" His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with few things; I will put you in charge of many things. (Matthew 25:23. NIV)


Matthew 25:14-30


Exodus 7-9


Living for God and doing His kingdom business demand taking bold steps or risks. There is no risk-free zone or

playing it safe. Jesus told a parable about a master who gave his servants money to invest. In the story, a certain man went on a journey and entrusted his financial resources to three servants. When he returned, he received and evaluated their transactions. Two servants had invested what they received and earned more. The master praised them both, by saying, "Well done, good and faithful servant!" However, the third servant explained that out of fear he hid what he received and did nothing. He was rebuked and thrown out of the house.

Among others, this parable teaches important truths about success and failure from God's perspective. It shows that success stems largely from faithfulness and obedience and failure from unfaithfulness and disobedience. The servant who failed made

excuses and rationalized his inaction, instead of acknowledging his lack of wisdom, laziness, and wickedness. How often do we rationalize our weaknesses and laziness instead of taking responsibility for outcomes?

Today, our text reminds us that we have all been entrusted with various resources and talents, which we should actively invest in for the benefit of society and the glory of our heavenly Father. Our resources and talents may differ according to God's sovereign choice and each person's ability, but in any case, there is no risk-free zone. Faith does not make any task simple but makes it possible. God has given everyone abilities and we are stewards of what we've been given.

How are you approaching your assignment? Are you doing it out of fear or faith? The third servant was paralyzed by fear, while the first two stepped out in faith. Understand that there is no risk-free zone. Step out in faith!



Our resources may differ according to God's sovereign choice and each person's ability but faithfulness and obedience to God are key to success.

🙏🏿 *PRAYER* 

Lord, show me how to use faithfully and wisely everything You put into my hands.


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"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord" (Isa. 55:8, KJV)


Genesis 11:1-8


Exodus 1-3


Those of us living in urban areas know the danger and risk of erecting structures without government approval. The law especially in state's capital is that anyone who intends to build must first have a building plan which must be submitted to the appropriate authority for approval before embarking on the project. The building plan must be according to specified requirements. Failure to meet the requirement is tantamount to disapproval; and if such a building is erected it would be definitely demolished.

In the same way, God has standard and method. His own standard and method differs from ours. What pleases us may irritate Him. What we approve may be disapproved by Him, the early we understand this, the better for us. So we need to be very careful and tread with caution when dealing with Him. Therefore, we need to always get approval and clearance first from Him before doing anything that affects our lives, families and spirituality.

A minister once shared with us how he was invited abroad to minister and he was excitedly fascinated, but when he prayed God warned him not to go and he obeyed. It has been said that all that glitters is not gold. God can alter our seeming good plans and choices. We should know that it is not all our good intentions that are God's will.

This is applicable in all areas of human life and endeavour. Humanly speaking, for example, desire to go into full-time ministry is excellently good but not as the same as having the call of God to be a minister. God said, "No man taketh this honour to himself, but he that is called of God, as Aaron was" (Heb. 5:4). What pleases God should please us and not the other way round. Paul had a good intention to preach at Phrygia but the Holy Spirit stopped him and he obeyed (Acts 16:6). David had an excellent desire to build house for God but God stopped the move (II Sam. 7:1-7, 12.13). When God sees any marriage proposal, business connection, project proposal, Oversea trip etc that will not favour us and bring glory to His name, He will stop it. We must walk by the dictates of the Holy Spirit.



It is not all our good intentions that are God's will. What pleases us may irritate Him. Let us walk by the dictates of His Spirit so that we can please Him.

🙏🏿 *PRAYER* 

Oh Lord, help me to always be in tune with you so that I will walk by the dictates of your Spirit.


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"Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me", John 5:39


John 5:36-39


Exodus 4-6


Scriptures are pictures to feature in our future. Any picture outside the scriptures cannot feature in the future. Spirit and

life, the two forces that control the universe are rooted in the scriptures.

Some Scriptures for Shaping Lives

1. John 1:12.... *as many as received him, to them gave the power to become the sons of God...* Anyone who dares to believe automatically qualifies for the power to become God's son.

2. 2 Corinthians 5:17. *Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.* There is no magnitude or weight of sin that the blood of Jesus cannot wash. There is no condemnation that is beyond God's redemption.

3. Romans 3:3. *For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?* Everyone shall

believe for himself. It is a personal race and we shall all face the righteous judge individually.

4. Job 8:7. *Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.* He that is faithful in small things has what it takes to remain faithful in big things. God rewards service and faithfulness. He who started small shall grow big if he perseveres.

5. Micah 7:8. *Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise...* The righteous, according to the scriptures falls seven times and rises again. Failure is never final as long as we do not quit.

6. 1 Corinthians 16:9. *For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries.* Moses met Pharaoh, David met Goliath, Daniel met lions, Elisha met 42 children, Jesus met Herod and Caiaphas and so on. Jesus has assured us that He has overcome the world for us, despite the very many adversaries we may meet.



