauty of his holiness and let the blessings that come from true worship be released unto us. Keep us alive to continue in this fulfillment in Jesus' name.

25. Remove Darkness, Shine Light

Oh Lord our God, the maker of heaven and earth. You the lord that shines in darkness and darkness cannot comprehend, you reign in holiness and no evil an impurity can associate. We call upon your presence as we start today’s gathering. Come, oh Lord, and let every evil and darkness disappear. As we go today fill our hearts with joy, recharge, and refill us with the sweetness of your presence. Empower us to live all the rest of our lives for you.

26. Fill Us with Your Glory

Heavenly Lord, your name is wonderful and glorious, everyone on earth sings of your wondrous works, you are the king of Glory, we worship you, Lord. We come to your presence in the unity of faith to ask for the infilling of your power, without your power we can do nothing. We pray that your glory radiates in our lives as we live as your ambassadors throughout the days of our lives. Let none of us here go empty-handed. Go with us in the service and make it a fulfilling time in your presence.

27. Release Your Blessings in Us

We bless your holy name Lord for another time of gathering as your children, be thou exalted forever. We come against every evil plot concerning this gathering and we nullify it, we pray for the grace to remain standing in you, grant it unto us in Jesus' name. Fill us with your power and bind us with the chord of love. Open the floodgates of heaven and release your rain of blessings. Let us be refreshed in you and let us look forward to the next gathering with enthusiasm because of what you’ll do today. Thank you because you are always there for us. In Jesus name, we pray.

28. In Your Presence, There is Rejoicing

Father of grace, it is by you that we are alive and healthy, we have come to your presence today and we present our bodies as a living and holy sacrifice unto you, accept our sacrifice and bless it in Jesus' name. Your word said “There shall always be a shout of rejoicing and salvation in the tabernacle of the righteous”, Let us have every cause to be joyous in you all the days of our lives. Go with us oh lord, visit every one of us in this gathering with your wonder-working power. Make us blessed and fulfilled.

29. We Commit Our Ways unto You

Our Father and our God blessed be your name forever. There is none like you in heaven and on earth, we, your children are gathered in your presence this day to worship you, let our praise and worship come unto you as a sweet-smelling savor. Our provider, we put our trust in you and we commit all our plans in your hands, bring them to pass oh lord, settle all our cases, do not let us go in vain, visit us at the point of our needs, bless us till we become a blessing. And at the end of today’s service let us be filled from your presence.

30. You Care for Us

Our Father, we have gathered here again in your presence, you are the God of heaven, you made everything on earth by the command of your word. We appreciate and exalt you for your faithfulness in our lives. Daddy, we come to You and cast all our cares on You because You care for us, you have created us in abundance, remove every lack from our lives. Let us be renewed. Give us the strength to face our week. Let everything we do in this service glorify your name. We worship you because you are our God forever.

31. Help Us to Grow in You

Heavenly Father, you reign in our lives, from everlasting to everlasting, be glorified lord in Jesus' name. Oh Lord let your kingdom come, let your presence be manifested in our midst. We have gathered here in unity, visit us mightily. As we tarry in your presence, Lord increase our knowledge in you, that we may grow in stature and maturity in you. Continue with us as we start. Be our alpha and omega. At the end of everything, let us be blessed beyond measure in Jesus' name.

32. Fill Us with Every Good Thing

Mighty God, you have kept us alive to worship your holy name and we are gathered here to do that. Thank you for this grace. The psalmist says “I am glad when they said to me let us go into the house of the lord” because in your presence there is hope, strength, joy, and peace to live a worthy life. In your presence, there is grace sufficient to see us through our journey in you. Oh God, we have to your tabernacle today, fill us with every good thing in Christ. Renew your love in our hearts and let us live our lives for you. We pray that all our programs in this service will glorify you and you will be happy with us in Jesus' name.

33. Endow Us with Power

Blessed Lord, we worship you for the grace to gather in your presence today, accept our thanks in Jesus' name. In this service come and manifest your presence. According to your word, every good and perfect thing comes from above, from your throne oh Lord. Give us everything we need about life and godliness. Endow us with the power to do all things, because we know, in you, we can do all things through Christ that strengthens us, abide with us oh lord. Accept our sacrifice of praise and worship and let us go back home refreshed and filled with joy unspeakable in Jesus' name.

34. Let Your Presence Come

The lord that does wondrous things, you reveal yourself to your children, we are here for the refreshment that comes from your presence. Let the whole earth be filled with your glory, come down like smoke, fill us till we want no more. Let us be lost in the euphoria of your presence. Because we know when you come you will meet us at the point of our needs, as we continue this service, let every soul here have an encounter with you. Let us be filled with joy unspeakable that comes from your throne.

35. Give Us your Authority

Lord of heaven, we thank you for the grace of life, and the opportunity to come to your presence today. We come together in unity of faith and we agree, let everything be bound in heaven and let everything we lose, be loosed in heaven. Together, we come against every evil gathering concerning this service, they shall be confounded and destroyed. They shall plan but it shall come to naught. Let us go home with spiritual and physical blessings, and let everyone glorify your name in our lives in Jesus' name.