" His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with few things; I will put you in charge of many things. (Matthew 25:23. NIV)
Matthew 25:14-30
Exodus 7-9
Living for God and doing His kingdom business demand taking bold steps or risks. There is no risk-free zone or
playing it safe. Jesus told a parable about a master who gave his servants money to invest. In the story, a certain man went on a journey and entrusted his financial resources to three servants. When he returned, he received and evaluated their transactions. Two servants had invested what they received and earned more. The master praised them both, by saying, "Well done, good and faithful servant!" However, the third servant explained that out of fear he hid what he received and did nothing. He was rebuked and thrown out of the house.
Among others, this parable teaches important truths about success and failure from God's perspective. It shows that success stems largely from faithfulness and obedience and failure from unfaithfulness and disobedience. The servant who failed made
excuses and rationalized his inaction, instead of acknowledging his lack of wisdom, laziness, and wickedness. How often do we rationalize our weaknesses and laziness instead of taking responsibility for outcomes?
Today, our text reminds us that we have all been entrusted with various resources and talents, which we should actively invest in for the benefit of society and the glory of our heavenly Father. Our resources and talents may differ according to God's sovereign choice and each person's ability, but in any case, there is no risk-free zone. Faith does not make any task simple but makes it possible. God has given everyone abilities and we are stewards of what we've been given.
How are you approaching your assignment? Are you doing it out of fear or faith? The third servant was paralyzed by fear, while the first two stepped out in faith. Understand that there is no risk-free zone. Step out in faith!
Our resources may differ according to God's sovereign choice and each person's ability but faithfulness and obedience to God are key to success.
Lord, show me how to use faithfully and wisely everything You put into my hands.
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