God's Word has everything I need in life; if only I will search it out and believe wholeheartedly.

🙏🏿 *PRAYER* 

Dear Lord, grant me the grace to meditate and apply your word daily.


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THE SUFFICIENCY OF ASHER. Dr I. D. Samuel Dispenses Light

A. The Exceeding Blessing and Surpassing Grace

After the recovery with Gad, we have the sufficiency of Asher. The account of Asher begins with the exceeding blessing and the surpassing grace. Deuteronomy 33:24 says, "Asher shall be blessed more than [the] sons; let him be favored among his brethren" (Heb.). Asher received the exceeding blessing and the foremost grace. Many of us are able to understand this language. In Dan’s apostasy we lost all the blessing and the grace, but in Gad’s victory the blessing was recovered and the grace was returned. Now in Asher we are enjoying the exceeding blessing and the surpassing grace.

B. The Rich Provision of Life

In Asher we also see the rich provision of life. Firstly, Asher has the rich provision for living and growing. Genesis 49:20 says, "Out of Asher his bread shall be fat, and he shall yield royal dainties." Deuteronomy 33:25 indicates that Asher also has the rich provision of life for fighting and building. The first part of this verse says, "Under thy sandals shall be iron and copper" (Heb.). The fat bread and royal dainties are for Asher’s living and growing, and the iron and copper are minerals for fighting and building. Asher certainly received the richest provision.

C. The Bountiful Supply of the Spirit
for Our Daily Walk

Asher also has the bountiful supply of the Spirit for his daily walk (Gal. 5:25). Deuteronomy 33:24 says, "Let him dip his foot in oil." This certainly is figurative speech. The spiritual significance of dipping the foot in oil is being full of the Spirit. In typology oil refers to the Spirit of God. Asher does not have a mere trickle of oil, but enough to dip his feet in. This means that in Asher we have the rich, bountiful supply of the Spirit (Phil. 1:19). Oh, we can walk in oil! A number of times in the Lord’s recovery I have had the sense that we are walking in oil. I worship, thank, and praise the Lord, saying, "Lord, this is too rich! The supply of the Spirit here is too rich! Our oil is so bountiful!" Do you have oil in which to dip your feet? We do. We have the fat bread, the royal dainties, and the rich, bountiful oil in which to dip our feet.

D. The Absolute Rest with Peace,
Strength, Security, and Sufficiency

Deuteronomy 33:25 says of Asher, "And as thy days, so shall thy rest be" (Heb.). When we have the exceeding blessing and surpassing grace, the rich provision of life, and the bountiful supply of the Spirit, we have absolute rest with peace, strength, security, and sufficiency. This was the experience of the Apostle Paul in Philippians 4:11-13. He was content in any situation. I can testify that this week I have had the deep sense that I am walking in oil and that I have satisfaction, peace, and rest. I have also been full of strength. Thus, I have security and sufficiency. The Lord is my Shepherd, and I have no want, shortage, or lack (Psa. 23:1). Instead of want, I am full of sufficiency. I have fat bread, royal dainties, deep oil, and iron and copper under my sandals. Everywhere there is provision. Hence, I am safe and secure, and I have rest and strength. Do you have the boldness to say that you have this security and sufficiency? Or would you say that this morning your wife gave you a difficult time and that you barely endured it? You need to be able to say, "This morning my wife gave me a difficult time. But praise the Lord that I walked in deep oil! Now I have rest, peace, security, strength, and sufficiency. My strength is as lasting as my days. As my days, so shall my rest, my security, and my sufficiency be." This is the experience of Asher.




The Oil of Acceptance

1 Samuel 18:5: So David went out wherever Saul sent him, and behaved wisely. And Saul set him over the men of war, and he was ACCEPTED in the sight of all the people and also in the sight of Saul’s servants


Just the same way the anointing of the Lord can make difficult things to be easy for someone, that is how it can as well cause someone to be accepted where others are rejected.

  • One of the major benefits of hosting the presence of God is that His presence comes with the oil of acceptance

In this discourse, I will show you two men that manifested this dimension of the anointing and what became of their lives.

  • Whenever the devil wants to disfavour a man, he will make him to be repulsive to people, especially those that will help him

Favour and Acceptance are connected to each other, whereas disfavour and rejection are connected. In the absence of the oil of acceptance, grace can’t find expression.

The men we shall consider their lives are David and Joseph. Don’t forget that these two men were custodians of divine presence no wonder why this anointing was visible in their lives.

You may carry grace, but if the anointing is not flowing that grace will be dormant.

  • 1 Samuel 18:5: So David went out wherever Saul sent him, and behaved wisely. And Saul set him over the men of war, and he was ACCEPTED in the sight of all the people and also in the sight of Saul’s servants



David had been in the bush all this while and there was grace upon his life, yet he was in the wilderness. But in chapter 16 of 1 Samuel, anointing landed on him, then in chapter 17, he was able to defeat Goliath and In chapter 18 he was now accepted. Did you see the progression?

It was after the anointing that he became visible and accepted. Before the anointing, he was in the bush but after the anointing, he was summoned to the palace. The anointing pulled him out of the wilderness and made him a man for all.

Look at that scripture once again. He was accepted in the sight of ALL the people and in the sight of Saul’s servant. Imagine what it is like when the Bible says, ALL the people accepted him. It means by implication, he was loved by ALL. When the bible says all, it is all because the bible does not exergerate.

See, if the oil of acceptance rubs off on your business, that business will command traffic. Everyone will desire to do business with you. Even if it is something not recognized you’re selling, once this anointing touches it, I tell you it will boom.

If this anointing lands on your career, you will be sought after by all men. If it is on your CV, that CV will command attention.

This moment I pray and declare over your life, let that same anointing come upon you now and lubricate every part of your life where there is a struggle in the name of Jesus.


  • When you are accepted, you are favoured
  • When you’re accepted, you’re recommended
  • When you’re accepted, you’re connected
  • When you’re accepted, you’re celebrated
  • When you’re accepted, you fight less…
  • When you’re accepted, you will be in high demand

It doesn’t really matter the school you graduated from, your past experiences or connections, if this oil starts flowing, you will be called to rise by all means. Oil of acceptance covers multitude of errors/mistakes.

When you are an accepted tailor, even your mistakes will become new design, but when that oil is not there, people will be finding fault with your work, even in the ones you think you did well…

David was accepted. When your ministry is accepted, that ministry will command the attention of men for the kingdom. The people will believe you at ease which will in turn command their blessings



Genesis 41:37: So the advice was good in the eyes of Pharaoh and in the eyes of all his servants.

This was concerning Joseph when he finished explaining the dream to Pharoah.

Now get this, Others must have given their own interpretation, but it wasn’t accepted until when Joseph gave his, and that was accepted. The anointing is at work.

God made it in such a way that it was not only Pharaoh that accepted it, also his cabinet accepted it. If it had been Pharaoh alone that accepted it, there would have been a problem, because his cabinet would confuse him and say no to it. But God made it an authentic acceptance. Thereby making it unable for anyone around to reject Joseph’s interpretation.

I pray for you today:

Both your friends and foe shall be conditioned by God in this season of your life to accept you…

Your voice, opinion, quotation, advice, counsel, prayers, declarations, presence, etc shall be accepted in the name of Jesus.

When you’re accepted you will experience Rest. You keep struggling and trying to explain yourself every now and then because you’ve not been accepted. You will keep trying to please people. But when the acceptance comes, all those things becomes unnecessary and that is when your rest will come.


Prayer bullets

  • O God I thank you for making your anointing available for me to enjoy its benefits
  • I thank you Lord for I know by the revelation of your word through this piece, the season of rejection has ended in my life.
  • O Lord in your mercy I ask that you release your oil of acceptance upon my career
  • O father break the jar of your oil of acceptance upon my head in this season
  • Today, let every hindrance to the flow of this oil in my life melt away in the name of Jesus
  • I decree and declare that favour shall accompany me all the days of my life by the release of this anointing
  • Thou power of God, synchronize every part of my being into your acceptance oil in the name of Jesus
  • I destroy every foundational resistance attacking me from being accepted in your sight and in the sight of people
  • O Lord cause my name to be accepted whenever it is mentioned among people
  • In the name of Jesus, I severe myself from every force of rejection and repulsion…
  • O God, cause everything in me that is polluting this oil in me to die a permanent death
  • Thou fire of God, burn into ashes every spirit saying concerning me, don’t accept him
  • Over my family O God make us sought after among men through the instrumentality of this anointing
  • Father Lord, concerning the works of my hand, use this anointing and cover my errors
  • I break free by the blood of Jesus from every curse resisting me from being accepted at all times.
  • Today, I decree and declare that the yoke of rejection is permanently broken in my life and family
  • Where I was rejected yesterday, I shall be accepted today in the name of Jesus.

Prophetic declarations

  • Concerning your marital destiny as a single, I declare your acceptance in the name of Jesus
  • I declare over your life, you shall always be accepted for goodwill in the name of Jesus.
  • Let this anointing of the Lord bring you into limelight where you shall be recognized and accepted.
  • Every one of your gifts or skills the enemy has caged from finding expression is released now in the name of Jesus.



"The end of things is near. Therefore, be clear-minded and self-controlled so that you can Pray'. 1 Peter 4:7 (NIV)


1 Peter 4:7-11


Genesis 46-47


What virtues are needed to be focused on in prayer and how do we develop them? Peter says that given eternity, Christians must have a focused prayer life. He talks about the virtues necessary to do this, a clear mind and being self-controlled.

The word translated as clear mind means to be in one's rightmind. In what way should a believer be in his right mind? Of course, the primary way a Christian does this is by having a biblical worldview. A mind that is full of Scripture is the only way that one can be in their right mind, and this is especially true in the context of suffering, where most people do not have the right mind. The second virtue

needed to have a focused prayer life in these last days is to be self-controlled. The word "self-controlled" can be translated as "sober" which means to be free of intoxicants, which can refer to both spiritual and physical intoxicants.

Christians can become intoxicated with materialism, idolatry, and worldly pursuits to pacify themselves during trials, and therefore, not have soberness in viewing the events happening around them. The Christian must have a right mind which is full of the Word. He must be alert--not given to intoxicants whether physical or spiritual. He must be alert to the attack of the devil, things that are happening in society, and the needs of others, and he must be self-controlled. All these things are  necessary to be focused on prayer.

Focused prayer is the only type of prayer appropriate in these

last hours.



A clear mind and self-control is needed for us to pray according to the will of God.

🙏🏿 *PRAYER* 

Lord give me the right mind and make me sober as I pray according to your will.



*Thursday 26th January 2023* ____ *TOPIC:* *PRAYER RENEWS STRENGTH




"An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him." (Luke 22:43)


Luke 22:40-35


Genesis 41-42


The world we live in is a world of power. Nothing operates successfully without being connected to a force or some form of energy: Spiritual or Physical.

As Christians, we are expected to express the power of God just as Jesus did. One of Je's success secrets was his prayer altar. His public appearance was mostly to manifest the power of God and not to generate the power of God (Acts 10:38). "He went about doing good, healing all that were sick and oppressed of the devil".

When we pray, we generate power to withstand the powers of

darkness, demonic influences and manifestations trying to take over our lives and environment. We must not pray for praying sake. A Scottish Queen named Mary once said "I fear the prayers of John Knox more than all the assembled armies of Europe". Through prayer one is turned into another man.

We should engage the force of prayer to manifest the will of God

on earth. "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven". Prayer is pivotal to the realization of this because the devil who the Bible describes as the ruler of this world and in some occasions is referred to as the prince of the power of the air will want absolute

control over the earth but we are expected to pray down the will of God as it is in heaven here on earth.

*Prayer is the means through which the supernatural is made available to natural men.* "Those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wing as Eagles, and they shall run and not grow weary, walk and not faint". Such

strength is not gotten from prayerlessness; it is a result of the secret place. Jesus being in anguish, prayed earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. No wonder h wondered about the agony of the cross.

Can we spend time in prayers just like Jesus did? We cannot remain

fragile, this world and its system do not answer to such men.



Prayer is a means and not an end, we keep praying until something happens.

🙏🏿 *PRAYER* 

Father, strengthen me to tarry in the place of prayer until my testimony manifest, in Jesus name.


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"Keep alert and pray. Otherwise, the temptation will overpower you..."(Matt. 26:41, NIV).


Matthew 26:36-41;

Colossians 4:2.


Genesis 38-40


Situations in our land today call for vigorous prayer. It is time to be awakened in spirit as soldiers of God. A good Christian is expected to be vigilant and walk in the spirit to overcome the menace of satan these days. Prayer plays an important role in a believer's life. It is the act of expressing petitions and communication with God. 

A few years ago, a brother was coming from Church and was kidnapped. In the process of making contact with his family for ransom, the kidnappers found a bible in his bag. They told him vividly that they would not kill him. Rather, they beat him mercilessly and dumped him by the roadside with his hands and face tied. A little after, a good passer-by assisted him and took him home. If that brother had not been a prayerful person who spends quality time in the church and the presence of God, would he have survived? Always watch and pray.

Before the arrest and crucifixion of Jesus Christ, He entered Gethsemane with His disciples. As a human being, His heart was heavy and He asked his disciples to watch and pray while He would go further and tarry before the Father. Surprisingly when He returned, He met His disciples sleeping. These devout men of God could not watch and pray for just one hour. Remember, when the devil is working, he blocks every man's sense of reasoning. Every idea is gone. At this juncture in our nation, a lot of Christians are facing one persecution or the other. The solution to this is to pray rather than murmur. Apostle Paul encouraged the Colossians to pray earnestly with thanksgiving. A prayer of thanksgiving is a prayer answered. The Colossians had to believe that God had answered their prayer.

Christianity is a religion of faith and belief. Do not wait until problems come before you pray. Fervent prayer averts ugly situations and makes impossibility possible.



Pray in season and out of season so that you will not enter into temptation.

🙏🏿 *PRAYER* 

God, I pray that every moment of my life is covered with the blood of Jesus. Amen


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"Then Samuel took a stone, and set it between Mizpeh and Shen, called the name of it Ebenezer, saying, hitherto hath the Lord helped us" (1 Samuel 7: 12).

1 Samuel 7: 7-17

Genesis 35-37

Actually the war in this chapter can be compared to that of chapter 4:1-10, the Philistines made a mistake, it was God not just the ark that was in the midst or with the people of Israel.

The people cried out unto God through Samuel the prophet for an immediate help of refuge and deliverance, the people did not depend on their own strength or power to deliver them. Samuel made a sacrifice to God and God acted on their

Where you seek solution and help from in times of trouble really matters a lot. Samuel's prayers and sacrifices to God gave them victory over their arch enemies. God is a mighty warrior, He has war tactics, and God can handle your life challenges if only you will cry to him for help.

Many times in life when issues arise, we think they are for our doom, but whereas some of them have occurred for God's name to be glorified. When we see the text, God used that situation to subdue the enemies of the Israelites, so also God can use some situations to silent and subdue the issues surrounding our lives. God can use issues and challenges to recover some lost virtues to us especially when we engage in prayer. God is our defender He will fight for us.
God can fight for us, our faith in him determines how far He will go with us.

My heavenly Father, fight for me in the battles of life and help me subdue my enemies. In the name of Yeshua, the Christ.
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"Jesus said to them, 'come and eat breakfast. Yet none of the disciple dared ask Him, who are you? knowing that it was the Lord. Jesus then came and took the bread and gave it to them and likewise the fish". (John 21:12, 13, NKJV)


John 21:1-13


Genesis 32-34


Peter and other apostles were in various occupations when Jesus called them to follow Him. For the three years of Jesus earthly ministry, there was no record of any of the apostles going back to his previous occupation. Within those three years they followed Jesus, they did not lack anything. He provided everything they needed: food, shelter, money, protection, leadership and others.

While Jesus was still in the grave, Peter was overwhelmed by the thought of what to eat and drink. He forgot in a jiffy how Jesus took care of them. Hence, he told six other apostles with him that he was going back to fishing. They joined him immediately.

This is a true picture of what many people who are called into the ministry are doing today. The concern for personal care and family welfare outweighs concern for the ministry. These people give most of their time to mundane things in the name of tent making. They forget that Apostle Paul was also involved in tent making, yet he gave all of his life in preaching the Gospel of Grace to the Gentiles. People of God, the ministry is your primary call, don't leave it to go back a fishing. God will take care of you. 

The abandonment of the Master's primary assignment to the believers is not peculiar to the ministers of the gospel alone. Many members regard it as the work of the pastors. May I remind you that the Great commission is an assignment to all believers.

Peter and his colleagues caught nothing throughout the night; yet,

in the morning Jesus fed them with bread and fish that was divinely provided. Don't abandon God's assignment to you

because of the cares of this life. God will take adequate care of you.


If Jesus has called you, don't go back a fishing else you will catch nothing.

🙏🏿 *PRAYER* 

Lord, help me to always remember that you care for me.





"He refreshes and restores my life (myself), He leads me in the paths of righteousness (uprightness and right standing with Him, not for my earning it but) for his name's sake" (Psalm 23:3 AVB)


Ephesians 2:1-10


Genesis 30-31


Sometimes I hear some people boasting and asking, "Do you know me? Do you know who I am? I am this and I am that." What goes on in my mind when I hear this is that they are ignorant of who they are. Even those of us who are believers in Christ sometimes speak and behave as if God's mercy and salvation we received by His grace were earned as a result of our good deeds and righteousness. Prophet Jeremiah said that it was because of the Lord's great love and mercy that we are not consumed, for His compassion never fails (Lam. 3:22). We were saved, healed, delivered and prospered because of God's great love and mercy and not by merit.

David said, "Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to your name is the glory, because of your love and faithfulness" (Psalm 115:1). Whatever we are or have is by God's grace and mercy. We should recognize God as the Owner of our lives and all we have, no matter the level of grace and wisdom we operate on. When Paul and Barnabas were given glory due to God and great and mind-blowing names were ascribed to them for the great miracle God wrought through them, they refused to take the glory (Acts 14:8-16). May we not be tempted to take the glory due God.

The miracles of blessings, deliverance, healings and promotions we receive from God are not a result of our righteousness but for His name's sake. Paul said, "Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of His knowledge by us in every place" (II Cor. 2:14). Christ is the one who makes us prosper. He is the one who leads us to triumph in all the ways we go. No matter our anointing, academic prowess, leadership acumen etc, the credit must go to God. Let us give all the glory to the Almighty God for who He is and for what He does.



We are what we are by God's grace and not by merit. Let us glorify Him in our lives.

🙏🏿 *PRAYER* 

Oh Lord, help me to be humble no matter how blessed and great I am. May I always remember to put you first in my life?


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"For I know the plan I have for you" declares the Lord "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to gve you hope amd a futuare."Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT)


James 4:13-16


Genesis 27-29


God knows the importance of plans and confidently stated that He is well aware of those plans and the strategies therein to prosper His children.

Therefore, it is eminent for us to plan because our Heavenly Father is a Master Planner. No wonder He never fails. A wise man once said, "If you fail to plan you are planning to fail". Knowing that we don't have absolute authority to establish our thoughts, therefore it becomes pertinent for us to yield to God's plan. Although, our plans should be connected to our purpose and resolution, we must allow God to be in control. Think ahead and plan your day; then live each of those days one at a time. And change the plans if the Lord wants you to do so. But never live without a plan.

Consider this:

✓ Put your desires/strategies in writing -Hab. 2:2

✓ Meditate on your plans - Philippians 4:8

✓ Pray for your plans - Prov. 16:9

✓ Follow up on your plans - Prov. 21:25

A penned down plan is like an architectural design on a paper, praying over it is like getting Government approval, meditating over the plan is like equipping yourself for the project and following up on your plans is like leading a supervisory role; actions are exerted on the plan and it transforms into a visible project aimed at achieving result.



A goal without a plan is just a wish.

🙏🏿 *PRAYER* 

Lord, I hand over my plans to you, help me to accomplish all that you have for me.


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"For I know the thoughts I think towards you, saith the Lord; thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end" (Jeremiah 29:11).


Deuteronomy 2:4-9


Genesis 25-26



God has a plan for everyone and everything. Within this plan, He has a set of steps, rules, and instructions that will take you to the appointed place. Very important to this plan is the ability to hear from God. To hear when He tells you to make a move, not to make a move, to recognize a God-given opportunity, to recognize the answer to prayers, or when something comes and it looks like the answer but is not the answer.

Many times, when we have been waiting for an extended period for God's plan to come into action, something comes along that looks like God's answer but it isn't. At those times we should

remember that God gave us a specific covenant and He will fulfill it. So we shouldn't settle for less or for what looks like it but isn't it.

The children of Israel in today's passage were told not to possess any of the lands they passed through because those who dwell in those lands were also His covenant children, the children of Esau. God told Israel to move forward, not to so much as disturb anyone in those lands and not to strike fear in their hearts but to look forward to their expected land. The places they were passing through resembled the good land God told them He would give them but it wasn't it!.

Sometimes it may look like it but it isn't it. That's where wisdom and diligence come in. You need the wisdom to know God's plan, God's steps, and God's instructions. You need the diligence to stick with the plan in face of all odds. God's plans are precise and infallible and will never fail. God's plan will never fail in your life in Jesus' name.



God's plan for you is precise and perfect, don't settle for less.

🙏🏿 *PRAYER* 

Lord, give me wisdom to stick to your plan, to recognize and understand the steps you're taking me through, and may your plan never fail in my life, or the lives of my descendants.


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Marriage is honourable in ALL, and the bed undefiled. Hebrews 13:4. God is the one who instituted marriage and ordained it Genesis 2:24. As a result, he alone has the answer to every marital issue. He has given us his word in the Bible to guide us into a blissful marriage. However, many have deviated from biblical principles and embraced worldly ideologies because they think that modern civilization is the answer to realizing their marital bliss. Consequently, many marriages are in shambles today.

On this note, every first Sunday of the month of February is our Covenant Day Of Marital Bliss.

This year we are privileged to receive the ministry of  Past. Chris Ofuani, the founder of Relationship Lifeline Network International.

He will be a blessing to us.

Come with your spouses and family and friends.

Sunday 5th February 2023

Time: 8 am

God bless you as you pray and plan to be part of this.




"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. For thou art with me, thy rod and thy staff they comfort me". Psalm 23:4.


Timothy 1: 6-8, Joshua 1:6-9.


Genesis 22-24


Boldness is an expression of courage whereas fear is a symptom of lack of courage. We as people of God have all it takes to be courageous, we can name and count them. The Lord is our shepherd so he is our guide, our defender, our provider. He cares for us, God is there for us in every situation, he is our joy and our salvation, he is our hope and stay in times of trouble. He has all that we need in terms of wealth and health, protection and security. He holds our future, above all he forgives our sins, his power is above all powers.

The psalmist saw it in these ways and declared "yea though I walk through difficulties that amounts to death; though I am

surrounded by perpetrators of evil, though there are conspiracies of evil meant to bring me down or take my life, bold enough he said I shall fear no evil. Why? Because God's discipline is my comfort, if my soul wonders away, God in his

infinite mercy will restore me.

The word of God gives us the courage we need to face all life challenges; as courageous Christians we must be bold enough to proclaim our stand in every situation even before death.

No surrender no retreat for the enemy, he can roar as much as he can, we are not afraid and shall never be afraid. We live for Jesus day after day let come what may. Boldly we will always

overcome. Jesus spoke to his disciples and said why are you so fearful? How is it you have no faith? Mark 4:40. Rise in faith and manifest your boldness for we have not received the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind 2 Timothy 1:7



We need to be bold as Lion in the face of our circumstances and challenges.

🙏🏿 *PRAYER* 

Lord help us to be bold in the face of our circumstances.


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"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his ife and children, his brothers and sisters - yes even his own life - he cannot be my disciple" (Luke 14:26 NIV).

Genesis 12:1-5; 21:12-14.

Genesis 19-21

In our society these days we hear and see people taking hard decisions that never augur well with them. Young men join secret cults where they practice terrible and unbelievable things that rend hearts in order to make money. Sometime in 2021, I read about a young man who killed his old mother and removed her private organs for money ritual. Some of these heartless young men have been asked to have sex with mad women, drink water from corpses or use their private organs in order to acquire power and fame. They take all these hard decisions for temporary and mundane things but at the end they die shameful death and go to hell fire.

Unlike the people of the world God wants us to take hard decisions
for better results. Abraham received the call of God with mind-
blowing promises to be blessed, to be a blessing to the world and become father of many nations. For such blessings to materialize, he needed to leave his environment (Gen. 12:1-5), forfeit his rights (Gen. 13:1-18), send Ishmael and his mother, Hagar away.
(Gen. 21:9-14) and finally sacrifice his son, Isaac (Gen. 22:1-18).

True and practical Christianity also requires taking hard decisions. Good things do not come easy. The Lord Jesus did not hide the truth about the cost of Christianity from His followers (Matt. 10:38). It is a hard decision to accept Jesus Christ as one's personal Lord and Saviour and do His biddings. It is also a hard decision to answer the call of God into full-time ministry. God may at one time or the other require us to take some hard decisions that will bring about the fulfilment of his promises upon our lives. He may interfere in our plans and programmes. He may require us to give up our pleasures and well cherished place of honour for His purpose. At last we shall see victory and glorify His name. Let us obey Him.
Accepting Christ as our Lord and Saviour, doing His birthday biddings and even answering His call into full-time ministry are hard decisions that bring about better results.

Lord help me and give me the grace to obey your Commands at all times.
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"Do not be afraid of sudden terror, nor of trouble from the wicked when it cometh. (Proverbs 3: 25).


Proverb 3: 25-30


Genesis 16-18


Moments, when we experience the unexpected, have been funny for any believer, even nonbelievers. We are caught up in the web of unpreparedness, it could be a sudden en attack, sudden loss of a loved one, sudden breakdown,

terrorist attack.

Sometimes, there could be warning about these things but they are not easily accepted. Terror is a threatening act, hazardous in nature, such events take away the sense of safety and leave victims helpless and depressed.

Terror can come naturally in the form of wind as storms or calamity.However, and which way it comes, it is good to know that God is available during these unexpected. Sudden terror has left people in traumatized shock, or emotional breakdown, leading to

depression, hopelessness and helplessness.

The word of God promised us that the Lord is always near to them that trust in him, "And the Lord shall help them and deliver them, he shall help them from the wicked and save them because they trust in him" Psalm 37:40

Believers are encouraged not to live in fear of sudden terror or troubles that come suddenly from the wicked when it comes. Some of those disasters are not avoidable they overrun nobody who expected them. We should make God our confidence because he cannot fail us. The government security can fail us, personal connection can fail us, self-protection can fail, but the name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous will run into it and is saved. Proverbs 18:10.

You therefore shall never be consumed when sudden terrors come upon you. The Lord shall deliver you, your tent shall be secured and He will keep your feet from being caught.



Through God's help we can b,e safe in moments of sudden terror.

🙏🏿 *PRAYER* 

 God help me to trust you in moments of unexpected unexpected



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"Sex is sweet. SEX IS POISONOUS (Must Read)


Most downfalls of men are caused by MULTIPLE girlfriends.

Sex is a spiritual encounter I stand to be corrected, not every girl has a good spirit, some are demon, and some has

poison in between their legs.

Some are killers and destiny destroyers, be careful. The worst is a man who can't control his sexual urge.

A man who can control his sexual urge is a man who can live many years on earth.

1. Having many girlfriends does not make you a man. It only makes you a womanizer, a cheat, a sinner and a boy.

2. A real man has only one woman(wife) in his life.

3. For the fact that you are good in bed does not make you a man. A real man is a man who does not run away from his responsibility but faces it squarely.

4. You don't need to sag your trousers and walk around the street before girls will love you.

It is only small boys that sag trousers and it is premature little girls that fall in love with men who sag trousers.

5. Don't use and dump women. Remember the law of karma. Whatever you do, you will receive the reward.

6. If you cannot make her your wife, don't make her a mother. If she can't be your wife don't sleep with her.

7. Do not obey your erection at all times. Most times your erections mislead you in the wrong direction.

Control your erection. Don't let your erection control you. If you don't you will have few days on earth with much poverty on you.

You may insult me but it doesn't matter to me now, because am done telling you this.

8. It is not everything you see under the skirt that you should hustle to eat, some skirts contain snakes that will bite you and leave you uncomfortable. Control your sexual urge. Self-control and abstinence in most cases pay a lot.

9. Do not date a lady because she has sexy curves, boobs and shapes. Those things are just packaging; and

packaging can be very deceptive avoid such and don't fall for what's called the irony of Social Media.

10. Respect any lady that loves you. Yes, it's not easy for a lady to throw her love on you and support your future.

11. Do not beat a woman, even if she is not your wife.

12. Real men don't gossip. Learn to keep secrets shared with you by a Lady that is what makes you a man enough to enjoy the comfort of a lady.

13. The world only celebrates successful men. Nobody will celebrate you for having many girlfriends.

Therefore, what is the benefit? Waste of energy and waste of protein.

14. Marrying a woman doesn't mean she is your property. Treat her with respect. Make her your queen, love, and honour and give her a reason to treat you the same. Remember, what you give is what you get.

Finally, Don’t be a cheating man. You’re losing your life. You think you are playing the game and winning, but you are losing.

You can get over on some women but you can’t fool your Creator. You will reap what you sow, so you better start trying to grow good things.

Juggling women doesn’t make you a man. Being honest, loyal & faithful that's the trademark of a real man.

May God bless your relationship.




"Be strong and quit yourselves like men O ye Philistines that ye be not servants unto the Hebrews, as they have been to you: quit yourselves like men

and fight."Sam 4: 6)


1 Samuel 4: 6-11, 4:9


Job 40-42


Challenges abound in life and in the midst of such we must wake up to face our challenges. You know the tides need to change from "Fire on the mountain, run, run, run, run to fire on the mountain quench, quench, quench. There comes a time in a man's life to decide "Enough is enough."" You must be courageous enough to stand headlong and confront your fears and doubts.

A report from the Ukraine Embassy in Britain on Saturday, February 26, 2022 in the hit of the Russian attack on the people of Ukraine, the Ukraine President turned down an offer by President Joe Biden to take him out of the capital city (Kyiv) for safety. The Ukraine President was quoted, *"The fight is here I need ammunition not a ride." With speculation and propaganda stating that he had gone on self-exile, he declared in a live interview "I am here showing a video of himself in Kyiv, Ukraine.

This epitomizes courage, who would have thought that the Ukrainian President, a Comedian turned Politician will be so courageous to withstand the almighty Putin" and Russia? When

we pick the courage to confront some life threatening situations,

then we shall realize that the things we fear are not as fierce as we thought. Even if they are, we can courageously overcome our fears. Most times we are victimized by our fears.

The Philistines knowing the antecedents of the Israelites in respect to war, were gripped by fears when they heard the shout from the camp of the Israelites, they almost gave up but a word of encouragement from one of them "Be strong and quit yourselves like men O! Ye Philistines... quit yourselves like men and fight".

Today, maybe there are situations that are challenging your life and

faith, you feel like throwing in the towel, don't yet! Arise to the challenge and fight like the child of God that you are. You just need the required ammunitions and not a ride. Tell the devil you are still alive and it is not time to quit. Make sure you do all that is required to stand then you stand there for your victory.



Never give life to your yesterday's battle because it may take away life from your today's victory.

🙏🏿 *PRAYER* 

 My Father and Maker, I ask for courage to stand, confront and overcome all enemies of my life spiritual and physical.



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What Is The Open Heaven Concept?


The idea of “open heaven” is growing in popularity among Charismatics today, who look for tangible proof of heaven on earth and see times of God’s presence being poured out over the life of an individual, a church, a city, or a nation. Such “open heaven” times are characterized by revival, outpoured blessings, and manifestations of God’s glory and power. A window in heaven has been opened, and those under the opening experience miracles, healings, wealth, and other blessings.

Therefore an open heaven is a season of blessing when the revelation is bountiful through God’s apostles and prophets, God’s people experience visitations from angels, God’s presence dwells among us, and the church receives an influx of wealth and financial resources.

I want to point to various passages of Scripture in which they say a season of open heaven occurred. Isaiah 64:1 is a primary passage: “Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down, that the mountains would tremble before you!” Other open heaven passages cited include Ezekiel’s vision in the first chapter of his book, Jesus’ baptism in Matthew 3:16, Jesus’ promise to Nathanael in John 1:51, Stephen’s martyrdom in Acts 7:54–61, John’s vision in Revelation 4, and “Jacob’s ladder” in Genesis 28.

Based on these passages, we believe that God is again sending seasons of open heavens with more and more frequency. They see modern-day apostles emerging, angels appearing, the voice of God thundering, and new revelation pouring forth as God makes His presence known.

Maranda Curtis’s song “Open Heaven” details some of the “open heaven” beliefs: “We are under an open heaven / Where His glory shall be revealed / Where the sin, sick all shall heal / We are under an open heaven / We are under an open heaven / Where his power shall overflow / Where the broken shall be made whole.” Likewise, the Pentecostal band Hillsong Worship has a song called “Open Heaven (River Wild)” that speaks of signs and wonders, dreams and visions, and an “Open heaven / Crashing over me.” Also, there are numerous Christian books currently with “Open Heaven” in their titles.

Part of the purpose of seeking an “open heaven” is to have God become more real in our lives as we move away from ritualism into a deeper relationship with Him. Such a goal is worthy, but the open heaven movement, like many trends in the Charismatic realm, moves away from Scripture as the sole source of truth, substituting experience, modern-day prophecies, and a yearning for the exceptional